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Updated on: 4th Mar 2022

COU557 Theories and Practice in Addiction Counselling Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore 

The purpose of this course is to understand addiction counselling and to help the person who is experiencing addiction counselling to improve her or his life. This will include understanding how addiction counselling works, why people are struggling with addiction counselling, and how addictive substances can make people feel. We will also be learning about some of the theories around alcoholism, drug abuse, and Addiction Counselling.

This assignment provides a brief overview of addiction counselling and its various theories, methods, and objectives. It also offers an opportunity to research different addiction counselling theory groups in Singapore.

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Assignment Activity 1: Examine the bio-psycho-social predispositions and psychological factors implicated in addiction and recovery

Addictions are a result of psychological factors and bio-psycho-social predispositions that can be traced back to early development. Addictive behaviors have their origins in the earliest stage of life, when a baby’s brain is still immature and developing. The Middle Childhood Development Inventory (MCDI) has shown that babies who are addicted to drugs or other substances show similar signs of problems as those who do not addiction.

Addictive behaviors are often caused by psychological factors, such as distorted self-views or negative expectations about one’s own abilities and worth. Recovery from addiction requires an understanding of the root causes of addictive behavior, which may include a lack of trust in oneself, poor nutrition and physical activities that promoting unhealthy lifestyles, social isolationism or supportiveness to addictions (e.g., alcohol), dysfunctional family dynamics (often characterized as involvement with drugs or alcohol abuse), impaired mental well-being due to stressors outside the home (including work/life balance problems), financial instability brought on by addiction, untreated medical conditions such as hepatitis C virus infection or heart disease—and genetic predispositions that can lead people to develop addictions in the first place.

Assignment Activity 2: Debate current and emergent professional concerns in the field on various behavioural and substance addictions and related counselling

Substance addictions and related counselling is an important field that has been growing rapidly in recent years. As more people become aware of the devastating consequences of substance abuse, they are seeking ways to help those who have fallen into addiction. The aim of this guide is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the different types and effects of addiction, as well as how Counselling can be helpful in managing these problems. This guide will also offer tips on how to research different substances and find available treatments or support groups for addicts.

This includes exploring the different reasons why people become addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other substances. It will also cover how Counselling can help individuals overcome addiction as well as provide support for those who are struggling with these issues.

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Assignment Activity 3: Assemble an overview of the core competencies, roles and tasks of addiction counsellors

Addiction counsellors work with individuals who are struggling with addictive behaviours, and provide support to help them overcome their addiction. They may be involved in providing treatment, working as part of a team or alone. Addiction counsellors have diverse roles and tasks that include:

  • psychoeducation (telling people about addiction)
  • assessment (finding out the causes of addictive behaviour)
  • referral and advocacy (helping addicts find resources to stop using drugs or alcohol)
  • care coordination/staffing (coordinating activities between different staff members at the clinic so that everyone is able to meet clients’ needs effectively)

Addiction counsellors work with clients to identify the root causes of their problem and help them develop a plan to address it. Addiction counsellors also play an important role in supporting friends and family members of addicted individuals, working together to provide the resources they need so that addicts can stay healthy and Drug-Free.

Assignment Activity 4: Assess substance and behavioural addictions according to current international classification and debates

Substance addictions are those that arise from the desire to obtain or consume a substance in order to achieve an emotional, physical, cognitive, or spiritual benefit. Behavioural addictions involve regular and profound changes in how we behave due to need for the substance and/or its effects on moods, thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.

Substance and behavioural addictions are going on in the global community. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified substance and behavioural addictions into five different categories, based on how severe they can be: narcotics addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, internet/app addictions and bulimia nervosa. Substance abuse is defined as an impairment of physical or psychological functions that leads to dependency or misery. Behavioural Addictions involve serious problems with thoughts, behaviours and emotions that cause harm to oneself or others.

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Assignment Activity 5: Design appropriate treatment plans for clients and their families in local contexts

The goal of family medicine is to provide the best possible care for clients and their families. However, in some cases it may be necessary to make changes in treatment plans or recommend other interventions for a client with respect to his or her health and well-being. In order to achieve this goal, family medicine practitioners should work together with colleagues from other specialties who have expertise in different areas of healthcare so that appropriate treatments can be recommended and put into place on an individual basis.

Primary care clinicians often have limited knowledge about the needs of clients with cancer and their families. They should speak to family members, friends, and other healthcare professionals in order to develop appropriate treatment plans for these groups. Additionally, primary care clinicians should work together with cancer genetic counselor staff who can help identify specific genes that may be associated with a patient’s cancers.

Assignment Activity 6: Evaluate the impact of various interventions for addiction counselling

The goal of addiction counselling is to provide individuals with the support they need to overcome their addictions and live a healthier lifestyle. There are many interventions that could be used for this purpose, but one of the most effective methods is rehabilitation therapy. Rehabilitation therapy can help addicts quit using drugs and alcohol, as well as improve their mental health overall. It also offers hope for those who have struggled with addiction in the past and may still experience problems today.

After administering the interventions, it would be important to assess their impact on addiction counselling. This could include finding out how well they work and whether or not they are cost-effective. In addition, different types of interventions for addiction counselling might need to be evaluated in order to see which is best suited for each individual case.

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