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Updated on: 27th Feb 2023

ELG217 Language and Society SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

ELG217 Language and Society is an exciting and eye-opening course. In this course, students will explore the relationships between language, culture, and society by examining how each relates to one another. Through readings, discussions, and research projects, students have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of not only language usage in various contexts but also of its social functions in everyday life.

This class covers topics such as language acquisition & acquisition processes, bilingualism & multilingualism, language loss & retention, racial/ethnic identity negotiation through language use, gender differences in communication styles, linguistic ideologies related to power differentials between language users, and speech varieties (e.g., dialects & slang). Students who take this course can expect to gain critical perspectives on the diversity underlying our contemporary world.

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Achieve the highest excellence in ELG217 Language and Society assignments with our exemplary samples. is here to be of assistance when it comes to achieving the highest quality excellence in your ELG217 Language and Society assignments. Our expert team of writers has diligently produced samples crafted with extensive research and professional language that can help inform and guide you to completing successful assignments.

In this section, we will go over some assignment briefs. Specifically:

Assignment Brief 1: Explain the connections between language and culture, gender, power, and public policies.

The relationship between language and culture is one of the most integral components of society, as language can both unite individuals in a shared dialogue and divide them through the nuances of meaning derived from its use. Similarly, an individual’s gender identity has been found to shape how they interpret language and interact with it, as different genders often associate separate values with certain words.

Power dynamics also play a part in understanding how languages vary according to disparities in opinions or social structures. This can be seen through public policies that aim to largely exclude/include certain dialects/words depending on the majority opinion toward it. All of these elements come together to form the complex relationship between language and culture, gender, power, and public policy which can greatly shape a person’s identity and understanding of their own language.

Assignment Brief 2: Demonstrate with examples the connections between language and culture, gender, power and public policies.

Language is an integral aspect of culture and identity and reflects many different aspects of life. Gender roles and the power dynamics associated with gender are often reflected in language use: for example, certain expressions or phrases may be used to diminish women’s agency, while others may reinforce their roles as caregivers. Public policies are likewise shaped by language: they help to construct a national narrative that can influence how people think about ideas like patriotism, fairness, and justice. In some cases, the language used in public policies has been shown to lead to greater acceptance of controversial ideas, since the chosen words can often establish trust and create persuasive argumentation.

Language also plays an important role in shaping private conversations between individuals; research has shown that languages that recognize more than one gender are associated with lower levels of gender-based discrimination. Thus, it is clear that language is a powerful tool that has immense implications in terms of culture, gender dynamics, power structures, and public policies.

Assignment Brief 3: Discuss the major theoretical frameworks in the study of language and society.

Language and society are closely intertwined disciplines. As a result, multiple theoretical frameworks have been developed in order to better understand the role of language within society. Major frameworks include Critical Discourse Analysis which uses discourse to draw attention to power dynamics and inequality in society, Sociolinguistics which looks at how language is used differently according to class, gender, region, religion, and other contexts, and Representation Theory which examines the impact of stereotypes and dominant ideologies on language use.

Each of these frameworks offers an important insight into the complex relationship between language and society, offering insights into how social structures are created or maintained through everyday usage.

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Assignment Brief 4: Examine case studies and other sources of data to explain critically the connections between language and culture, gender, power and public policies.

Examining case studies and other sources of data to explore the relationships between language, culture, gender roles, power and public policies is an invaluable way to gain a comprehensive insight into how these four factors interact with one another. Examining linguistics in relation to social norms affords us the opportunity to gain an understanding of how laws and public policies are related to dominant discourses in different cultures, as well as how gender roles are affected by language and discourse.

On an individual level, examining the linguistic performance of someone from a particular culture can provide useful information about how power relates to his or her ability to use language for communication purposes. By studying these vital connections between various elements of life, we will be able to create more effective public policies that are tailored accurately to the specific needs of each society.

Assignment Brief 5: Analyze data using the major theoretical frameworks.

The ability to analyze data using a variety of major theoretical frameworks is an incredibly useful tool for making decisions. By understanding the structure of these theories and the principles they align with, one can apply them to their own data sets. This helps provide greater insight into conclusions that draw on that particular framework. For example, by utilizing quantitative analysis people are able to unearth unknown correlations and potential solutions based on hypotheses they may never have thought to pursue without it. With the right data and framework, deep insights surrounding emergence and trends are available at our fingertips.

Assignment Brief 6: Appraise the explanatory value of particular theoretical frameworks.

The explanatory value of particular theoretical frameworks is invaluable when it comes to providing an in-depth understanding of a subject. By examining the underlying principles and assumptions held within a framework, can provide insights into why things happen and how various concepts interact. Not only this, but they can propose practical solutions to existing problems, giving definitive direction on approaching a conundrum. It is therefore essential that enough time and energy are invested in scrutinizing the details of each framework – whether through careful research or the appraisal of peers – so that the bigger picture can be clarified.

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