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Updated on: 6th Dec 2021

BUS104 Organisational Behaviour in the Technology Era SUSS Assignment Sample, Singapore

In the modern technological environment, working with computers and technology has become an integral part of life. BUS 104 Organisational Behaviour in this exciting field will give you a chance to study how individuals or groups behave within organizations that are heavily influenced by new technologies . With opportunities for developing people management skills through organizational contexts , there is no better time than now.

This course will introduce students to the concepts, theories and practices of organizational behaviour that can be applied in a modern workplace. Topics include personality; motivation ; group behavior – all with an emphasis on how technology impacts these areas differently today than they did five years ago or ten years ago for instance .

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Solved Assignment Solution For BUS104 Organisational Behaviour in the Technology Era SUSS

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Assignment Brief 1: Recognise the importance of organisational behaviour in developing interpersonal skills and improving organisational performance

Organisational behavior is the study of human actions in organizations, and organisational psychology is the application of psychological principles to organizational situations. There are three main aspects that help improve “interpersonal skills”:

1) Understanding oneself – One’s own strengths and weaknesses contribute to an understanding about how they would like their interactions with others to unfold. This self-awareness helps one deal more effectively with difficult people or stressful situations.

2) Managing impressions – There are 4 elements (“principles”) to managing impressions successfully: honesty, politeness, realism, modesty. Honest means avoiding something dishonest or deceptive; polite includes being nice rather than rude; realistic means avoiding exaggeration or minimising real differences; modest means not claiming credit for someone else’s work.

3) Handling conflict – There are four interpersonal styles that affect how we handle conflict: controlling, dominant, affiliative and self-effacing. Controlling style is when the person demands change in another; dominant style is dominant but respectful of others’ viewpoints; affiliating style is kind and empathetic; self-effacing style is when someone downplays their own importance.

Each of these three aspects can be improved with training and feedback from a supervisor or mentor.

Assignment Brief 2: Present technology and trends that drive transformation of work

Many of the most cutting-edge innovations are being driven at the intersection of the physical and digital worlds. Robots are now able to handle customer service’s more mundane tasks with unprecedented speed, precision, and cost savings. Virtual avatars can be used for remote meetings in any location, which not only saves time but also reduces environmental impacts.

3D printing is revolutionizing manufacturing by allowing designers to experiment quickly without outsourced costs, improving economies all over the world. All of these advances offer enormous potential for better work environments. It’s not just about new technology though; they also present fantastic opportunities for progressive changes in law and organizational structures that would allow people to pursue engagement securely instead of engagement with little guarantee or safety net at times when layoffs are common.

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One of the most important ways to improve work life is by improving the way people think about and use their time. Time-saving devices, from the dishwasher to the DVR, have been a staple of American life for generations, freeing up more time for leisure, family, and other pursuits. But many people still feel rushed, anxious, and overextended. It’s not that there isn’t enough time in the day; it’s that people often don’t have time to themselves.

Technology can help here by reducing stress and anxiety. For example, a mindfulness app can be used to help people focus on their breath and get out of their heads for a few minutes. This can be especially helpful for people who are constantly working, as it allows them to take a break without having to leave their desks. Other apps can help people stay organized and on top of their tasks, so they don’t feel overwhelmed.

Assignment Brief 3: Relate individual differences to work-related behaviour

The key to understanding how individual differences affect work-related behaviour is to first understand that the workplace is a social environment. All interactions between people, including at work, are influenced by group dynamics (individual differences). We all want to be accepted by the group and thereby avoid social rejection.

Individual’s believe their behaviours are either conforming or nonconforming based on the situation of the moment. Conformity happens when an individual adjusts his or her reactions towards norms, values and expectations of others within a particular setting; non-conformity is an act where an individuals goes against what they were expected to do according to norms and values belonging to certain groups, associations or organizations which exist in society.

When considering workplace norm and values we can see that individual differences and the effect they have on groups, organizations and how we function day-to-day through tasks and responsibilities, plays a huge role within our work life. The majority of the concepts discussed in this article revolve around conformity and obedience however researching into social influence tactics such as persuasion will yield valuable information which can be used within the business world.

Assignment Brief 4: Discuss how motivation in the workplace helps to achieve organisational goals

Workplace motivation is a complex, multifaceted process which can involve a number of different components. Organizational goals and tasks are needed to motivate people otherwise individuals will not feel purposeful or have any work direction. In order for an individual to feel motivated towards specific goals that occur in the workplace, they must first understand what those goals are. This leads to the process of developing clear goals which potential problems could be identified with beforehand – this can allow management members to adjust expectations as necessary before finalization of desired outcomes which would be too difficult or impossible if changes were not made earlier on due to unforeseen circumstances occurring.

