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Updated on: 3rd Dec 2021

BUS204 Business Excellence Assignment Sample SUSS, Singapore

Business excellence must be applied to all organizations. Achieving business excellence requires a concerted effort in many areas of your company and can only come from continual improvement on every level, including leadership development for employees who are able-bodied into new roles or skills that will further contribute towards the goals you want them working toward. When assessing whether companies have achieved ‘business’ perfection there are usually three basic criteria: quality award frameworks like European Quality Award (EQA), Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards(MBAFS), and Singaporean Quality Awards among others; which depend largely upon how well they meet specific standards regarding performance measures such as customer satisfaction rate, etc.

BUS204 will focus on the requirements for business excellence, including how to plan and target improvements necessary in an organization. Students are also able to practice evaluating their own company’s level of success with regards to this criteria through practical exercises that simulate real-life scenarios.

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The course covers all aspects related to not only to technical knowledge but also organizational skills such as self-assessment or mentoring others about what they need/want from a particular topic area so we encourage participation throughout each session.

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Assignment Activity 1: Review the evolution of quality thinking and total quality management

Total quality management (or TQM) is a philosophy and set of practices from the modern field of industrial engineering broadly applied to both manufacturing and service sectors. The improvement activities include professional education, differentiating production processes for customers, assisting employees in meeting customer expectations with appropriate training, data collection on jobs that go right or wrong, and developing baseline performance measures. According to deming’s principles on human mind ability over matter- if people have the thought process of being motivated by improving something at their workplace they will have more creativity/entrepreneurship which would lead them to innovate newer methods for the company. This will also increase our ROI because at some point we’ll be able to market a product that has been improved by our own employees.

TQM is a method for management to transform the culture of an organization so it better serves its customers’ quality needs as well as excels in all other areas such as financial and operational performance excellence. The goal of TQM is to make the quality of products and services the top priority for an organization by involving all employees in the continuous improvement process.

Assignment Activity 2: Describe the concepts of total quality and business excellence

In general, total quality, or TQM, is a philosophy of management that assumes the only way to be in business is to offer customers the lowest-priced products of acceptable quality.

Total Quality Management (TQM) emphasizes departments working together throughout the organization with continuous feedback between departments. This type of structure communicates success and can create production standards for all goods and services. Improving customer satisfaction by meeting more individual needs also increases company profits which benefit shareholders. TQM always involves “improvement.” 

Business excellence is typically characterized by concepts that are aligned into these six principles: effectiveness – shaping market value, efficiency – reducing costs through elimination waste, adaptability – identifying new opportunities, alignment within an organization by enlisting support through leadership and structures, sustainability – creating a legacy by meeting the needs of future generations, and customer focus – understanding what customers want.

Effectiveness is important to TQM philosophy because it drives toward the goal of organizational performance improvement. The theory behind this is that there are many different ways to achieve a goal, and that by trying many different methods and selecting the best, the organization can improve its performance.

In order to be effective, an organization must be efficient. TQM philosophy believes that waste exists in all organizations in various forms. The goal is to identify these wastes and eliminate them so that resources can be put towards the most important tasks.

Assignment Activity 3: Analyse Deming’s philosophy on Quality Management

At the heart of Deming’s philosophy are these three notions which are easy to understand but hard to implement.

Firstly, any intervention carries with it an effect. A change in production methods has implications that ripple through the organization for good or bad. The process of identifying all effects is what takes time and skill, but it is worth the investment because every implication must be considered before taking action. 

Secondly, quality control can only take place after all organizational processes have been examined and improved- attempting control at this stage is futile as errors will persist due to substandard operations of upstream systems.

Thirdly, Deming emphasizes skills development – management cannot rely on old theories or ideas about how people work and what they need in order to improve.

All of these points highlight the importance of continual improvement and systemic thinking – looking at the organization as a whole, rather than breaking it down into individual parts. Rather than making isolated changes that may have unforeseen consequences, Deming’s philosophy calls for a holistic and long-term perspective that takes all aspects of the organization into account.

