BUS103 Organisational Behaviour SUSS Assignment Sample, Singapore
BUS103 Organisational Behaviour is the study of individuals and groups in organizations. It’s an exciting, dynamic field that has great importance for achieving success within your business or career! BUS 103 provides you with a broad introduction to the philosophy behind management skills while also providing some excellent opportunities to refine these abilities by working on practical exercises during class time.
Functioning in any organisation can be challenging. The various aspects and functions of organizational behaviour are analyzed so that you may apply these principles to all types of organizations, no matter their size or structure; this will prepare one for success within an office environment.
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The course begins by discussing the different approaches to management and how these theories are enacted in practical situations. You will also learn about motivation, communication, groups and teams, leadership, diversity and change.
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Assignment Activity 1: State how a historical and systematic understanding of organisational behavior can help in developing people skills.
A historical and systematic understanding of organisational behaviour can help in developing people skills. Organisational behavior is the study of human behaviour in an organizational context. Understanding this area of study will challenge preconceptions and provoke new ways of thinking about individuals, groups, and organizations.
It also offers a richer perspective on leadership than that offered through typical business management modules, which only deal with finance and economics based factors such as costs and profits.
Organizational behavior charts the effects of these forces together with considerations such as the ethical environment, motivational mechanisms and processes for conflict resolution within any organization. The strategic qualities of individual brilliant leaders cannot be put into isolation from the complex dynamics existing at other levels in organisations themselves. Task-level leadership behaviours are often mediated by environmental influence on leadership which can either enhance or hamper the expression of effective behaviours, and these roles may shift from situation to situation.
Assignment Activity 2: Recognise the contribution of workforce diversity to organisational effectiveness.
Diversity of thought is key to a business organisation. When a workforce contains members from diverse backgrounds, economic classes and nations, the company as a whole becomes less homogenous and more adaptive to change. Providing an environment where different types of people come together to think creatively produces the best results possible because no two minds are exactly alike.
Moreover, research has found that mixed-gender teams were most effective when there is high competitiveness among team members as well as high levels of decision consensus within the team. In other words, competition forces people not only to step up their game but also makes them better listeners – both skills that are necessary for collaboration success.
To create the best-performing teams, it’s important to choose individuals who not only meet criteria such as intelligence and experience but also those with diverse life experiences. Leaders should consider the values, beliefs and norms of members of different cultures as well as their willingness to help others in distress . Diversity isn’t just about which gender or race you hire, but about hiring employees who will be as different as possible from one another.
Assignment Activity 3: Relate key individual characteristics (Attitudes, Values. Perception, and Personality) and their relationship to work-related behaviour.
Key personality factors can influence career choice. For example, if an individual is highly sociable and gregarious, she would be well suited to careers that require frequent interactions with other people. If the individual is introverted and uncomfortable socializing with strangers, he are she are less likely to do well in jobs requiring frequent interpersonal contact. Factors outside of personality may also affect an individual’s work-related behavior or experiences at home or school that can then lead to a change in careers later on life.
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Individual Characteristics and their relationship to work-related behaviour include Attitude, drive, health.
Health is important for high productivity at work. A healthy person can continue to be productive even on days they are feeling under the weather or have a mild cold or flu. Managing stress by practicing mindfulness is also important for general well being on one’s mental health which in turn can improve how efficiently one operates during any tasks at hand. Practicing mindfulness also improves emotional stability so that when an individual encounters heavy emotions over something that has happened at work it does not leave them incapacitated hosting emotions of anger, depression, hopelessness etc., all these things will hinder the efficiency of getting any tasks completed while doing work therefore one should take some time for themselves to manage their health and well-being.
Mental health problems can have a significant impact on people’s lives, including their work life. People with mental health problems may find it difficult to stay focused on their work, make decisions, or handle stress. They may also have difficulty interacting with co-workers or customers.
Assignment Activity 4: Determine why motivation in the workplace is a key element in achieving organisational goals.
Motivation is the driving force behind the organisation’s goals. Motivation in an organisation can be fostered with a number of motivational techniques, such as competency orientation and goal-setting. These focus on individual performance and achievement of organisational objectives respectively.
Some structure for motivation can also be provided through some competency models that define employee achievement expectations, for example some that define five competence levels within an organisation framework where there are significant gaps between employees skills and knowledge needs. In general, too low incompetence limits development opportunity while too high incompetence may lead to frustration often leading to lower performance levels or increase supervisor time associated with task completion which erodes productivity gains from competitive employee engagement processes, so care should be taken in developing standards of accountability.
