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Updated on: 31st Jan 2022

BSE309 Applied Sport Psychology SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

The aim of this course is for participants to learn how to manage their emotions, improve their concentration and release built up stress. This will enable them both during training sessions and competitions on an international stage to better handle various situations. Additionally, it aims to encourage confidence, motivation and effective time management, both during the game and between matches, so that athletes can master their lives on and outside of the court.

Sport performers are Exhibition Games athletes who must use their mental skills in addition to physical ones. The course will teach you how the psychology of competition can be used for success on an international stage, from nerves before games or practice sessions all-the way up until retirement!

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We know how stressful life can be with continuous hassle of assignments, tests and even job interviews. You must feel that you are drowning in the sea of unending questions. So We’ve got your back. We can take care of all the answers to the BSE309 Applied Sport Psychology SUSS assignment in Singapore for you, just sit tight and relax while we do work!

Assignment Task 1: Examine the relevant research and best practices of sport psychology skills and strategies applied to various sport and performance contexts.

Sport psychology skills and strategies are used in a variety of sport and performance contexts. The majority of the literature on sport psychology focuses on mental skills training (MST). MST is the application of cognitive-behavioral principles to enhance athletic performance.

MST has been shown to be effective for enhancing sport performance. For example, research indicates that athletes who engage in MST report increased levels of self-confidence and self-efficacy, decreased levels of anxiety and stress, increased focus and concentration, and enhanced physical performance.

These outcomes are likely due to the fact that MST helps athletes manage emotions, stay focused on their goals, regulate their thoughts and behaviors, cope with stressors, and build positive attitudes and self-efficacy in sports.

The effectiveness of MST in sport has led to its utilization in military contexts, where it is used (with varying levels of success) to help service personnel and veterans with PTSD manage anxiety and stress, increase focus and self-confidence, overcome mental health problems, enhance performance, achieve rehabilitation goals, and manage injuries.  

Assignment Task 2: Discuss relevant theories and research to explain performance-related behaviours and cognitions under pressure.

There are a number of relevant theories and research studies that can help explain performance-related behaviours and cognitions under pressure. One such theory is the Yerkes-Dodson law, which states that there is an optimal level of arousal or stimulation for optimal performance. Too much or too little arousal can lead to lower performance levels.

Another theory that may be helpful in understanding pressure-related behaviours is the inverted-U hypothesis, which suggests that as stress or anxiety levels increase, performance also increases up to a certain point, after which performance decreases as stress levels continue to increase. This hypothesis has been supported by a number of research studies.

Finally, one particularly relevant piece of research when it comes to cognitive functions, such as decision-making, is the concept of cognitive flexibility. Cognitive flexibility, or cognitive control, can be defined as the ability to shift thinking and behaviour in response to changing environmental demands (Stroop effect).

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Assignment Task 3: Discuss the effect of social and environmental factors on motor learning and sport performance.

Social and environmental factors can play a role in motor learning and sport performance. For example, research has shown that practice in a noisy environment can lead to poorer performance on cognitive tasks. Additionally, exposure to violent media content has been shown to increase aggressive behaviors.

Interestingly, there is some evidence that exposure to enriched environments (e.g., green spaces) may improve cognitive function and promote prosocial behaviors. It is likely that the effect of social and environmental factors on motor learning and sport performance depends on the specific context in which they are experienced. More research is needed to better understand these effects.

Social and environmental factors play a large role in motor learning and sport performance. For example, the environment can influence how we learn new skills by providing different types of feedback (e.g., verbal, observational, tactile). Also, our social surroundings can affect motivation and the drive to succeed. Ultimately, these factors work together to impact how well we perform when executing a skill or competing in a sporting event.

Assignment Task 4: Assess a variety of psychological factors that influence motor learning and sport performance.

A variety of psychological factors influence motor learning and sport performance. These factors can be broadly grouped into three categories: personality traits, cognitive abilities, and emotions.

Personality traits can influence motor learning and sport performance in a number of ways. For example, people who are high in impulsiveness may be more likely to take risks when learning a new skill, which could lead to faster improvements but also an increased chance of making mistakes. Similarly, people who are high in agreeableness may be more likely to comply with the instructions of their coach or instructor, leading to better performances.

Cognitive abilities can also play a role in motor learning and sport performance. For instance, intelligence is thought to be important for learning new skills quickly. Furthermore, working memory is important for retaining information about the task just performed.

Emotions are another factor that can influence motor learning and sport performance. Anger has been found to enhance athletic performance in tasks requiring explosive power but not longer endurance tasks. People low in anxiety tend to perform better than people high in anxiety in many different types of sports. However, for tasks that require fine movement control, anxiety can actually enhance performance.

There is also the placebo effect , the phenomenon where people experience an improvement in their motor learning or sport-related performance simply because they believe that they have received some sort of special treatment designed to enhance their abilities (e.g., a commercially available “sports supplement” or a secret training regimen from their coach).

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Assignment Task 5: Evaluate the effectiveness of different mental skills and methods for sport performance enhancement.

There is a lot of research on the effectiveness of different mental skills and methods for sport performance enhancement. Some of the most commonly researched skills are visualization, self-talk, and focus techniques.