The aim is to create a system in which all elements work together in harmony, rather than a collection of individual parts that are only loosely connected. This can be a difficult goal to achieve, but it is worth striving for because it leads to better quality, productivity, and innovation. In order to achieve this, however, it is vital to ensure that all employees understand and buy into Deming’s philosophy.

Assignment Activity 4: Differentiate the philosophy on quality by different contributors to the field of quality management

There are many different contributing philosophies on quality management in the field of management, and these philosophies can be classified in 3 categories: cost-driven (Management by Objectives), customer-driven (Total Quality Management) and process-driven (Six Sigma).

  • Cost Driven: The cost driven philosophy advocates for a focus on the economic aspects of managing quality. The financial benefits related to improving product quality sound like an attractive incentive for managers. The idea is that companies will save money because lower defects mean less rework, improved sales due to improved customer satisfaction, and less insurance payouts for accidents or faulty products. Overall savings would also include prevention costs such as training materials and equipment to help maintain a high level of performance along with marketing expenses to attract new customers.
  • Customer Driven: The customer driven philosophy focuses on understanding customer needs and then designing products or services that meet their expectations. TQM is a popular methodology for putting this philosophy into practice. The key idea behind TQM is that all employees in an organization should be constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of their products and services and striving to give customers exactly what they want. The best way to accomplish these goals is for management to provide the employees with the necessary tools and training required to do their jobs correctly as well as encouraging them to identify ways in which they can improve overall quality.
  • Process Driven: The process driven philosophy focuses on the processes used in an organization. Lean, 6 sigma are the most popular methodologies used to put this philosophy into practice. The idea behind lean is that the processes used in production should be streamlined and standardized so that they can maximize efficiency. A popular example of this concept is Toyota’s assembly line, where every employee has a specific role and does not move on to the next step in the process until the previous one is completed correctly. The goal of 6 sigma is to reduce the variation in a process so that it produces consistent results. By improving the quality of a process, companies can increase efficiency and decrease the amount of waste produced.

Assignment Activity 5: Compare various business excellence frameworks

The business excellence frameworks vary in terms of the number of dimensions they use, the level of detail, and the way they approach performance measurement.  Some of the more popular frameworks include the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, the EFQM Excellence Model, and the Six Sigma quality management system.

The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program uses seven dimensions: leadership; strategy; customers; measurement, analysis, and knowledge management; workforce; operations; and results. The EFQM Excellence Model uses nine criteria, including customer orientation; business leadership; strategic management; people development and organizational capability; innovation, technology, and knowledge management; partnership with suppliers and customers; environmental responsibility; quality of services provided to citizens, public administrations, businesses, etc.; results. Six Sigma uses four major factors: customer satisfaction, speed (responsiveness), costs (efficiency), and quality (effectiveness).

There is no single “correct” framework; the best framework for a given organization will depend on its strategic objectives, culture, and industry. However, all of the frameworks share some common elements, such as the importance of leadership commitment, process improvement, and performance measurement.

It is important to note that the following list of frameworks is not  exhaustive. There are several major business excellence frameworks that have been developed over the last few decades, including the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, EFQM Excellence Model, and Six Sigma quality management system.

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Assignment Activity 6: Illustrate how business excellence framework can be used to manage organisations

The business excellence framework adopts a holistic approach to improving the overall performance and motivation of employees.

It improves business bottom-line by adopting organizational culture that ensures high efficiency and productivity, develops strategies to support innovation and maintain competitive advantage, encourages continuous improvement at various levels, leverages human capital for enhanced innovation, personal development and growth in their organisation. It helps organizations transform themselves with the use of new technologies at their disposal.

To implement this framework; an organisation needs to introduce tools or practices for their sustainable success such as lean six sigma methodology which has more than 200 required tools and techniques to ensure core competencies for successful continual process transformation.

An organization should also invest time and effort into building environment that promotes healthy work relationships through trust, respect and communication. Leaders must be able to develop strategy that will improve business process and at the same time motivate their employees.

