BAE313 Museum Education in Practice SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore
The BAE313 Museum, Culture and Education provides a theoretical understanding of the growing field in which contemporary museum education is studied. It includes an examination on changes occurring within this environment as well as learning theories unique to museums themselves- all leading up towards providing hands-on experience with artworks and designing educational material for programs or projects one may want to make while working there!
Furthermore, the e-book includes a series of articles written by different professionals in this field. Featured are professionals from around the world who work inside museums, art galleries or cultural institutions. More specifically, each essay provides insight on how to successfully design educational programs that will suit one’s organization or museum.
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Assignment Brief 1: Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the symbiotic nature of the education-mission of museums and the education-needs of diverse museum audiences.
It is important for museums to provide educational programming that meets the needs of their diverse audiences. For example, schools often bring students to museums as part of their curriculum, so it is important for museums to offer educational programs that align with state standards.
Museums can also reach out to local communities by offering programs that cater to the needs and interests of those communities. For example, a museum might offer a program on the history of the local community or a program on traditional folk arts and crafts. In addition, museums can work with educators in other disciplines to develop cross-curricular programming that meets the needs of students.
For more information about educational programming and museum outreach, visit the website of the American Association of Museums .
Museums also provide opportunities for visitors to educate themselves. Visitors can learn about their own family history by working with a professional genealogist at a museum, or they can sponsor an exhibition in memory of a loved one.
Assignment Brief 2: Use acquired knowledge to craft new programmes for targeted audiences of museums.
The use of acquired knowledge to craft new programmes for targeted audiences of museums could involve taking a more interactive approach in order to engage visitors. For example, using games and activities that allow visitors to explore the museum’s collections in a fun and engaging way.
Another approach could be to focus on specific themes or time periods related to the museum’s collection, and develop educational programmes around these topics. By tailoring the content and approach of museum programmes specifically for different audiences, museums can create a more engaging experience for all visitors.
One way to develop programmes for visitors is to consider the educational needs of different audiences, including children, young adults and older people. This requires museums to think about their collections in a different context when developing educational activities. For example, by designing games that allow young children to learn more about objects related to certain themes or time periods in history.
Although this approach can be effective for engaging young visitors, it can arguably limit the educational impact of the museum’s exhibition. The focus on specific themes or time periods might not provide visitors with a broad knowledge of art history or archeology. For example, if children are only exposed to certain objects for games related to time periods that they are interested in, this might not develop their knowledge of other objects in the museum’s collection.
Instead, museums could focus on developing interactive programmes that allow different audiences to explore all parts of their collections in an engaging way.
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Assignment Brief 3: Recommend improvements to existing programmes of museum case-studies.
There are a few ways to improve existing programmes of museum case-studies:
- Increased focus on authenticity and object provenance. Ensuring that objects in museum collections are accurately identified and their history is well-documented can be a challenge, but it’s essential for providing an accurate overview of human culture and history.
- More contextual information about objects and their use. Including information about where an object was made, who used it, and what its function was can add layers of depth to our understanding of cultural artifacts.
- Improved digital resources and displays. Many museums have excellent collections of digital resources, but these often aren’t easy to find or use. Developing better search tools and databases could add value for researchers and the general public.
- More opportunities to engage with museum collections online. Social media tools such as Facebook, Flickr and YouTube encourage people to share information about their interests and activities on a global scale. Increasing access to museum collections through these platforms can make a valuable contribution towards understanding our shared history and culture .
Assignment Brief 4: Apply key terminology used in museum educational practice and research.
Museum educators use key terminology to help structure their thinking about museum learning and practice. Some of the most important terms include:
- Interpretation: the process of making meaning from objects and experiences in a museum context
- Exhibition: the presentation of objects and ideas in a museum setting
- Pedagogy: the teaching strategies used by museum educators to facilitate learning
- Learning theory: the body of research that helps us understand how people learn, including theories of constructivism, social cognition, and situated learning
- Visitor: a term that acknowledges that learning can happen any time or place and involves a range of museum patrons, not just those who visit the physical space of the museum
- Object: from an educator’s perspective, this word must be used cautiously as many objects hold different meanings for different people. This definition does not mean to say that objects don’t hold power; however, there is a need for object-centered dialogue to be balanced with visitor-centered dialogue.
- Curriculum: this word is often used interchangeably with “program,” but in some cases programs will not contain curriculum. Museums may also offer programming without the label of curriculum, such as tours and special events.
- Program: the structured set of activities that take place in a museum. Programming includes education programs, outreach programming, and everyday visitor services such as check-in or information desk assistance. It can also include interpretive tours and other special events.
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Assignment Brief 5: Design suitable educational programmes for different museums and their different audiences.
