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Updated on: 29th May 2021
ADL 525 Analytics for Education and Learning Assessment Sample SUSS, Singapore

ADL 525 Analytics for Education and Learning Assessment Sample SUSS, Singapore

In this sample assessment, we shall be discussing the ADL525 Analytics for Education and Learning. This a level five course offered by the Singapore University of Singapore University also known as SUSS. This course commences every January and holds 5 Credit Units.

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ADL525 Analytics for Education and Learning permits students to capture how crude records could and ought to be taken care of together. This helpful information can be taken out from the data.

Moreover, An understanding society manages the cost of novel and fundamental inquiries of what records technique. Plus, how to utilize it capably and pleasantly.

Uniquely, the most recent presentation of large records and investigation has amplified the inquiry. Plus, sets out both freedom and problem for endeavors and foundations, alongside teachers.

Furthermore, this course includes several important topics. Some of these are, as mentioned below: Data analysis techniques, Fundamental Statistics, and  Descriptive techniques in analytics. In addition, it also covers the likes of Predictive models in analytics, Statistics and modeling, and Data management.

Moving on, we shall be looking at the learning outcomes of the same in the next section of the sample assessment. Thus, without further adieu:

Learning outcome of ADL525 Analytics for Education and Learning

As we read, this course is quite a complex one. Thus, it covers several different topics. As a result, this course has several important Learning outcomes. Learning outcomes refers to the skills or knowledge obtained throughout the stretch of the course.

In this section of the sample assessment, we shall be looking at these learning outcomes in detail. Therefore, these are, as mentioned below:

What is meant by the assessment of different data analysis techniques?

In this field of education and learning, there are several different data analysis techniques. All of these techniques are quite important. Therefore, students of this course are taught to assess these different techniques. This technique is related to data analysis. This helps students understand each technique and its advantages better.

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Discuss main data analysis principles

As we known every major concept is governed by principles, Thus, this is no different. For that reason,  students enrolled in ADL525 Analytics for Education and Learning discuss just the same. Students are taught and discuss the major principles of data analysis.

Explain educational analytics and Examine its use

This is one of the most important learning outcomes of ADL525 Analytics for Education and Learning. As such, students are taught to examine the various different uses of educational analytics. This helps them better understand the same and improve its application.

What is the best approach to present findings?

In the field of search of any concerned area, finding are the most crucial aspect.  In addition to this, there are several different approaches to present these findings. For that reason, students are taught to conduct an evaluation of different presentation approaches.

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