The use of technology should also be embraced in order to remain competitive in today’s global market. A good example is the internet of things which helps connect physical objects to the internet so that they can be monitored and controlled remotely.

The bottom line is that an organization must continuously strive to improve their performance if they want to remain competitive in today’s global market. The business excellence framework provides a roadmap for doing just that.

Assignment Activity 7: Interpret the Business Excellence framework established by Enterprise Singapore

Enterprise Singapore’s Business Excellence Framework is a comprehensive plan to help Singapore-based enterprises operate soundly and contribute effectively. The framework resembles the concept of “job well done” and consists of 116 quality standards that address all aspects of business management, such as enterprise governance, human resources and learning and development and innovation and transformational design.

The Business Excellence Framework comprehensively encompasses compliance with existing rules/regulations while also helping to create an environment for continuous improvement in various disciplines such as good public relations, good parenting skills understanding the needs of customers etc. This ensures that companies will be able to follow all necessary legal requirements while giving themselves an edge over competitors by improving their abilities across the board in order to stay competitive.

It is a fairly new system but one that has the potential to be extremely effective. It is still in its early stages of implementation and thus far, there have been positive reviews. The Business Excellence Framework also compliments the government’s B-Bonds Scheme which was introduced in 2012 with an aim to provide financial support for start-ups and small and medium enterprises. In order to qualify for the support, enterprises must first comply with standards of good business practices which are included in the Business Excellence Framework.

Enterprises that have been certified through Enterprise Singapore’s Business Excellence Framework project enjoy huge benefits such as more recognition from consumers and investors alike who will appreciate their commitment to offering a premium product/service. There are also benefits for other aspects of their operations, such as recruiting top talent who will prefer to work with a reputable company.

The Business Excellence Framework is still in its early stages but it is clear to see that it has the potential to truly transform Singapore into the business hub of Asia. Enterprise Singapore continues to push forward while developing new initiatives in order to forge a path in ensuring that all enterprises are operating at their very best.

Assignment Activity 8: Distinguish the various criteria of the Business Excellence framework established by Enterprise Singapore

Enterprise Singapore 

The Enterprise Singapore Business Excellence Framework sets out to recognise and reward organisations that demonstrate best practice in certain areas, such as innovation and sustainability.

There are five criteria under the framework: 

1) Innovation – Whether through products, processes or services; Innovation creates value for customers and in turn greater economic success for organisations. 

2) Social Responsibility & Citizenship – The business has a social responsibility towards its employees, environment and community outside of work hours. This may be through sponsorship of charities or contributions to society in general. 

3) Sustainability Performance – Is the company’s performance environmentally responsible? Conscious about waste reduction (of product/process/service)? A leader in its field?

4) Customer Focus – Is the company aware of its customers’ needs? Does their business model meet those needs? Do they have a good understanding of market trends from both prospective and existing clients, whether local or overseas? Are there opportunities for improvement through continuous improvement or new products or services?

5) People Focus – High-performing businesses nurture and develop their employees. Processes and systems in place help to encourage creativity, innovation and collaboration. A good employer-employee relationship is a key indicator of a healthy organization.

The framework is targeted at Singapore businesses looking to benchmark themselves against international best practice. Participants are also able to benefit from a wide range of awards and recognition schemes offered by Enterprise Singapore. These include the Trade Support Scheme, Innovation Development Scheme, Productivity Solutions, Business Excellence Awards and others.  

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Assignment Activity 9: Explain the need for and benefits of using self-assessment tools related to business excellence standards

Self-assessment tools are beneficial because they allow for business assessment, which is the first step of the performance excellence process. Self-assessment tasks are all about evaluating your own knowledge, skills and experiences related to established standards established by industry organizations. This development of self-awareness provides an opportunity not only to recognize successes but also to identify gaps in knowledge/skills that need improvement. It is important for any company to understand its strengths and weaknesses before making decisions on how best to maintain or improve its competitive position in the marketplace.

