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Updated on: 10th Sep 2021
BSE303 Sports Safety and Management of Sports Injuries Assignment Sample SUSS

BSE303 Sports Safety and Management of Sports Injuries SUSS Assignment Sample

This course helps students understand the causes, anatomy, and processes of sports injuries in a way that they can apply these principles to prevent and manage their own athletic issues. From consultation with athletes on how to tape muscles for protection from injury during physical activity, sports massage applications for pain relief after training or competition, through rehabilitative exercises such as yoga poses performed at home daily. This module provides an abundance of knowledge into preventing further damage while helping heal current ones.

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TOA, TMA, GBA Assignment sample of Sports Safety and Management of Sports Injuries module SUSS Singapore

At the end of this course, Singaporean students will be able to learn the Sports Safety and Management of Sports Injuries module with the help of the following learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the predisposing factors in sports injuries.

Sports injuries can happen during a game, while training for a game, or even while preparing the field. Some of the key factors that increase injury risk include age (> 12), lack of experience in a given sport (< 7 years), gender (male > female), and participation in training outside of regular practice sessions (>2 sessions/week outside).

Injury prevention programs should focus on enhancing techniques to improve coordination and balance including developing an understanding of what muscles are involved with each movement, which takes time. In the meantime, play it safe! Avoid tackling others when playing football or rugby; wear shin guards while playing soccer.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of common sports injuries, including the anatomy, process of inflammation, and sports specificity.

Understanding the anatomy and process of inflammation is paramount to understanding sports injuries. The muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support our joints are vulnerable to injury because they’re under a lot of pressure during exercise. Consequently, skeletal muscle injury is the most common reason for lost playing time in basketball players. These injuries will heal with rest or therapeutic massage if caught early enough but can lead to more serious chronic problems if left untreated because the muscles weaken as scar tissue forms around them.

The first-aid treatment prescribed by doctors and physical therapists should be gentle enough so as not to aggravate the individual’s current condition and should focus on providing pain relief rather than an ending diagnosis or rehabilitation program. Ice should be applied intermittently at regular intervals in the first 2 hours after trauma and then for 20 minutes every hour until the pain subsides. Compression is usually applied to stem bleeding from cuts or superficial wounds while elevating limb speeds the recovery process by limiting blood flow to an injured area.

3. Illustrate an understanding of common strategies employed to prevent and manage common sports injuries, including POLICE, sports taping, sports massage, and exercise rehabilitation.

Common Strategies Employed to Prevent and Manage Sports Injury.

A little education about the common strategies employed to prevent and manage sports injuries can go a long way in preventing injury from happening in the first place or knowing how to react when it does happen.

The acronym POLICE stand for Protection, Overload, Ice, Compression, Elevation. It is a simple guideline that suggests what you should do immediately after an injury occurs: protection of the injured area by immobilizing it if necessary; application of ice-to-the-injured area as soon as possible for 20 minutes at a time several times a day icing any bump on your body following an accident or during an activity); compression via applying an elastic bandage; and finally, elevation by elevating the injured limb so that excessive blood flows away from the injury site.

Exercise rehabilitation after an injury is important in regaining strength and flexibility in a safe manner without aggravating the initial condition. Sports massage helps to alleviate tension and tightness in muscles while promoting circulation of fluid out of inflamed tissue. This is particularly useful during the recovery process because it helps to identify areas of inflammation and pain that may have been missed initially. In addition, sports taping involve applying strips of tape around a joint to prevent an athlete from moving it too much and exacerbating an injury.

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4. Show proficiency in the early management of sports injuries.

One of the best ways to manage injuries is to prevent them from happening in the first place. The sports medicine professional should work with a team physiotherapist and other clinicians, as part of a holistic approach to care that includes education on injury prevention.

Primarily, the goal of rehabilitation is injury prevention through conditioning regimens and active recovery techniques. Conditioning regimens are designed to improve range-of-motion, strength, endurance, hypertrophy, and sport skills functional demands. The sports medicine professional should negotiate with professionals from other disciplines such as team physiotherapy for aftercare. if an injury does occur including rehabilitation strategies and long-term management strategies which may be specific to individual players or individual needs arising from continued exertion.

5. Analyse sports situations which lead to sports injuries and employ appropriate treatment strategies.

Sports injuries are common due to intense physical demands. The most common ones are strains, sprains, inflammation of the bursa, and muscle pulls. Other types of sports injuries include overuse syndrome (repetitive motion injury), rotator cuff injuries, dislocation or subluxation (joint separation), and fracture after wrenching motion. Activities that involve repetitive strain or twisting can also cause tendinitis or tendon ruptures which need surgery for repair.

To reduce the risk of sports injury during exercise it is advisable to warm up before strenuous activity; take frequent breaks during exercise; stretch muscles afterward; perform exercises correctly with proper form, pace oneself accordingly with the level of training one has reached so as not to overtax the body, and monitor one’s health conditions such as fatigue or stress levels.

6. Demonstrate proficiency in sports taping.

To demonstrate proficiency in sports taping, it is important to know the right techniques.

Professional athletes will often use athletic tape over their sneakers or around their wrists while they compete for the stability and protection of different body parts. A skilled athlete knows how to properly clean the area before applying the tape.

One should begin with partial wind-round using non-elastic gauze so that there are no seams remaining at the edge following application, or else the elastic edges hold onto dirt particles which also act as small barbs. Start by looping around one hand, walk counterclockwise one entire time, and then finish on top of the same hand with more tension than the beginning but not too tight where fingers can lose circulation. Add the needed amount of tension by pulling firmly on each end of the tape. Do not apply an additional layer unless the first one is wet or dirty.

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7. Construct suitable rehabilitative exercises for common sports injuries.

The goals of a rehabilitation program should be to promote healing and prevent future injury. It can take six weeks or more for any tissue to repair itself, so the prevention of further damage during rehabilitation is important. This is because continued microtrauma jeopardizes full healing and can even cause permanent problems such as instability or loss of range of motion.

Of primary concern is keeping your muscles strong so they don’t atrophy. Therefore, you need to do some form of muscle-building activity at least twice per week, such as body-resistance training with weights (usually called toning), weight machines like those found in a gym that uses cables and pulleys, and aerobic activities like spinning and brisk walking that increase heart rate.

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