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the educational programmes that are most suitable for different museums and their different audiences will vary depending on the specific museum and its audience. However, some general principles that could be followed in designing educational programmes for museums include:
- Keeping it interactive: Many people learn best by doing, so make sure your educational programmes are interactive and engaging.
- Tailoring it to your audience: Make sure the content of your programmes is appropriate for your target audience. For example, if you’re targeting school children then you’ll need to make sure the content is age-appropriate.
- Focusing on real objects: One of the advantages of museum education is that it can be used to provide visitors with experiences they wouldn’t normally have access to. However, this means that the learning experiences must be based on real objects in the museum’s collection so that students can get a sense of authenticity and familiarity with what they’re learning.
- Being creative: People retain information better when it is taught in different ways. So try to incorporate different media and teaching styles in your museum education programmes so that students have a variety of ways to learn about their topic.
- Scaffolding: Scaffolding is a teaching strategy that involves breaking down content into manageable chunks for learners to work on, and then gradually increasing the complexity until they reach the desired level of learning. When designing educational programmes for museums, it can be useful to think of each session as a different step up the scaffold, with information that is more challenging being introduced later on in the programme. That way, visitors are less likely to become frustrated or bored by material that is too easy, and they will have the opportunity to master concepts before moving forwards to the next step.
- Providing resources: Make resources and learning support materials available to teachers and educators who plan to use your educational programmes in their classrooms, such as activity sheets, handouts or additional information about specific topics that can be used by students.
Assignment Brief 6: Critique existing educational programmes of different museum case-studies.
Existing educational programmes of different museum case-studies are inadequate. They often rely on didactic methods that involve lecturing students for extended periods of time, leaving little opportunity for exploration and interaction. Additionally, the programmes typically focus on factual information rather than exploring the complexities of the exhibits.
A more effective approach would be to use multimedia tools that allow for a more interactive learning experience. Additionally, museums could provide opportunities for guided tours and discussions with experts in order to encourage students to ask questions and explore the exhibits in greater detail.
By providing a more engaging and interactive learning experience, museums can help students develop a better understanding of the material and appreciate the value of museums as educational institutions.
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Assignment Brief 7: Incorporate educational know-hows into content-development, exhibition design and interpretation.
When it comes to incorporating educational know-hows into content-development, exhibition design, and interpretation, it is important to remember that everyone learns differently. Some people may prefer text, while others may prefer visuals.
Still others may prefer hands-on activities. The key is to try to incorporate a variety of methods into your exhibits in order to reach as many people as possible.
One way to do this is by providing explanatory text alongside images or objects on display. This will allow visitors to read about the exhibited item/subject at their own pace. You can also incorporate interactive elements into your displays in order to allow visitors to explore the material themselves. This can be done through activities such as quizzes or puzzles, or by including touchable or movable objects.
It is always important to remember that not all visitors are the same, so sales professionals should always try to be conscious of this when designing exhibits in order to create displays that will best meet their needs. The most important thing in exhibition design is knowing your audience and making sure you reach them.
Assignment Brief 8: Integrate techniques and technology appropriate to educational goals, content, concepts, and audiences
There are a variety of ways to integrate techniques and technology appropriate to educational goals, content, and audiences. One approach is to use technology as a tool to create more engaging learning experiences. For example, you can use multimedia tools to create interactive presentations or games that help students learn more effectively.
Another approach is to use technology for assessment purposes. For example, you can use online quizzes or surveys to get feedback from students about what they have learned. Finally, you can also use technology to provide additional resources for students. For example, you can create websites or online libraries that contain additional information about the topics being studied in class.
It is also important to understand the role that integration of technology has on different aspects of your class. For example, how does integrating technology affect student engagement? According to studies done by Howe and Eisenhart (1995), Scardamalia, Bereiter, McLean, Swallow , and Woodruff(1989), students who used computers in their classes and engaged with them actively and appropriately demonstrated deeper levels of thinking, better collaborative skills, and learned more than those students who were less active.
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Assignment Brief 9: Evaluate the educational tools used in museums for educational purposes.
The best museum educational tools are interactive, hands-on activities that engage the visitor in exploring and learning about the exhibits.
Some museums use audio or video presentations to provide information about the exhibits, but these can be distracting or overwhelming for some visitors. And while written information is often provided, it can be difficult to take in all of the details and remember them.
Interactive displays that allow visitors to touch, explore, and experiment are more likely to result in understanding and remembering the information presented. So if you’re looking for an educational experience, seek out museums with lots of interactive displays!
Explore and learn about the exhibits by touching, exploring and experimenting with them; written information may be provided but it can be difficult to take in all of the details and remember them. The best museums use interactive displays; these help visitors learn and understand.
The National Museum of Play at The Strong, a museum in Rochester, New York, that also houses the International Center for the History of Electronic Games, has one of the world’s largest collections of video games and related materials. Recently they have added an interactive video game exhibit to their collection.
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