Knowledge is power! Using Self-Assessment Tools will allow you to see your progress over time, find areas where you need improvement without being told so by someone else, have confidence in all that you can achieve and ultimately, feel good about your achievements.

There are many benefits of self-assessment as it is a great way to gain information about yourself as well as opportunities for improvement. It’s also a good way to identify strengths and weaknesses so that they can be developed further in all areas of life. People perform better when they recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, because this allows them to focus on their talents instead of concentrating on where they need improvement.

Self-assessment also helps you become more effective in your daily interactions with others by giving you an insight into the way that people perceive you at work or socially. This can help inform how you interact with people, improve communication and develop relationships. Furthermore, self-assessment helps you reflect on your current goals and set new goals that are more in line with your personal values and objectives.

Assignment Activity 10: Comment on different business excellence standards

There are three different standards of business excellence. One is the ethical research, the other is total customer satisfaction and the third one is intentional profitability.

The ethical research standard focuses on making improvements to processes and products that impact the environment, society and workers in a positive way. The total customer satisfaction standard reflects an understanding that corporations exist because they serve customers better than any competitors do. Lastly, intentional profitability embraces the idea that we should always seek improvement in how we behave towards employees, behave ethically and conduct business not just for our shareholders but also for all stakeholders.

It is important to note that no one standard can be used exclusively. The three different standards are interconnected and should always be considered together to provide the best solution possible for any business decision.

Assignment Activity 11: Practise organizational self-assessment of business excellence based on different standards

Yes, there are different standards for self-assessment based on which industry you work in. For example, there are guidelines out there to assess the organizational excellence of business process management, but not for engineering or research.

If your organization uses a specific industry’s guidelines then that would be the best place to start. If not, then they should use their own sense of how they rank themselves against other organizations in their field and what benchmarks exist for assessing quality achievements among peers. From this perspective alone they should always be striving to improve their organization so it can continue to meet customer expectations better than competitors do.

Clearly defining goals will go a long way towards helping an organization measure achievement against those goals over time as well as set aside the appropriate resources for improvement.

Some organizations also like to use audits as a way of measuring their performance. Internal audits can be used to measure performance against operational plans and objectives, while external audits can compare an organization against quality standards set by independent third-party organizations.

Regardless of which method is chosen, it’s important that the organization has a system in place to track progress and make the necessary adjustments along the way.

Assignment Activity 12: Discuss the relationships between enabling activities and organizational results

An environment that has enabling activities would be an inclusive place of incremental productivity. Enabling activities are the type you do after work where there is no pressure or deadlines. Having social interactions, volunteering to help out at a local hospital, reading novels on the beach. People will have more energy for work because they spent their free time investing in their development rather than simply resting which has benefits beyond performance, including mental health and longevity.

Research proves that volunteering can enhance your cognitive function as well as break down societal stereotypes about others by getting into workplaces that are otherwise inaccessible due to race or ability status 

Volunteerism also creates an environment rich with abundance over one full of scarcity during personal prosumption times which minimises burnout and helps maintain work engagement.

When we spend our time wisely outside of work, it makes us more effective when we are working. We come back with new ideas, refreshed, and motivated to be productive. Enabling activities help us achieve this mindset and produce better work.

So the next time someone asks you what you did over the weekend, don’t be ashamed to say you stayed in and read a book or worked on a project. You were productive, just not in the traditional sense.

Assignment Activity 13: Relate knowledge to the execution of improvements in critical activities to achieve business excellence

Improvements in critical activities can be achieved by identifying and analyzing knowledge specifically related to key processes, tools, hazards etc. this could include actions such as conducting a risk analysis or inspection of equipment to identify needs for improvement, or measuring effectiveness function points in several areas of the organization. The aim would be for these efforts to lead to investments in improved practices and equipment when implemented. For example – if your business is installing software updates every 24 hours but you find out that there are still errors happening between critical periods then you might invest in an additional round-the-clock maintenance team which would ensure higher levels of excellence during the most significant periods.

