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COU 562 Advanced Couple and Family Therapy Assignment SUSS, Singapore

COU 562 Advanced Couple and Family Therapy Assignment Sample SUSS, Singapore

In this assignment sample, we will be going to discuss the Advanced Couple and Family Therapy SUSS, Singapore. Couple and family therapy is an extremely intricate craft, often requiring the therapist to play many roles. This course will take a more in-depth look at how one might do this by covering theoretical concepts as well as clinical treatment modalities like a systemic couple and family therapy.

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The student’s understanding of these theories and therapeutic approaches can create new avenues for communication with couples or families going through difficult periods in their lives while also providing them deeper insight into the person they are becoming themselves during their time spent counseling others whose problems may be far different from what they have experienced before then but still need help confronting nonetheless.

This course was designed to provide the student with a framework and background for working with couples or families. It will challenge them to think critically about their own roles, as well as those of the clients they work with.

TOA, TMA, GBA Assignment solution of COU 562 Advanced Couple and Family Module SUSS

At the end of this course, Singaporean students will be able to learn the Advanced Couple and Family module with the help of the following learning outcomes :

1.Discuss in-depth the key systemic theoretical concepts and application in couple and family therapy (CFT).

The key systematic theoretical concepts and applications in couple and family therapy (CFT) will be discussed in the first part of this assignment. The key concepts covered for SUSS Singaporean students are:

The relational context in family therapy·  Empowerment and disempowerment· Social constructionist approach to understand how family members construct reality around themselves·    Systemic model of CFT that encompasses contextual factors, interfamilial dynamics, and inter-familial relationship, with a focus on the counseling process used by counselors.

As a complexity scientist and therapist,  I first became interested in couple relationships when it became clear that intimate couples would provide a relevant application for my research and training methods. When relational psychologists talk about “couples,” they’re usually referring to romantic partners who are engaged in an ongoing close relationship.

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The general assumption is that their partnership shares key features with healthy friendships or parent-child bonds—that the best predictors of health within such partnerships are not gender but rather how much each partner feels loved, has self-respect, has independence from the other partner, and feels free to express emotions. It’s helpful to remember this context on specific topics like breaking up or conflict resolution strategies.

2.Appraise the strengths and limitations in each of the CFT treatment modalities.

CFT is very effective in the treatment of certain disorders, including a variety of anxiety disorders. It is also effective in reducing chronic pain from the neck and spine, and post-traumatic stress disorder. There are limitations to CFT therapy as well. One limitation is that people with addictions or severe mood disturbances may find it difficult to use this technique properly for long periods of time.

A lot depends on your goals and what you’re looking for when it comes to treatments for these conditions. If you’re interested in an alternative way of treating pain without drugs or surgery, then CFT might be worth exploring! And if you don’t want side effects like fatigue, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, dependency

3.Organize the different treatment modalities in one’s clinical thinking and practice.

We can organize the different treatment modalities in one’s clinical thinking and practice through three categories: Active Intervention, Passive Intervention, and Reactive Intervention.

There is a fourth category that can also be included: the Misuse of an intervention. This last category should be considered a warning sign in organizing the different treatment modalities.

The following are the different treatment modalities in one’s clinical thinking and practice:

  • Non-pharmacological interventions
  • General medical management include antibiotics and steroids ( Type 1 diabetes with ketoacidosis is an exception)
  • Insulin infusions to treat dehydration if necessary and control the hyperglycemia, if required for high blood pressure/difficulty breathing or heart failure.
  • Emergency insulin drip at 10 ml of regular human insulin per hour, irrespective of the duration of diabetes or time since last meal for those who lose consciousness or have life-threatening signs due to suspected diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Inpatient hospital admission
  • Intravenous fluid replacement

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4.Evaluate how the main theoretical concepts/theories in CFT are integrated within the clinical practice.

we can evaluate the main theoretical concepts/theories in CFT are integrated within the clinical practice by looking at what principles/concepts in CFT are observed.

For instance, it is important to note that there aren’t any theoretical concepts/theories in CFT only observable practices (Barley and Kunda 2005). Therefore, if we want to see how the theoretical concepts/theories are integrated within clinical practice they should be considered by the following components:

the second level of analysis occurs when one examines specific practices and identifies various patterns or themes. With these identified themes, the third-level analysis looks to identify causal relationships between them. This third level is where frameworks come into play as they attempt to explain why certain types of practices emerge from others (ibid.).

5.Design strategies in one’s assessment and intervention, mindful of the self-of-the-therapist within the clinical work with couples, children, and their families.

We can design strategies in one’s assessment and intervention, mindful of the self-of-the-therapist within the clinical work with couples, children, and their families by being mindful of our feelings and reactions to the client/ their family, as well as our own histories, treatment goals, biases.

For example: When we become aware of negative thoughts about a couple or feel some pre-existing negative bias toward a certain group of people in society (e.g., those who are overweight), we must consider how that may translate into relationship difficulties with these clients/ families. We must be more intentional in choosing the way we present ourselves to clients and others involved in the therapeutic process such as colleagues whom we collaborate with during assessment and intervention phases.

Understanding interactive cycles within intimate relationships can assist therapists when working with couples within an intrapsychic model.

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6.Apply the CFT treatment modalities in couple and family interventions.

Applying the CFT treatment modalities in couple and family interventions can be done by ensuring family processes are respected, providing a safe place where couples can air their difficulties without being criticized, and giving concrete feedback from one adult to another.

The first stage is “expressive.” In this phased process, professionals provide clients with an accepting environment to explore their feelings of distress; refusing to accept responsibility for them or demanding an action plan. The next stage is “limited reparative” where the goal of the therapist is focused on understanding what caused a particular feeling in order to correct it. This process can often yield constructive results when revisiting unhappy past events or traumas with a focus on correcting emotional wounds.

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