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Updated on: 23rd Mar 2021

Theories of the Distributive Bargaining Singapore Essay Sample

Moving on, we shall be dividing the essay into different sections. We do this for the sake of clarity. Regardless, we will be adding the following things in the sample essay for Singapore students: firstly we will be looking at the “what is distributive bargaining”. After which we will be discussing the importance of distributive bargaining. Later on, we shall discuss the various distributive bargaining strategies. Finally, we shall end the essay by looking at the difference between Distributive and integrative negotiation.

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This essay will walk you through the basics of Distributive Bargaining Essay. If students in Singapore want to download this, they can approach our experts who are able to provide custom-made essays according to your needs at the school or college level!

Introduction- Theories of the Distributive Bargaining Essay

In this sample essay, we shall be looking at the topic of “theories of distributive bargaining”. Adding to this, the concept of distributive bargaining is a very important part of business negotiations in Singapore as we as our day-to-day. We advise you to go through our essay “integrative bargaining process” which is closely related to distributive bargaining. In fact, you can find several other Sample essays on our website.

Main body- Theories of the Distributive Bargaining Essay

What is distributive bargaining?

Distributive bargaining is a type of competitive bargaining strategy similar to integrative bargaining. In this type of bargaining where a party gains while the other party is at the loss. In simple words, we can say that it is a “win-lose” type of negotiation. Moving on, this strategy is used to distribute fixed resources, as implied by the name. Moreover, these fixed values include money, resources, assets, and so on.

Importance of distributive bargaining

Distributive bargaining is considered important as in some settings disputes cannot be solved using any other resort, for they are “zero-sum”. Usually, we see the distributive style of negotiation in our day-to-day life such as shopping trips or while buying other daily necessities. However, this type of bargaining is not unknown even in cooperative negotiation settings. As usually in business negotiations in Singapore, each side or party on tables wants profit for themselves.

Therefore, the distributive comes into play and plays an important role in the business settings not just in our day-to-day life. In the next section of the essay, we will be looking at the different strategies of distributive bargaining.

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Characteristics of distributive negotiation

Distributive negotiation is a necessary way to resolve differences between parties with mutually exclusive goals. Parties will use every ounce of information they can get their hands on while trying not to give anything back in return because it’s a layered power struggle at its finest!

From one side you have those who need something from another person or company in Singapore; on the opposite end sit those that really want what someone else has got hold of them. They’re hungry for more (and willing to serve themselves first).

Distributive vs integrative negotiation

We read that distributive bargaining can be simply put as creating a situation where one party gains while the other party losses or a WIN-LOSE situation. Moreover, in this type of negotiation, there is a fixed value is also known as “zero-sum” for the same reason.

On the other hand, integrative bargaining mainly focuses on creating equal value and keeps in mind the interests of both parties. Adding to this, this style of negotiation aims at creating a “WIN-WIN” situation for both parties hence not causing loss to any of the parties. Unlike, distributive bargaining there are no fixed values that need to be distributed therefore it is not a “zero-sum” negotiation.

Distributive bargaining strategies

There are various different things that should be kept in mind while employing distributes bargaining. Using these strategies, one can get the most out of a negotiation and make the best out of any situation. So we will be looking at these strategies. These are, as mentioned below:

  • Make Contingent Concessions.
  • Label Your Concessions.
  • Be Comfortable with Silence.
  • Avoid Making Unilateral Concessions
  • Focus on the Other Party’s BATNA and Reservation Value.


The distributive bargaining theory is a concept that has been utilized in many different ways. It can be either beneficial or detrimental to the company depending on how it’s applied. If you are considering using this type of negotiation for your business, make sure to understand all of its implications before moving forward with any decision-making.

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