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Updated on: 17th Jul 2021
ADL527 Learning Needs Analysis Assignment Sample of SUSS, Singapore

ADL527 Learning Needs Analysis Assignment Sample of SUSS, Singapore

In this assignment sample, we will be discussed the ADL527 Learning Needs Analysis Assignment sample of SUSS, Singapore. The future of education is about finding out what learners need and then giving it to them.

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This course explores the different approaches used in identifying these needs, as well as the benefits LNA has for students who may be struggling with certain skills or concepts. Students will have hands-on sessions where they use a comprehensive process that analyzes learning habits individually before designing a personalized curriculum all on their own!

The course’s aim is to impart the theories of learning and how they can be used by educators to create a better teaching environment for students. The course will also teach students about creating personalized courses by assessing different aspects of their learning needs.

This course was designed to help students who want to boost their confidence in passing different subjects. Students will get the chance to work on group projects that will help them achieve their goals. This also gives them a way to improve their teamwork skills and have better communication among friends.

With LNA, students can individually find out which areas they need improvement in order to pass subjects such as Math, Science, Geography or even Language Arts! The lessons are designed especially for each learning style so everyone will benefit from this unique course!

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At the end of this course, the student will be able to understand ADL527 Learning Needs Analysis with the help of the following learning outcomes

1. Discuss key concepts in learning needs Analysis

A learning needs analysis (LNA) is a purposeful and systematic process that seeks to gather data on learners’ current skills, needs for certain skills, and conditions under which they will be using these new skills.

Learning needs analyses are conducted in order to make instructional decisions more effectively so it’s best that LNA does not include the following:

  • Discussions about personal attributes of learners such as age, gender, or ethnicity that cannot be verified with empirical evidence;
  • Any language is other than English. Learning needs analyses should only measure learning outcomes in English. If you require assessment of specific language skills in this program then you’ll need a separate study to assess these competencies;

2. Examine the rationale of conducting learning needs analysis

The rationale for conducting a learning needs analysis is to examine current problems and identify if there are any necessary changes. This will determine whether training is necessary or not. As a result, the organization spends less on new training that may be unnecessary while simultaneously focusing its resources on areas that are proven to have an impact on performance metrics.

What we found out was in order to conduct effective learning needs analysis it’s important to keep our minds open to all possibilities yet focused enough that we can make decisions rather than simply starting with what seems best at first glance and then making decisions without careful introspection of all options available (Collins, 2012).

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3. Relate the various stages in the learning needs assessment process to their objectives

We can relate the various stages in the learning needs assessment process through:

  • Defining and clarifying the problem or issue to be dealt with (Phase A)
  • Gathering data about current conditions and documenting what is known (Phase B)
  • Comparing explanations for the problem or issue to hypotheses justifying an intervention, identifying a feasible intervention, generating questions about relationships between them, establishing research parameters, conducting exploratory analyses of data related to assumptions about interventions and outcomes.  This phase may include an examination of how information from this context relates to other contexts. (Phase C)
  • Collecting data and analyzing evidence in support of a theory or experiment plan concerning solutions that will contribute towards resolving this problem.

4. Demonstrate the ability to extract, organize and analyze datasets in the learning needs analysis process

The Learning needs analysis process is often found to be an important part of a strategic design process. It should help us understand the needs of our stakeholders and guide subsequent activities like designing, prototyping, and testing. The entire purpose of this activity is to identify the learning needs that must be addressed by the instructional design team in order to create quality courseware.

  • Collect data about desired skills and abilities
  • Profile analysis to examine data for patterns or insights
  • Document findings in synthesis document (PDF)
  • Compare training with known knowledge, attitudes, performance traits, identified gaps in knowledge, etc.

In order to demonstrate our ability to organize in the learning needs analysis process, we need some context. This includes describing who is currently doing this task and what their role entails as well as how we will take over that job and do it better. We also need a description of the problem that person is currently facing, why they are struggling with this issue, how our solution differs from theirs, and finally how long or what resources it will require for us to complete that function on their behalf. Carefully documenting your current workflow will help clearly convey how you’ll benefit from using all CRI training courses for work-related purposes.

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5. Design integrated learning needs analysis to support developmental goals

Designing an integrated learning need analysis to support developmental goals can include a variety of steps. Depending on the situation, these could include:

  • Research and documentation related to the student’s interests. This will help create an environment that is relevant for the individual.
  • Learning activities that promote high levels of cognitive challenge coupled with socio-emotional supports in order to facilitate sophisticated levels of engagement and language development. These new skills can also be transferred in other contexts for better life outcomes.
  • A collaborative process among several professionals including parents, teachers, therapists (if needed), administrators, etcetera in order to come up with creative strategies through which law enforcement interventions are preemptively thwarted by using persuasion rather than sanctions.

6. Recommend appropriate learning provisions required based on learning needs analysis finding

Learning provisions should be based on the findings of a learning needs analysis, which will help to identify what aspects of competency are needed.

After these competencies have been identified, the next step is to create clear training objectives for each one. When creating a training objective for an aspect of competency, there are five key ingredients that will ensure that it is successful:

1) What does this competency look like? This includes defining and clarifying the values and skills associated with this component of learning provision;

2) Who should be involved in developing or contributing ideas for this competence requirement? Include what their input may entail;

3) Why does this competence matter? Similarly, including how it contributes to the organization;

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