Organisations need to ensure that their employees feel that they are contributing to something larger than themselves. This can be done by setting goals for the organisation as a whole and then cascading these goals down to the individual employee level. Employees need to feel like they are making a difference and that their work is important.
Assignment Activity 5: Interpret how groups work and show how to create effective teams.
Groups are very powerful things. When the individuals of a group work together on something, there is potential for greater success than what would be achievable by any one person acting alone. However, groups do not exist without individual members, so it’s important for everyone to feel respected and valued in order to function well as a whole.
This can be difficult, because some people will have different opinions about how the group should function or what problem needs the most attention. This often leads to disagreements that can divide individual members from each other and also divide their commitment towards the larger goal — which means less support for completing tasks together with higher rates of mistakes being made along the way. Disagreements are actually inevitable, but they need to be resolved in a way that allows the group to continue moving forward.
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There are three aspects to consider in constructing an effective team.
- Composition – who is on the team? Is it diverse in gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.? The more diversity there is, the better because it will result in more points of view when they come together to discuss group problems.
- Concentration – where are people situated within the building that houses the office space? Situated in close proximity causes increased efficiency because their interactions have greater frequency which means that messages and ideas move faster and farther distances get covered quicker with less effort or time. The concentration of a work environment can include measures such as colocation (people working at one desk) and nomadic spaces (multi-purpose areas where people can work).
- Coordination – what technology is used and how are people using it? Too often, there is a disconnect between how people want to communicate (face-to-face, in person) and how they actually have to communicate (via email, text). Tools that encourage synchronous communication such as video conferencing, real-time collaboration software (i.e., WebEx) and coordination through web portals should all be used to bridge this gap between how people want to communicate and the way they actually must communicate for work. The other part of that is ensuring the technology available aligns with the “workstyle” of your team members so it can serve as an enabler, not a hindrance.
Assignment Activity 6: Summarise the communication process and the different ways to increase communication effectiveness.
Effective communication requires shared knowledge, shared language, and a framework to organize thoughts.
To increase the effectiveness of your message you can:
Analyze your audience as well as relevant context such as leading or trailing events and the time of day; Tailor messages for different audiences with diverse interests; Analyze medium/channel used to deliver message (e.g., what will be most effective given person’s current emotional state?) and ensure it is tailored appropriately; and Analyze findings from research on communications effectiveness (“cognitive biases”, “affect heuristic”) to capitalize on deep seated brain functions that influence how we perceive messages. So e.g., use analogies with symbols grounded in viewer’s culture and/or personal experiences, or use fear appeals sparingly to increase desired behaviors.
More effective communication also involves reducing ambiguity and misunderstanding. Ways to do this include using specific, concrete language; testing messages with prototypes or pilot programs to get feedback from target audience; and considering how people will interpret messages (e.g., cultural differences).
Assignment Activity 7: Discuss the nature and purpose of conflict and outline conflict and negotiation processes.
Conflict is an inherent part of human nature. Without it, there could be no competition or negotiation. However, there are other types of conflict that don’t involve the opposition between parties–for instance, internal conflict can exist amongst a group of people with different subjective opinions on a particular event.
This answer will discuss the purpose and process for conflict resolution in stages. First being what’s most important to understand about conflicts from a management perspective–that they’re inevitable and most beneficial when not ignored or repressed but instead openly confronted so as to resolve discord early and offer productive solutions to stakeholders both individually and collectively wherein results are proven mutually beneficial over time rather than detrimental through short term gains only seen by some people at the expense of others
So how can a company or business application application expect to be successful when there is misalignment between the values, actions and objectives of its employees? Shouldn’t achieving common goals be a priority for a cohesive organization? Yes, but only if the process for achieving those goals takes into consideration all involved parties.
In other words , conflict resolution should not only deal with the emotional aspects of dealing with other people who don’t see eye to eye on a subject, but should also allow for the fact that people have different needs and motivations.
Assignment Activity 8: Describe the change and review processes for managing organisational change.
There are two processes when it comes to managing organisational change. One is the change process, in which you introduce new systems into your organization and then provide support for people who are effected by this system. The other is the review process, where you analyze your company’s business practices and determine where they can be improved. Implementing these changes is not always easy because employees may feel marginalized or unhappy with their respective tasks throughout the process of implementing change, so it is important to take steps in order to ensure that employees do not become stressed with this transition–some changes may involve downsizing or layoffs during transition phases.
