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Updated on: 23rd Feb 2022

COM273 Creative Communication Strategies SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

This assignment is about the use of creativity in communication. There are many different ways to communicate, and there is no one way that works for everyone. However, some effective creative communications techniques include using memes, funny jokes, images with a sense of humor, writing in an engaging tone, and using visuals (photos or videos) to help explain your ideas. It’s important to find what works best for you and make sure that your messages are communicated in an interesting and memorable way!

Creative communication strategies are important for any business. In order to be successful, a business needs to create messages that resonate with its target audience and generate interest from potential customers. However, creating effective creative communication campaigns is often difficult and takes time. This assignment will help you understand how to build an effective marketing campaign for your company using various channels such as website design, social media management, email marketing, and more.

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Checkout free sample for COM273 Creative Communication Strategies SUSS Assignment Singapore

If you are looking for a free sample of COM273 Creative Communication Strategies SUSS Assignment Singapore, we recommend downloading it here. This document contains the full written assignment and all questions that will be asked in the exam.

Assignment Task 1: Distinguish between critical and creative communication in the process of communication.

Critical communication is the use of criticism to evaluate and improve how an idea or products are being communicated. Creative communication, on the other hand, is the creation of new ideas and products that can be used to communicate information or experiences in a more effective way than what was originally intended. Critical communication usually occurs when communicating ideas for publication; creative communications often take place during development stages of new product concepts or services.

Critical communication is when the message is not what it seems and usually results in a reaction from those receiving it. Creative communication, on the other hand, allows people to share their thoughts and experiences with no expectations of getting positive feedback. It often leads to more open discussion and closer relationships because people are willing to put up with less than perfect information in order to have an interesting conversation or learn something new.

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Assignment Task 2: Explain the elements of creativity and the creative process and recognise the roles of brainstorming and creative mindfulness in advancing communication.

Creativity can be defined as the ability to come up with new ideas or solutions to problems. The creative process begins by brainstorming, which is a technique used in order to generate new thoughts and concepts. By doing this, you help yourself focus on what needs to be done in order for your idea or solution to become a reality. Then, it’s important that you are able to stay focused during the creative process by using creative mindfulness. This means paying attention not just when you’re thinking of an idea but also when you’re feeling its effects—for example, how it makes you feel; how it might affect others; and whether or not it’s possible according to your original plan envisaged would work out. Finally, after all these steps have been taken into account, if everything looks like something that could potentially work then go ahead with trying out your idea even though there may be some qualifiers involved (such as feasibility).

Brainstorming and creative mindfulness are essential skills for any individual who wants to be a better communicator. Brainstorms can help develop ideas; however, they should not be used as the only tool for this process – rather, they should serve as a starting point for further thought and exploration. Creative minds must also take into account their surroundings when brainstorming; if something feels unnatural or off-putting during brainstorming then it might not lead to productive ideas.

Assignment Task 3: Apply the components of good communication to develop communication that is creative and engaging.

The components of good communication are: clear and concise, effective use of language, listening skills, paraphrasing/translating information for others, using images effectively, responding promptly to messages

Good communication includes being able to understand the other person, knowing what you want to communicate, and having a good plan for communicating. Additionally, effective communication involves using language that is clear and concise. It also requires taking time to listen attentively, have patience when explaining ideas/plans/actions, and be available when needed.

When communicating with others, use creativity and engage the other person in a conversation that is both informative and enjoyable. Use your words to create an interesting story or anecdote about what you’re saying, making sure it remains relevant to the topic at hand. Be sure not to bore your listener with long-winded explanations or detailed descriptions of technical details; instead focus on provoking thought and interest by sharing something unique that will capture the attention of your audience.

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Assignment Task 4: Discuss the creative communication techniques in communications industries such as advertising, marketing, journalism, public relations and human resource management.

There are many creative communication techniques in advertising, marketing, journalism, public relations and human resource management. Some common techniques used in these industries include:

  • Using visuals to communicate the message
  • Using sound to convey the message
  • Developing a story around an image or slogan
  • Creating graphics that communicate the message

One common technique is called collateral damage. This means that the advertiser uses content to create an emotional response in the viewer or reader so that they will want to see or read more of the product or service being advertised. Other common communications techniques include focus groups, market research, consumer studies and opinion polling.

Assignment Task 5: Analyse the differences between online and traditional media and be mindful of the ethical and legal framework within which they operate within society.

Online media is often more informal, and users tend to be more creative. It can be used for personal entertainment or for sharing information that may not meet the standards of journalistic ethics. Online media also has a higher propensity towards sensationalism and user feedback can sometimes only come after the fact, which makes it difficult to investigate problems or make changes in policies without public outcry. On the other hand, traditional media is better at capturing events live and allows reporters to interview people on-the-ground who have firsthand knowledge of what’s happening. This type of reporting gives journalists a deeper understanding of what people are saying about an event than online news could possibly hope to provide.

