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Attribution Theory in Human Resource Management Essay

Human resource management is a wide topic in itself and pairing it with attribution theory adds to the complexity even more. Nevertheless, this sample essay on the  Attribution theory in human resource management will discuss various different things concerning the topic. This is the management system’s important part.

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Moving on we will discuss what is Attribution theory in human resource management?, different Attribution theories in human resource management, Functions of Attribution theory in human resource management, and the process of  Attribution theory in human resource management.

To understand the harder concepts first we must know, what Attribution theory in human resource management?

What is the Attribution theory in human resource management?

Attribution theory in human resource management is a way of management where employees’ cognitive process is considered. This helps in improving the workers’ quality and also helps in up keeping of peers’ mental health and their personal interests.

Moreover, it helps a person understand the reason behind why humans behave the way they do. This behavior can their own or someone else’s.

In other words, this theory says that people are curious about the motivations or reasoning behind the behavior or action of a person. The person can be themselves or someone else. This because it is more logical to attribute causes to the behavior of people than assuming it’s random

Different Attribution theories in Human Resource Management

In this paragraph, we will look at three different Attribution theories of human resource management. These three theories will be:

  • Heider’s theory
  • Kelley’s theory
  • Weiner’s theory

Now we shall discuss each one briefly below.

Heider’s attribution theory

This attribution theory was devised by Fritz Heider in the year 1958. He was the first one to approach this topic of attribution theories.  Heider’s most important thesis is that a person’s way of understanding and interpretation directly affects their response and actions.

Moreover, Heider’s theory revolves are whether the attribution is dispositional (internal cause) or situational (external cause).

Kelley’s attribution theory

According to Kelley’s theory when someone experiences the same situation or behavior multiple times, people use the covariation principle in order to understand or interpret the causes. Kelley further improved Heider’s theory and wrote several research papers on the topic.

Furthermore, Kelley further mentioned three kinds of covariation factors that may person’s understanding. Also whether they relate it to internal cause or external cause.

The first is distinctiveness: it is a person’s range of the same behavior in various similar situations.  The second type of consensus: refers to agreeing upon a judgment based on observations from several different people. The last is consistency: it is the range of a person who behaves over time consistently.

Weiner’s attributional theory

The last attribution theory we are going to look at in this essay is Weiner’s attributional theory. This theory was devised by the psychologist Weiner and it focuses on specific domains.  These specific areas of focus are helping and achievement.

Unlike the previous two theories by Heider and Kelley, Weiner discussed attributions affect expectations, emotions, and performance of the future.

In addition, the theory states that a person’s emotional response to winning or losing depends upon the attributions that are made on the reasons for behavior after they win or lose.

Furthermore, this theory is dynamic which means that response and reactions can change with respect to time or situation, or both.

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The function of Attribution theory in Human Resource Management

Attribution theories are being used in the field of human resource management for a while now. They help explain the relations between people and behavior attributions and events within many specific Human Resource management fields.

Adding to that in this section of the essay we will discuss the different functions of attribution theory in human resource management. There are overall three-point that will be the focus of our discussion. These three points are:

  • Performance management
  • Selection and recruitment
  • Training

Below each one of these functions will be discussed briefly.

Performance management

This category discusses attributes related to achievement concerning performance. In other words, it says that the evaluation of an employees’ performance depends on the attribution relating to the reason for employees’ performance.

Management may hold employees responsible for bad performance when management has already internal attributions for the reason of employees’ performance.

Selection and recruitment

This function says that well-performing interviewees had high levels of self-efficacy while interview when they believed that their performance was due to internal, as compared to external, factors.

In easy words, a person is more self-efficient if he or she thinks their success is due to themselves or internal reasons. It is also seen that people who make external attributions (uncontrollable) for over-qualification are viewed as not fit for the job and less employable by recruiters.

On the other hand, candidates who make internal attributions (controllable) were seen as a better fit and more employable.


It says that people who are sent for the advanced training program have ability attributions that are largely dependent on self-efficacy in pre-training.

Whereas someone assigned to a remedial training group was harmful to the self-efficacy of the person when they made ability attributions.

Process of Attribution in Human Resource Management

In this paragraph, we will discuss the process of applying attribution theory in human resource management. We shall look at the different stages of this process.

Moving on, Attribution in human resource management is a three-stage process.

  • Observation of behavior
  • Observed behavior must be intentional
  • Behavior is attributed to either internal or external.

Now we shall discuss the process:

Firstly, individuals’ behavior will be observed. After that, the observer will decide that the observed behavior is intentional. This means the person who was observed is believed to have behaved deliberately.

Finally, Whether the internal or external causes are attributed by the observer. Internal causes are attributed to the person under observation, while external causes are attributed to environmental factors.

The person’s ability and the person’s efforts are two internal attributions. On the other hand, external factor refers to the difficulty of task and luck. Hence, while preserving behavior observation can use his judgment skills.

However, when the observer has to determine between the external and internal attributes and external cause of behavior; he or she has to take into consideration factors like consistency, distinctiveness, and consensus.

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