This information may help negate some worries about issues like skills gaps because once you have identified the key areas and processes where you lack competency, you can begin to develop a plan for improving them.

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Quality Assurance (QA) teams in software applications development work closely with their Dev team counterparts to ensure that requirements are being satisfied and bugs are being weeded out. This is typically done in Agile environments, where the QA teams work closely together to do ‘end-to-end’ testing (an end-to-end test covers all processes, from beginning to end) – which ensures that there are no issues with integration etc.

Assignment Activity 14: Outline the concepts that underpin sustainable business excellence

The concept of sustainable business excellence means we’re taking the time to weigh up all the factors that go into a successful enterprise and ensuring we’re balancing them in a way that doesn’t undermine any other part. This approach should make our company more likely to avoid future shocks such as falls in revenue, increasing financial risks or damaging environmental impacts, and it allows us to build strength ahead of problems instead of reacting to them afterwards.

Simply put, sustainable business excellence considers broader sustainability principles such as social equity and ecological sanity alongside mainstream financial indicators – like profit margins and return on investment. It also takes into account the challenges faced by an organisation’s customer base (e.g., externalities like scarcity). These different angles mean we can continue innovating and succeeding in the marketplace without sacrificing our long-term prospects.

There are a number of ways to achieve sustainable business excellence, but we’ll discuss two in particular: integrating sustainability into your core business strategy and setting up cross-functional teams.

Assignment Activity 15: Apply knowledge to enhance business excellence

The concept of sustainable business excellence means we’re taking the time to weigh up all the factors that go into a successful enterprise and ensuring we’re balancing them in a way that doesn’t undermine any other part. This approach should make our company more likely to avoid future shocks such as falls in revenue, increasing financial risks or damaging environmental impacts, and it allows us to build strength ahead of problems instead of reacting to them afterwards.

Simply put, sustainable business excellence considers broader sustainability principles such as social equity and ecological sanity alongside mainstream financial indicators – like profit margins and return on investment. It also takes into account the challenges faced by an organization’s customer base (e.g., externalities like scarcity). These different angles mean we can continue innovating and succeeding in the marketplace without sacrificing our long-term prospects.

There are a number of ways to achieve sustainable business excellence, but we’ll discuss two in particular: integrating sustainability into your core business strategy and setting up cross-functional teams.

Assignment Activity 16: Demonstrate independent thinking and analytical judgment

Analytical judgment is the ability to use all your analytic skills (such as reasoning and evaluating evidence) to make an informed decision. To show independent thinking, think creatively and rationally about a problem and propose alternative solutions without current knowledge of the topic or for brainstorming purposes.

The elements of analytical judgment include: 

  • Reasoning skills: understanding and interpreting data (collectively known as empirical analysis), making inferences from those observations, forming new theories based on those observations, predicting what will happen next
  • Evaluating evidence: examining whether there is agreement among experts that an object or event is true or false; weighing which information seems more likely than others; assessing sources as reliable or unreliable. For example, if you are reading a news article, you would ask yourself: who wrote this piece? What are their qualifications? What is their agenda?
  • Thinking creatively: considering different possibilities and how they could be connected; looking at things from different angles. For example, if you are presented with a problem, can you come up with more than one solution?
  • Problem-solving: addressing a question or issue by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts. Often, this includes identifying the underlying problem and all possible solutions, then selecting the best one.

All of these skills are important when it comes to making well-informed decisions. For example, if you’re considering buying a new car, it would be important to use your reasoning skills to weigh the pros and cons of each model. You might research models on different websites or talk to knowledgeable friends about their experiences with these kinds of cars.

Once you’ve collected all this data, you can then start thinking more creatively: why not consider buying a car that isn’t the most popular choice? You might even solve the problem by thinking of ways to get a cheaper car. For example, you could buy a used car or look for special deals at car dealerships.

By using your analytical judgment skills, you can make well-informed decisions in all areas of your life.

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