Visualization has been found to be effective for improving performance in a number of sports. It works by having an athlete vividly imagine themselves successfully completing the task they are trying to improve at. This increased level of arousal coupled with positive imagery leads to better performance in competition.

Self-talk is another skill that has been found to be effective for sport performance enhancement. This is when athletes use positive statements to talk themselves through tasks or moments during competition. It helps keep athletes focused and motivated, and can even increase their power output.

Focus techniques are effective for sport performance enhancement because they teach an athlete to limit distractions and concentrate on the task at hand. Athletes use refocusing strategies to clear their minds from negative thoughts or being overwhelmed by excess stimuli, so that they can focus on the next step of the task.

A recent systematic review published in one of our sister journals found that mental skills training is effective for enhancing performance, and that the most effective method was using a combination of different techniques. This review looked at over 600 participants from 34 studies to determine the effectiveness of mental skills training. The results showed participants who received such training had significantly improved their performance compared to control groups or those receiving no training.

Assignment Task 6: Develop different intervention methods for sport performance enhancement.

There are many different intervention methods that can be used to enhance sport performance. Some of the most common interventions include:

  • Training – This is probably the most common intervention method, and it involves increasing the amount or intensity of training that an athlete undertakes.
  • Diet – A good diet is essential for athletes, as they need to make sure they are getting enough nutrients to support their training.
  • Supplementation – Athletes may take supplements such as protein powders or vitamins in order to improve their performance.
  • Recovery strategies – It is important for athletes to properly recover after a training session so that they can perform at their best in future sessions. This may involve things like massage, ice baths, stretching or massages.
  • Mental Training – All athletes need to be able to manage their mental state effectively in order to perform at their best. This can include keeping a positive attitude, using positive self-talk and visualization techniques etc.
  • Technology – Some sports now incorporate technology into them, such as cricket bats that use advanced materials to enhance performance.

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Assignment Task 7: Apply appropriate sport psychology principles and skills to practical sport and performance case studies.

Sport psychology is the application of psychological principles and skills to improve sport performance and individual athletic achievement.

One such principle is goal setting, in which athletes set realistic goals for themselves that they can strive to achieve. Research has shown that athletes who set specific, challenging goals are more likely to succeed than those who do not.

Another important principle is self-talk, or the thoughts and messages that athletes tell themselves before, during, and after competition. Positive self-talk can help athletes stay focused and motivated, while negative self-talk can lead to anxiety and poor performance.

Athletes can use relaxation techniques to calm their minds before competition, visualization exercises to mentally rehearse their performances, and positive reinforcement after successful performances.

The final principle covered by sport psychology research is mental toughness. This involves having stamina, confidence, composure under pressure, and the ability to bounce back from mistakes. Mental toughness can be enhanced through training on mental skills, having a strong commitment to success in competition, and thinking of oneself as a valuable competitor.

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Assignment Task 8: Design a season-long, periodized mental skills training programme for a sport or performance target group.

A mental skills training programme for a sport or performance target group could look something like this:

  1. Pre-season phase (2-4 weeks): The focus during this phase should be on establishing the basic building blocks of the programme. This could involve things like introducing the athletes to the concepts of mental skills training, getting them used to using visualization and imagery, and working on developing basic relaxation techniques.
  2. In-season phase (16 weeks): During this phase, athletes would work on refining the skills they learned in the pre-season phase. This could involve practicing specific mental skills related to their sport or activity, and continue working on developing relaxation techniques and becoming more mentally resilient.
  3. Off-season phase (6 weeks): The focus during this phase is on building new skills that will aid in the athletes’ preparation for competition. Some of the things you could work on are team strategies, communication, goal setting, coping with pressure, etc.
  4. Pre-competition phase (1 week): This is when the athletes would start focusing their mental resources on the competition. The coach should have a good idea of what situation might arise during the competition so that he/she can prepare the athletes for it.
  5. During-competition phase (1 week): The focus is on keeping calm, avoiding distractions, and staying focused on achieving their goals. Recovery is also an important part of this phase, so it is important to have a plan in place for helping athletes recover after competition.
  6. Post-competition phase (1 week): The main focus of this phase is planning the next steps and getting the athletes into peak physical condition as soon as possible. Recovery is also an important part of this phase, so it is important to have a plan in place for helping athletes recover after competition.

Assignment Task 9: Prepare and deliver a hands-on, applied sport psychology workshop to an intended target audience.

The target audience for this workshop would be athletes who are looking to improve their performance.

The goals of the workshop would be to help athletes learn how to better manage their thoughts and emotions, as well as to give them tools to use before, during, and after competition. Some of the topics that would be covered include goal setting, relaxation techniques, visualization exercises, and positive self-talk.

The structure of the workshop would consist of a lecture format for part of it, and then the remainder would be group activities. The lecture portion would last about an hour or so, allowing time at the end for questions. Then there would be about 30-45 minutes of small group activities to practice some of the things discussed in the lecture.

I would begin by assessing the group’s needs and interests. Next, I would provide an overview of sport psychology, including its history, definition, and key concepts. After that, I would lead the group through a variety of activities and exercises that demonstrate how to apply sport psychology principles in practice. Finally, I would conclude with a discussion of the implications of what was learned.

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