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Contemporary Topics In Business And Management (BUS601) Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore BUS601 is a series of workshops offered by the School for Business for twelve months. These workshops provide contemporary knowledge in business management and innovative models to support growth, as well as help participants keep pace with future economic deve
GSP401 Alibaba Cloud-SUSS Certificate/Minor In Entrepreneurship Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The entrepreneurial spirit of Singapore is deeply ingrained in its culture. Entrepreneurs drive innovations that create more jobs for the economy, while small enterprises can be nimble and responsive when the market needs change or new opportunities ari
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TAX535 Taxation And The Digital Economy Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The TAX535 course equips you with the knowledge of how taxation works in different countries, and what rules are being used for this new economy. The course also covers the major tax havens, and how to use them correctly. The final part of the course focuses on international t
TAX531 Applying Transfer Pricing Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The TAX531 Applying Transfer Pricing course will provide you with a solid foundation for understanding the challenges of multinational and tax administrators. You'll explore how these guidelines can be applied in your everyday life as an accountant, entrepreneur or business owner. Th
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TAX521 OECD Model Tax Convention Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The TAX521 OECD Model Tax Convention is a course that introduces students to the most important tax treaty models. The goal of these negotiations and agreements between countries, which have been started in model form by an organization called "the Organization for Economic Co-operat
TAX529 Taxation, Governance And The Wider Environment Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore TAX 529 Taxation, Governance and the Wider Environment challenges students to look at taxation beyond just corporate tax returns. In Part I they will examine how financial reporting can be impacted by different types of governments or environments in which an ent
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TAX509 Selected Topics In Taxation Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The TAX509 Selected Topics in Taxation invites participants to update and expand existing tax knowledge by analyzing current issues, such as those related to multinational companies looking towards overseas markets or manufacturing facilities. The seminar will also focus on advance
TAX507 Tax Planning And International Taxation Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore TAX507 International Tax and the occasional Planning equips students with knowledge on the bases of international taxation; both hard-law, such as tax treaties or general principles that have arisen over time. It introduces them to various planning opportunities for cro
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LOG363 Geospatial Analytics For Decision-Making Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The amount of data being handled by managers is rapidly increasing. It's commonly analysed and presented in many different ways, such as graphs or charts which can be very informative when looking at how certain things change over time." But what if you wanted more tha
LOG307 Optimisation And Simulation For Decision-Making Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The use of quantitative models in today’s highly competitive and complex business environment has become an essential tool for success. LOG307 Optimisation and Simulation for Decision Making stresses the analysis, development as well as solving of these mathem