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Updated on: 26th Oct 2021

BME304 Advanced Biomaterials SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

Biomaterials are used in the field of medicine, engineering, and technology for many different purposes. In the field of medicine, biomaterials are used to replace or replicate structures and/or functions of the human body. For example, biomaterials can be used to replace bones in spinal fusion surgery and implantable tissues such as heart valves and cartilage. In terms of engineering, biomaterials can be used to produce stronger, more durable products, such as stronger materials for body armor, or to help with the manufacturing process of products like drugs. Finally, in the field of technology, biomaterials can be used in many different areas, such as protecting objects from corrosion and chemical erosion (e.g., stainless steel) and protecting electronic devices from electromagnetic interference (e.g., fabrics made out of metal mesh).

This course is about advanced topics in biomaterials science. You will learn how to test them for properties like biodegradation, biocompatibility, and experimental methods. You will also learn about case studies on the influence of biomaterials on implant devices.

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Topics Covered In Advanced Biomaterials (BME304) Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

This section of the assignment sample highlights some areas that might be relevant to you. Topics discussed in this course include:

  • Degradation of Materials in the Biological Environment
  • Biocompatibility and Related Issues
  • Testing of Biomaterials
  • Biomaterials Case Studies (Soft Tissues)
  • Biomaterials Case Studies (Hard Tissues)
  • Implant Devices and Biomaterials

Learning Outcomes of Advanced Biomaterials Assignment SUSS Singapore

At the end of this course, students will be able to learn about Advanced Biomaterials with satisfaction from the following learning outcomes:

Demonstrate knowledge on biodegradation in biomaterials devices and applications

Biodegradation is the process of breaking down substances to release gas or water vapor. It occurs naturally, but it can also be accelerated through certain environmental conditions like high temperature and humidity that cause materials containing enzymes such as bacteria or fungi which then break down organic molecules into simpler compounds.

Biodegradation is an important process in the degradation of materials. Biomaterials devices are used for many different applications, and these pieces must be able to withstand harsh conditions where they may come into contact with environmental elements such as water vapor or air pollution so that their functionality does not degrade over time due to organisms growing on them.

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Examine biocompatibility issues in biomaterials devices and applications

Biocompatibility is the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a medical implant application. A material that causes an adverse reaction, such as tissue irritation or inflammation, when it comes into contact with body tissues would be considered non-biocompatible.

Biomaterials that are biocompatible or environmentally friendly can be used to construct biomedical devices that help promote healthy living by reducing the risk of infection and immune reactions. Biocompatibility issues arise when materials selected for use in medical devices, implants, prostheses, dental fillings, and other instruments do not satisfy the needs of clinical surgeons or need to be replaced with better alternatives due to adverse effects on people’s breathing ability.

Illustrate an advanced understanding of the variety of biomaterials based on metals, ceramics, polymers (including natural and synthetic polymers)

We use a variety of materials to create the most advanced devices and implants available. Our device portfolio includes metal alloys, ceramics synthetics (including natural and synthetic polymers), as well as bio-compatible tissues made from human cells grown on artificial scaffolding utilizing 3D bioprinting technology for customized patient treatment at reduced costs than traditional methods such s surgery or dermal substitutes alone without sacrificing function.

Metals such as gold or silver have been used in medicine for centuries because they’re malleable enough to form complexes with other molecules without bonding too tightly; on the other hand, plastic-based materials like silicone don’t react so readily but offer more stability than organic alternatives due to their inability of cross-linking together during curing cycles which means less need for capping agent protection against air permeability issues.

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Analyze materials properties and relate them to application

Materials properties play a critical role in product performance, and there are a number of characteristics that must be examined to compare the advantages and disadvantages of various options. We look at five distinct qualities: strength, hardness, toughness, ductility, and elasticity. Each of these properties is important for different reasons depending on the application area under study.

Materials properties are the physical and chemical characteristics that determine how a material will react under stress or applied force. The specific materials used in different applications, especially those involving an implant device, must be able to perform with the appropriate host response to ensure a successful outcome.

Design an experiment to perform mechanical testing in order to obtain basic physical properties of biomaterials

The mechanical testing of biomaterials is a must when it comes to performance, and this includes a variety of methods that can be used depending on the material being analyzed. We use a number of analytical tools to test the strength and resilience of biomaterials against damaging forces such as impact or bending in order to ensure compliance with quality standards for medical devices.

For example, to determine the impact resistance of biomaterials, we use an instrument called the Charpy impact tester that measures the amount of energy that can be transmitted through the material before it fails under sudden stress. This test also helps us to understand how much pressure different materials can withstand when exposed to mechanical impacts in order to improve their overall strength and durability against damage.

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Propose suitable implant devices, scaffolds, etc from biomaterials using knowledge gained

The next step is to determine the appropriate biomaterials that will be used in a specific implant device based on patient needs and clinical conditions. In some cases, the material choice is straightforward while other cases require more stringent analysis to ensure it can meet exact criteria for performance-based applications when exposed to different environmental factors such as saline flow or moisture from bodily fluids during surgery.

In addition, when using certain biomaterials such as dental prosthetics in a medical setting, they must be able to resist corrosion in order to prevent bacteria buildup in human tissue with repeated exposure over time due to the compromised nature of the immune system resulting from pre-existing condition e.g diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis where doctors have less ability to prevent infection after surgery.

When performing an implant, the right material choice can help to reduce long-term stress on human tissue, ensuring it meets all requirements for successful patient outcomes. The selection process begins with research and development teams who conduct extensive tests using computer models to observe the actual behavior of the biomaterials when interacting directly with surrounding tissue. From these results, we can identify optimal material properties that are vital for healing success in order to establish a strong foundation around which manufacturers can base their product designs.

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