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Updated on: 21st Feb 2023

BSE217 Motor Development, Control and Learning SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

BSE217 Motor Development, Control, and Learning is a course that offers an invaluable opportunity to explore the ways humans plan, execute and improve their movements. You will gain theoretical knowledge of motor structures and processes needed in everyday physical activities while developing practical approaches to analyzing human movements. You will have the chance to break down complex movement skills by seeing how each component affects overall performance.

In addition, you’ll be able to examine how learning strategies are applied to refine individual performance using evidence-based research to inform your understanding. This exciting course is designed for students eager to delve into the fascinating world of motor development, control, and the learning process!

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Here, we discuss several assignment briefs. These include:

Assignment Brief 1: Explain common terminology, key theories and concepts related to motor development, control and learning.

Motor development, control and learning play a large part in how humans move. Motor control is the coordination of movements so that goals can be achieved. Movement often involves a combination of muscles working in unison to move skeletal joints to create the desired outcome. A key concept related to motor control is muscle adaptation, wherein prolonged and repetitive activities allow for muscles to gain strength, thereby improving performance. Motor learning is a field of study that focuses on analyzing how practice improves performance by way of conscious and subconscious changes in the nervous system.

Long-term muscle memory and limb extensions are frequently studied, as they are seen as adaptations from practice rather than from intelligence or visual analysis. Finally, motor intent plays an important role in motor performance. Intent brings together all of the components (i.e., motor control and learning) necessary for successful movements; it is essentially goal-driven execution of movements with exact outcomes in mind. Understanding these common concepts provides an important foundation for future scholarship on motor development, control, and learning.

Assignment Brief 2: Discuss learning characteristics of Fitts and Posner’s Three-Stage Model.

Fitts and Posner’s Three-Stage Model of learning viewed the process as a sequence of three stages. The cognitive stage is when learners develop a mental representation of the task, understand how it works, and learn the rules for performing it correctly. The associative stage involves developing skills through repetition and practice.

Finally, the autonomous stage is when learners reach performance proficiency and can often perform the task automatically. This model emphasizes that each learner progresses at their own rate and may experience different levels of understanding at each stage. Knowledge gained at one level carries over to the next level and multiple repetitions are necessary for mastery.

Assignment Brief 3: Outline neuro-processes underlying the control of voluntary movement.

Voluntary movement is a complex mechanism that relies on intricate coordination between various neuronal networks and processes in order to be properly executed. Numerous studies show that at least three major steps are essential for controlling voluntary movement: pre-motor processing of the goal of a movement, programming the motor system to carry out the goal, and preparing and sending information from the brain to both the muscles and sensory receptors.

Pre-motor processing initiates brain activation which then leads to the successful selection and execution of a particular goal or action, while programming involves setting up muscular parameters such as strength and velocity. Lastly, when all necessary preparatory steps have been taken, signals are sent to all relevant muscles so that movement can take place. Each of these systems interacts with one another in order for voluntary movements to be performed with accuracy and precision.

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Assignment Brief 4: Differentiate between novice and proficient skill performance.

The skill performance of an individual is typically divided into novice, intermediate, and proficient levels. Novice performance can be characterized by the lack of understanding or experience in the skill; individuals at this level have difficulty taking into account their environment and may not recognize potential sources of information that could assist them in completing the task. Proficient skill performance is often marked by efficient use of resources and an intuitive feel for how to execute tasks.

Individuals operating at this level would understand how one action relates to another within a larger system and be able to adjust their work accordingly. As a result, they can complete tasks more quickly and accurately than those in the novice category. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between novice and proficient skill performance as it can greatly affect both accuracy of work done and the speed at which it is completed.

Assignment Brief 5: Distinguish between motor performance and motor learning.

Motor performance and motor learning should be thought of as two sides of the same coin, but it is important to distinguish between them. Motor performance relates to actual physical activities that are being demonstrated, while motor learning involves the skills needed to demonstrate these activities. In essence, motor performance is the result of motor learning as it requires practitioners to understand how each of the skills must be applied in order for the successful execution of movements.

While practitioners may not always demonstrate the perfect technique in their performance, this does not necessarily imply that they have not mastered the required motor learning skills. As such, when examining progress in both areas it is essential to take into account distinct aspects related to each element.

Assignment Brief 6: Employ instructions, feedback and practice conditions to enhance motor skill acquisition.

It is well known that motor skill acquisition can be greatly enhanced through the use of instructions, feedback and practice conditions. When used together, these three elements work to create an environment conducive to learning complex movements. Instructions provide a task-specific guide for the performer and offer targeted directions on how to execute each movement.

The feedback provided afterward allows for targeted adjustments, assessing if the ideal performance was achieved or if additional adjustments are needed. The practice conditions then serve as a controlled environment in which the individual has enough opportunity to improve their skills. As such, employers should consider utilizing all three components when training individuals in motor skill acquisition.

Assignment Brief 7: Formulate effective training programs based on motor learning concepts and principles of instruction, feedback, and practice conditions.

The ability to formulate effective training programs is essential for any coach or instructor. By understanding motor learning concepts and principles of instruction, feedback, and practice conditions, you can maximize the effectiveness of your training programs. However, it is important to remember that each individual learner is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Therefore, it is important to be flexible and adapt your program based on the needs of your athletes or students.

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