Online media may be less healthy as it is often filled with advertising and Sponsored Content that could potentially have negative effects on individuals or groups. Traditional media has been around for centuries and has a well-established ethical framework within society that enables it to serve as an important source of information for both the public and businesses. However, there are some areas where traditional media does not always meet the same standards as online media when it comes to safety, ethics, privacy rights, etc., so users should carefully study how these different platforms operate before making any decisions about using them.

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Assignment Task 6: Write creatively using techniques such as brainstorming.

Brainstorming is a process of generating ideas or solutions to problems. It can be used in any area of life, such as business, marketing, education, and personal development. The goal is to come up with creative ways to solve problems using your own mind and creativity.

By brainstorming, you can come up with ideas for new products or services. This process is also helpful in coming up with strategies to improve your business and product offerings. By using creativity as a tool, you can reach out to more people and tap into their potential markets. You will be able to develop better solutions faster and find new ways to market your products or services while limiting the number of mistakes that you make along the way.

Assignment Task 7: Expand the scope of communication through divergent thinking.

Thinking about communication in a more divergent way can help you become more creative, innovative, and successful. By exploring different ways to communicate with others, you can open up new possibilities for your business or organization. In other words, by expanding the range of potential communication channels within your organization and thinking outside the box when it comes to how you go about communicating with people and clients, you can reach new heights of success.

By expanding the concept of communication to include divergent thinking, one can explore a greater range of potential outcomes and perspectives. This may lead to new ways of looking at familiar problems, leading to increased understanding and confrontation with challenges we often take for granted.

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Assignment Task 8: Develop effective communication skills that are effective, creative and engaging.

Effective communication is a key component of any successful organization. By understanding the different aspects of effective communication, you will be better equipped to develop and implement effective strategies for communicating with others. Effective communicators use information and narrative techniques to communicate ideas, feelings, insights, or solutions in an open and engaging way that attracts attention and allows people to share their experiences without feeling pressure or fear.

It is important for everyone to be able to effectively communicate with others. This can be done in a number of ways, but one of the most effective and engaging ways is through using communication techniques that are creative and engaging. It’s also helpful to have good public speaking skills if you want to share your ideas or talk about subjects which may interest other people.

Assignment Task 9: Employ consumer-centric creative communication techniques in industries such as advertising, marketing, journalism, public relations and human resource management.

Employing consumer-centric creative communication techniques in industries such as advertising, marketing, journalism, public relations and human resource management can help increase the effectiveness of your messages and drive more customer loyalty. By using a consumer-centric perspective to develop your message plan and strategies, you’ll be able to better understand how people use your services and what makes them tick. As a result, you’ll be able to create ads that are truly unique for each individual market.

One example of such an industry would be advertising, where agencies work with brands to create engaging adverts that appeal to consumers on a personal level. Another example would be marketing, which focuses on understanding what customers want and need in order to sell products or services successfully. Public relations can also be used as a means for companies to understand their customer base better by creating informative content and videos that are shareable online and offline. Finally, human resource management may involve using creative strategies in order to attract the best talent possible into organizations.

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Assignment Task 10: Create communication plans in a digital era that puts consumer at the core of the communication process.

The consumer is the center of any communication plan. It’s important for businesses to understand what their customers want and need, so they can provide them with the best possible service. In a digital era, companies should put customers first by creating effective and relevant communications plans that include: .

  • Designing an effective online presence
  • Developing marketing materials that are engaging and useful
  • Making sure all channels are used effectively
  • Providing clear instructions on how to contact your customers

In a digital era, the consumer is at the center of communication. This means that your marketing message must be one that appeals to and connects with consumers as individuals, not just as customers. To do this successfully, you need to develop a clear understanding of how consumers interact with various media—including digital platforms such as social media and websites—and what messages you can send using these channels in order to reach your target audience. You also need to create plans for each type of medium in order to reach the most viewers or readers within those mediums.

Assignment Task 11: Formulate creative communication strategies within the ethical and legal framework of society.

In order to create an effective and lasting message, it is important that creative communicators formulate strategies within the ethical and legal framework of society in order to ensure their messages are heard. This includes understanding the laws surrounding libel, slander, privacy rights, defamation lawsuits, public opinion polling data collection practices (including social media use), copyrighted materials (such as music or photographs), trade secrets, intellectual property lawsuits—and more.

The goal of ethical communication is to protect the rights and well-being of individuals, groups, or organizations. It also includes preserving public trust and confidence in institutions. In order to achieve these goals, it is important that communications are delivered within the context of a legal system that upholds such values and principles.

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