Assignment Brief 5: Illustrate how groups work and how teams can be effective

A group is just more than one person, while a team is more than the sum of its parts. The most important thing in both cases is that everyone has some ownership over what they are doing and the outcome. It’s even better when everyone communicates so there are no surprises or something done without the consent of others.

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The best teams have each member checking in with the other throughout the day. Communication needs to happen so people can check off tasks as complete and know who should be working on what next – it doesn’t matter how many steps you have going forward if you still think you’re waiting for someone else to finish a critical task before moving on to a different course of action. Before every meeting, people should review the agenda and come in with any questions so that the meeting can be as productive as possible.

A team is only as strong as its weakest link, and it’s important to be aware of who on the team might need more help. If someone is struggling, it’s up to the rest of the team to help out or find a way to do their part without them. If someone is skipping meetings or not completing the tasks they’ve agreed to do, it’s up to everyone else on the team to find out why and come up with ways to help.

Assignment Brief 6: Recall the communication process and ways to increase communication effectiveness

Communication is the transfer of information, in response to a question, between two or more people. When communicating successfully with someone else, it is important to be mindful of how you are feeling and what your intentions are behind the message.

The benefits of effective communication include increased understanding and improved relationships. Some tools for increasing effectiveness in this area include determining the intention behind the conversation; avoiding personal attacks; helping others clarify their own needs; providing accurate feedback when needed; asking clarifying questions if necessary; checking in with oneself after sending messages out into the world in order to find one’s truth – do you still want that goal? If so, then keep going! If not, then continue doing something else instead.

The practice of mindfulness can help in all aspects of communication by increasing our ability to be aware of our thoughts, feelings and actions in the present moment. In addition, it can help us to be more understanding and accepting of others, no matter how different they may be from ourselves. When we can approach communication with an open mind and heart, we are more likely to feel a sense of connection with the person on the other end.

Assignment Brief 7: Analyse nature and management of conflict at work

Conflict occurs in most relationships and is evident in all walks of life. Conflict is not necessarily a bad thing, as it leads to dialogue, understanding, growth and creativity. Freedom from conflict would lead to disengagement, rigidity and boredom. The management of this process relies on how leadership deals with the issue at hand through a) identifying the sources of contention b) negotiating a resolution that meets everyone’s needs within confidentiality c) supporting team members throughout this process. 

In addition to focusing on individual needs negotiations should also address the needs for creating greater synergy between departments- i.e., if one department can offer something another may need rather than focusing on each other’s problems alone. 

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Assignment Brief 8: Review processes for managing organisational change and stress at work

Organisational change can be thought of as ‘processes that are designed to produce desired change in an organisation’. This topic could also entail the process of making paradigm shifts within the workplace. As part of this, it’s important to not only put processes in place but also support employees through these changes.

To have a good understanding of what might constitute organisational change or has changed, looking at areas such as policy changes, outputs initiatives etc., is key. But this needs to be done with caution given there may be light-touch rather than radical interventions around at all times or systemic culture shifts that don’t require dramatic organisational structural shifts because they will happen over time anyway.

Assignment Brief 9: Apply organisational behaviour principles and practices in real and hypothetical situations

Leadership is a quality of the individual. Leaders identify both internal and external issues by using methods such as critical thinking, careful appraisal, and reflection. They strive to solve problems through cooperative discussions with followers as well as surrounding groups. Leadership strategies include problem-solving techniques such as brainstorming, time management skills such as setting goals, providing feedback to employees, motivation techniques like persuasive speeches or leading by example – for example through attending staff meetings late at night to show they are available for any employee anytime – and goal setting techniques like mapping out a strategy for success by breaking down a project into manageable chunks where each one is assigned with clear instructions upfront.

Effective leadership connects strategic plans that align strategic goals with organizational needs. It can be a challenge to remain objective and balanced when leading an organization. Leaders must develop a thick skin because their decisions will always be questioned. They also need to maintain followers’ trust by communicating honestly, openly, and frequently with employees. Leaders know that they cannot do everything on their own; they must build coalitions and partnerships to achieve success.

Assignment Brief 10: Demonstrate the essential knowledge and interpersonal skills to work effectively in a team

To work effectively in a team, it is important to be respectful and constructive. Many people do not understand the value of the opinion of someone they are paired with. That individual can provide insight on their home culture, religion, age group or language that may not occur to someone who does not speak that language or live in that community. Listen carefully to what each member has to say, take notes if necessary; many individuals appreciate this acknowledgement for the input they have given you. 

Be open minded! Teammates will come from different levels of experience and offer differing opinions about what will work best for your situation – remember this is not an indication of their intelligence level but rather depth/breadth of knowledge so don’t shoot down ideas but rather suggest ways to improve them.

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