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Updated on: 25th Jun 2021
Applied Advertising and Campaign Management assignment Sample Singapore

Applied Advertising and Campaign Management assignment Sample Singapore

The assignment sample includes the course applied advertising and campaign management refers to ascertain the utilization of benefits of the products and services in advertising campaigns. It is important to determine the product benefits and then only the need and desires of the customers could be obtained.

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By exhibiting the characteristics of any product such as its size, color form, weight, material, etc creation of advertising campaigns can be done. In this module, the voice of the customers explains to describe the customer expectations. The voice of the customer is a contemporary technique to obtain customer wants, priorities, etc.

The module reiterates the impact of the target market and how it influences advertising strategies. The solved assignment explains the concepts of targeting, segmentation, and positioning and how this affects the advertisement campaigns.

In this module, we will discuss how to formulate a persuasive advertisement and define the campaigning objectives. The course designed intention to bestow the understanding of the qualities that are desirable for customer metrics.

Applied Advertising and Campaign Management Course Learning Outcomes this assignment sample, explain the voice of the customer and its desirable qualities for customer metrics.

The unit envisages the technique called the voice of the customer to ascertain the customer’s expectations, and aversion. The technique work as research conducted about identifies the customer needs and elicits a detailed set of wants, needs, expectations, preferences, and aversions.

The technique involves both kinds of research that are qualitative and quantitative steps. Before creating any advertising campaign, the technique is used for quality function deployment.

The course envisages the set of in-depth research and concepts that focus on groups, individual interviews, etc. To procure product development requires the team to take lead in defining the sample and clearing the doubts or questions that relate to the sample.

This solved assignment, explains the desirable qualities that require for customer metrics such as credibility, reliability, precision, actionability, adequacy, etc. The customer metrics explain the trust factor that customers possess in the product and how credible it is. The students enable to measure the customer metrics and the ability to predict customer behavior.

2.Explore the process of identifying the target market and how it impacts advertising strategies

The solved Assignment sample provides a way to analyze the target market and its influence on advertising campaigns. If the organization comprehends its target market then it could formulate its advertising campaign with accuracy and precision. The identification of the target market enables the execution of an advertising campaign with higher returns.

A target market provides the means to attain higher returns and productivity in a business. The targeting mechanism begins from the segmentation process and after identifying the target market; the process of segmentation on basis of demographics, age, gender, behavioral aspects is initialized. Before developing a robust advertising strategy, it depends upon various factors such as targeting, segmentation and the last step is positioning.

In developing the advertising campaign, the three concepts play a major role. The segmentation step gives an organization the means to formulate an advertising strategy.

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3.Examine how campaign objectives are identified for an advertising campaign

In this module, the students learn to determine the campaign objectives that result in forming a strong advertising campaign. To ascertaining the campaign objectives, it is important to take note of the state of the audience and the hierarchy-of-effect model.

The model plays a major role in identifying the advertising campaign and clarifies the objective. The model can help form an objective that can be lower or higher level. Several factors work in formulating the adverting campaign objectives and some of them are awareness, knowledge, liking, preference, purchase, and conviction.

Advertisement is yet a long route process that includes several theories, models, techniques, modern approaches, etc.

4. Explain different types of advertising; informative, persuasive, and reminder oriented.

In this Assignment sample, we will discuss various types of advertising such as persuasive, informative, and reminder advertising. The course describes the characteristics of every advertising strategy as informative advertising used when an organization wishes to launch the product by furnishing the details and features of such a product.

The informative advertising describes the product, its benefits, features, etc. In this assignment sample, the students enable to formulate an advertising campaign that persuades potential clients to get connected with the products. The persuasive form of advertising works to boosts the productivity of the products by increasing demand for the same.

The module illustrates the reminder advertising for remembrance to the targeted audience for the information of the products.

5.Outline the mindset and rationale of advertisement focus within an advertising campaign

The solved assignment discusses the focus of advertisement for an advertising campaign. It describes the marketing concept called unique selling point that helps in understanding the successful advertising campaigns.

The unit refers to the understanding of different aspects of incurring objects and differentiates between different objects. The concept of USP also known as positioning that is the last level in targeting, segmentation, and positioning.

That’s the reason advertising focus is on USP while making any advertisement strategy.

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