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Updated on: 4th Feb 2021

Cognitive Dissonance Theory Essay Sample

In this discussion today we are going to discuss cognitive dissonance theory.As topics of psychology are still somewhat distant to most of the peoples.

We will try to shed some light on this topic. We will go through various topics such as what is cognitive dissonance, how do you know if someone has cognitive dissonance, what causes cognitive dissonance, what can be the impact of cognitive dissonance, and how to deal with it.

If you are interested in cognitive psychology and how it affects us, read this article till the very end.

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Leon Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance theory

Leon Festinger in the year 1957 proposed this cognitive psychology theory called Cognitive Dissonance theory.  As obvious as it is this theory discusses the topic of Cognitive Dissonance about which we will talk about in a second.

Nevertheless, Leon Festinger was the first psychologist to talk about this term, and later it proved to be psychology’s major theory.

Merrill Carlsmith and Elliot Aronson are other psychologists to discuss on this topic.

Moving on, we shall discuss what Cognitive Dissonance itself means in the next section of this sample essay.

What Is Cognitive Dissonance?

According to the cognitive dissonance theory when attitudes and behavior conflict a person experiences mental agony and discomfort. Cognitive Dissonance refers to the discomfort caused to a person due to his or her conflicting Beliefs, Values, Behavior, or Perceptions.

A person strives to maintain inner harmony, this harmony or inner balance is achieved by having consistent and nonconflicting beliefs and behavior.

However, a person suffering from Cognitive Dissonance will seek ways to minimize is this discomfort through intoxication or cognitive processes like rejection, self-explanation, avoidance of new information, and intentional ignorance.

So now that we know what the term ”Cognitive Dissonance” refers to let us now understand the importance of Festinger’s  Cognitive Dissonance Theory.

Importance of Cognitive Dissonance theory

Cognitive dissonance theory is most helpful for understanding the impact of external pressures on one’s cognitive processes. It helps understand how external factors can damage a person’s mental harmony by forcing to act him or her against their own belief and affect information processing in decision-making.

In fact, this is seen quite often in the cooperating setting. Understanding of cognitive dissonance theory can help in better human resource management. This might help in improving the overall mental health of the population.

What are the symptoms of Cognitive Dissonance?

Psychologist says that level of cognitive Dissonance is seen in most of the people. However, this doesn’t make cognitive dissonance any easier to notice. It means that cognitive dissonance is not an easily diagnosable psychological term.

Nonetheless, we shall look at some basic behavioral patterns that may say a person is suffering from cognitive dissonance. These are:

  • A feeling of unease while making certain decisions or doing specific tasks.
  • If a person tries to rationalize or justify a decision he or she has already acted upon.
  • Feeling ashamed of an action they made even if it is not of such nature.
  • If a person guilts or regrets over a decision or an act of the past.
  • Acting on something or deciding something under influence of external pressure.

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Causes of Cognitive Dissonance

According to cognitive dissonance theory, the dissonance is most likely to occur when there is an inner conflict. This conflict or beliefs or perception causes disturbance in mental and emotional harmony. Also, cognitive dissonance theory emphasizes that we seek to reduce conflict and maintain harmony, but these situations cause the opposite of that.

Moving on there are some factors or situations which may cause conflict and cause cognitive dissonance to a person. These factors will be discussed below.

  • Making someone Comply forcefully
  • Exposure to new information
  • Conflicting decision making

Making someone Comply forcefully

This refers to a situation where a person is forced to act or behave in a way that is against their own beliefs or values. The pressure can be caused by a person holding power or external factors.

In Addition, this situation is largely seen in cooperate setting where a person might act differently to avoid being fired or fit in.

Exposure to new information

When a person is exposed to new information that their earlier act or behavior was harmful and not what they assume it to be, conflict can arise.

A person might avoid this information or try to justify their behavior to spare mental discomfort.

Conflicting decision making

In day to day life when a person is faced with a situation where they have to make a decision and the options available are very similar. Confusion can arise on which one to choose.

Moreover,  after making a decision people try to justify their decision by claiming it was the best choice in order to avoid discomfort

Impact of Cognitive Dissonance

Earlier, we have read earlier in an essay that Cognitive dissonance can cause discomfort and problems. In addition to that if conflict and discomfort’s cause involves something that holds great importance to them morally or emotionally.

Moving on, this discomfort can give rise to different feelings in different people. Some of these feelings are:

  • Feeling of Anxiety
  • Embarrassment or guilt
  • Feeling Regret and remorse
  • Sadness and disparity
  • Feeling of Shame
  • Stressfulness

How to deal with Cognitive Dissonance

Naturally, with a feeling of discomfort, arises a need to be free from this discomfort and pain. Cognitive dissonance theory states that in order to reduce dissonance individuals resort to various methods to avoid, reduce or minimize this discomfort. These methods can be cognitive or physical.

Moreover, These discomforts greatly affect how people view themselves and what they thinking about themselves.

So in order to help oneself or someone suffering from Cognitive Dissonance, the following steps can be used.

  • Adding more supportive beliefs that outweigh dissonant beliefs
  • The IMportance of conflicting belief can be reduced
  • Changing your belief

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