Business Assignment Sample for Singapore Students

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Decision Bias in Merger & Acquisition Essay Sample

Decision Bias in Merger & Acquisition Decision bias in mergers & acquisitions plays a great role even without us knowing it. As we will read later in this essay, there are several biases that could take place in business decision-making. Moreover, we have discussed the topic of Decision bias in business decisions in detail on our website. W

Recent Developments in Maritime Industry Essay Sample

Recent Developments in the Maritime Industry Essay Sample The maritime industry is probably one of the world’s oldest industries. Moreover, since recorded history ships are used to travel through seas and oceans. Moreover, the basic principle has remained the same since it first appeared. Adding to that, the world economy greatly depends on it an

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Global Macro Strategy Essay Sample

Global Macro Strategy Essay In this sample essay, we shall discuss the topic of global macro strategy. As this is an important topic for students, we shall discuss the various topics and parts of this concept. Adding to this, we have another sample essay closely related to this one which is “alternative investment” (add a link here). cta_commo

Effective Business Communication in Workplace Essay Sample

Effective Business Communication in Workplace Essay Effective business communication in the workplace will be our topic of discussion. Every good relationship stands for good communication and relationships in the workplace are no different. The better a team communicates, the better they perform. Therefore, employees at the workplace need to estab

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Effective Business Communication Barriers Essay Sample

Effective Business Communication Barriers Sample In this sample essay, we will be discussing Business communication barriers. . We discussed how workplaces can employ effective business communication. However,  we shall discuss the opposite in this essay, Meaning we will be looking at what are barriers that reduce effective business communication

Integrative Bargaining Process Essay Sample

Integrative Bargaining Process Essay The process of bargaining is an important one. This is because it can make or spoil a business deal. As there are different types of negotiating strategies, one must know the difference in order to know when to use which. So in this sample essay, we will be discussing a specific type of negotiating strategy know

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The Implication of Biases for a Particular Type of Business Decisions Essay Sample

The Implication of Bias for a Particular Type of Business Decision The topic of this essay will be The implication of bias for a particular type of business decision. BusinesDecision bias happens not only in business decision-making but also in our day-to-day life. As most of our thought processes in the subconscious, we don’t even notice them.

Impact of Cultural Norms on Global Business

Impact of Cultural Norms on Global Business Essay Sample In this sample essay, we will be discussing the impact of cultural norms. As we know global business transcends the limits of nations and interacts with many cultures. Therefore it is necessary to understand the needs of each culture and the proper way to interact with them. This needs to be

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E-Business In Covid-19 Essay Sample

E-Business: Covid-19’s impact, Adoption, and Digital Technologies Essay Sample No one is a stranger to the situation of a covid-19 pandemic. This crisis has affected everything from personal lives to E-business, everyone has suffered. We speak for everyone when we say the way of life has changed. People are not allowed to go out freely, there ar

Sustainable Marketing Sample Essay

Sustainable Marketing Essay for Singapore Student This is a sample essay on the topic of sustainable marketing. In this sample essay, we will discuss what is meant by sustainable marketing, why it is important, principles associated with sustainable marketing, and its strategies. cta_common_1 What is Sustainable Marketing? Sustainable marketing

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