ADL565 Critical Inquiry into Socio-Political Contexts of Education and Learning SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore
This course will explore the purposes, presuppositions and implications of major approaches to understanding curriculum. We aim at critically examining these perspectives as well as value commitments that undergird content choices in educational environments – from pedagogical methods used by teachers or administrators alike all while interrogating assumptions about what it means “to educate” someone on behalf of their culture .
A diverse range thinkers’ ideas are discussed within this context including Social constructionists vs discovery tuition advocates for example.
This aims to question, interrogate and expand your learning horizons. You will be exposed to a variety of different concepts from across the spectrum which should help you understand how other people think about problems in education more than just through one perspective or another!
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Assignment Brief 1: Discuss the meaning, significance and implications of different theories of curriculum on educational or learning practice.
There are a number of different theories of curriculum, each with its own meaning, significance and implications for educational or learning practice. One of the most influential theories is the behaviorist theory of Burrhus Frederic Skinner, which advocates a highly structured, didactic approach to teaching and learning. According to Skinner, children learn best through a system of rewards and punishments that are intended to shape their behavior.
Another important theory is the progressive education theory of John Dewey, which emphasizes the importance of activity-based learning and hands-on experience in the classroom. Dewey believed that schools should provide students with opportunities to engage in problem solving and creativity, as well as develop their social skills.
Each of these theories has a different notion of what constitutes the curriculum. For each of these theorists, a concept is included in their respective curricula that would not be considered a part of the other’s.
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Assignment Brief 2: Analyse key epistemic, social, philosophical and/or political concepts surrounding education or learning.
There are a few key epistemic, social, philosophical and/or political concepts surrounding education or learning.
One key concept is the Socratic idea that the only thing a true philosopher needs is wisdom, which can be obtained through learning. This ties in with the fundamental belief of democracy that all citizens should be able to think for themselves and make informed decisions. So one key goal of education is to help students develop their own thinking and reasoning skills.
Another important concept is John Dewey’s model of learning, which emphasises the importance of experience and reflection in the learning process. Dewey believed that educators should focus on providing students with opportunities to learn through exploration and collaboration, rather than teaching them information straight out of a textbook.
Another key concept is epistemology, the study of knowledge. From an epistemological point of view, having certain beliefs doesn’t mean that those beliefs are necessarily true. It’s possible for people to believe things that are false. So one goal of education should be to teach students how to examine their own beliefs and make sure they aren’t believing something false.
However, the idea that education should help students develop their own thinking skills can conflict with the goals of democracy if it causes students to doubt facts which are difficult to change through one’s own reasoning. For example, many people in democratic societies believe in evolution because they trust what scientists say about this topic.
Assignment Brief 3: Evaluate how values shape learning or educational content and practice
Our individual values definitely shape how we learn and what content we prioritize in our education. For example, someone who values obedience and conformity may be more likely to focus on a curriculum that emphasizes these traits, while someone who values independence and critical thinking may be more likely to gravitate towards educational materials that allow for more exploration and questioning.
It’s also worth noting that the educational system as a whole often reflects the dominant value systems of the society in which it exists. In other words, certain subjects or areas of study may be given more weight or emphasis than others, based on the prevailing belief system of the time. This is why it’s so important for us to question both our own personal values as well as the larger cultural narratives around us.
Values shape learning and educational content and practice in a number of ways. One way is that different families or cultures may have different values, which can lead to disagreements about what is appropriate or acceptable to learn in school.
Another way values shape learning is by influencing how educators think about the purpose of education. For example, if someone believes that the purpose of education is to help students get good jobs, they might teach different content than if someone believes that the purpose of education is to help students become well-rounded individuals.
Finally, values also influence how educators think about assessment and whether they emphasize memorization or critical thinking skills.
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Assignment Brief 4: Critique at least one example of curriculum from your organization or an authentic context based on the purposes or outcomes of education or learning.
At our organization, we believe that the best way to learn is to be immersed in an authentic context. That’s why all of our curriculum is based on real-world scenarios and problems that students can relate to. We also believe that hands-on learning is the best way to learn, so our courses are filled with activities and projects that challenge students to use their knowledge and skills in new ways.
By giving students a chance to apply what they learn in class, we help them see how the information they’re learning can be used in the real world.
The problem with a lot of curricula is that it’s not authentic. It’s not based on the real world, and it doesn’t help students learn in a way that prepares them for life after school.
For example, one of the purposes of education is to help people become better citizens. But most civics classes don’t actually teach students about how to be good citizens. They teach them about things like the Constitution and voting, but they don’t teach students how to have meaningful conversations with people who have different opinions or how to work together to solve problems.
Another purpose of education is to help people find jobs. But most job training programs teach people how to do things that are no longer relevant in the modern workplace.
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Assignment Brief 5: Appraise the role of inquiry or higher-order thinking as they occur in your organization or an authentic context.
Inquiry or higher-order thinking is essential in any organization or authentic context. It allows for problem solving, creativity, and critical thinking – all of which are necessary for success.
One way to promote inquiry is to create a culture of questioning. This can be done by encouraging employees to ask questions and by providing them with the tools and resources they need to find answers. Another way to promote inquiry is through professional development opportunities that allow employees to learn new skills and explore new ideas.
Inquiry is also essential in creating meaningful learning opportunities for students. By encouraging students to ask questions and think critically, we help them develop the skills they need to be successful in life.
Educators can promote inquiry in their classrooms by asking thoughtful questions, providing resources for students to find answers, and encouraging them to think critically. Professional development opportunities that give teachers the opportunity to learn about new tools or techniques are also essential in creating an inquisitive classroom environment.
Assignment Brief 6: Propose ways in which education or learning ought to be reformed based on various epistemic, social, philosophical and/or political concepts.
Various epistemic, social, philosophical and/or political concepts can be taken into account for reforming education or learning.
One example would be to focus on problem-based learning instead of teacher-centered instruction. Problem-based learning approaches involve posing complex real-world problems to students and encouraging them to work collaboratively in order to find solutions. This type of learning is more motivating and engaging for students, and it helps them develop the skills they need to think critically and solve problems.
Another approach that could be beneficial is self-directed learning. This involves giving students the opportunity to learn at their own pace and in their own way, with as little interference from teachers as possible. This allows students to explore topics that interest them and to construct their own knowledge.
Self-directed learning also involves encouraging students to be active participants in the learning process, rather than passive recipients of information. By engaging with material in this way, students are able to create new knowledge and determine how they go about learning something for themselves.
Another possibility is to focus on developing metacognitive skills. These are the skills that help us monitor and regulate our own thinking, like goal setting, planning, evaluating progress, self-reinforcement.
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