Organisational change management is the process of enabling an organisation to understand, prepare for and respond effectively to changes that require adaptation by individuals or groups. Organisational change may be appropriate under various circumstances, including circumstances of planned change, unplanned events or disruptive events. The practices are applied in diverse ways to address different objectives at organizational levels from the individual level to the institutional level.
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Ways organisational change may be successful include having a detailed plan with steps on how employees should behave when implementing it; communicating all modifications up front through training sessions; sending an email before applying any structural changes; first modelling behaviour consistently at meetings etc.; first modelling behaviour consistently at meetings etc.; tracking progress with metrics over time to recommend tweaks to the plan if needed.
Assignment Activity 9: Relate organisational behaviour principles and practices to real and hypothetical situations.
Behavioral science theory helps us understand how people behave in different situations. If the situation is for the most part stable, then the same behaviors are more likely to occur than if the situation is changing or less predictable. A scenario that has high context includes things like family or past relationships, customs of home country where one was born and brought up, moral values, etc. This is versus a low-context environment with little information about past relationships and contexts of social norms so it would be difficult to predict behavior more reliably on this basis alone. The implications of these guidelines include things like making more use of structure than flexibility where possible so reduce uncertainty and reversion to old patterns of behaviour when change is introduced, and also taking into account cultural backgrounds and their impact on behaviour.
With a globalized world, it is becoming increasingly important to be aware of these things in order to facilitate communication and understanding. For example, when working with someone from a different culture, try to learn about their background and how it may have shaped the way they look at things so you can work together more effectively. And, they should also be trying to learn about your culture and background as that will help them understand how you might behave in certain situations.
We all know that people from different countries behave differently and as such they expect others to treat them according to their own cultural norms. However, the premise of this blog is to highlight the fact that people from one country may not be aware of how others will behave and thus end up getting themselves into situations that they were unprepared for. Take, for example, a person who moved to another country and never bothered to learn their customs or got around to finding out about them too late so now feels ashamed or embarrassed every time they do something wrong. There are countless stories like this, and it is often because people are either unaware of or do not take into account how their own culture shapes their expectations and behaviors.
Assignment Activity 10: Demonstrate the essential knowledge and interpersonal skills to work effectively in a team.
The key processes to becoming a successful team player are often overlooked by companies. The most common mistake is assuming an individual already possesses the skills needed to succeed in a team setting without going through requisite training deemed essential for success as a team member. A must for any company with teams is to have regular training that either teaches or reinforces those skills crucial for teamwork, such as listening, taking responsibility, and being quick on your feet. Another area worth investing in is management training given by professionals from outside of company’s own ranks-management has its fair share of challenges! A final step a company can take is holding facilitated professional dialogues with their staff so they can work out how best to deal with difficult issues-we’ll be back to that soon.
One of the benefits of being a team player is that it can open up opportunities for career growth. When seeking advancement, employees need to show they have mastered skills that are important to their company and one way to do this is by becoming a team player. There are many pathways to becoming a successful team player, but some essential steps include taking part in company-sponsored training, being proactive in problem solving, and being a good listener.
Assignment Activity 11: Show well developed written proficiency.
Effective interaction with a team is the key factor in being successful. That means being good at listening, giving clear instructions and suggestions, maintaining an appropriate level of emotional tone, and adapting quickly to new situations. In high stakes environments it’s crucial to have these basics down pat because you never know when your success will depend on how well you relay information to others.
In your day-to-day life as a professional, if there’s a problem it should be pretty simple for other people on the team to find out what’s going on. This could happen through weekly meetings where everyone takes turns presenting updates from their work load or during informal chats where colleagues can ask one another questions without feeling too uncomfortable about doing so. If something big comes up, then it’s important to inform everyone as soon as possible. If that will take a few minutes and there isn’t time during the next meeting, then send out an e-mail or instant message to ask if anyone has any questions about what’s going on. In some cases you might have to repeat information from one team member to another in order to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
The most important thing is to be clear, concise, and accurate when relaying information. This means taking the time to think about what you’re going to say before you speak. If someone else interrupts you or asks a question, try to answer it as best as you can without getting sidetracked. If you don’t have an answer, then say so and promise to get back to them as soon as possible. In some cases it might be helpful to write out what you’re going to say before delivering it. That way you can make sure that everything is clear and there aren’t any misunderstandings.
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