Business Assignment Sample for Singapore Students

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IPM575 Commercialising Innovation Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

IPM575 Commercialising Innovation Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The course aims to teach students how they can commercialize their intellectual assets for the organisation to generate new income streams and attract business partners. The instructor will evaluate an individual's IP situation, formulating a plan that is most appropriate given his/

IPM553 Licensing IP Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

IPM553 Licensing IP Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore Licensing IP explores a major advantage of intellectual property (IP) ownership in that it allows businesses to sell the rights or license them over a specific period. The course focuses on how best to manage your company's licensing strategies as well as contracts and agreements related to any t

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ICT223 Business Analysis Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

ICT223 Business Analysis Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore Business Analysis is a process that enables organizations to improve their functional processes and business activities in order to reduce overall costs, provide more efficient use of scarce resources while supporting customers. The philosophy behind it all centers on rethinking end-to-end a

HFSY217 Emergency Preparedness And Response Planning Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

HFSY217 Emergency Preparedness And Response Planning Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The course equips students with knowledge on how to be prepared for emergencies and manage disasters effectively at the workplace. Students will appreciate different tactical roles that agencies take within an organisation, as well post-emergency responses in addi

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DES520 Communication Design for Business Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

DES520 Communication Design for Business Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore We all know that successful and innovative ideas are always accompanied by intentional design. This course aims to elevate business graduates’ sensitivity in both theoretical knowledge as well as the practical application of how different elements can affect your production

BUS655 Strategy SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

BUS655 Strategy SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore The Bus655 Strategy SUSS Assignment is a sample assignment for students who are seeking to pursue a career in strategy. The task is to create a business plan that will enable the company to achieve its desired results. In order to realize the potential of the Bus655 Strategy Suss, students must have

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BUS615 Corporate Governance, CSR and Change Management for Sustainability Sample Singapore

BUS615 Corporate Governance, CSR and Change Management for Sustainability SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore The BUS615 CSR and Change Management for Sustainability SUSS Assignment is a sample assignment for students who are seeking to learn about corporate governance, CSR and change management for sustainability, and how to manage a company’s cost

BUS603 Applied Research in Business and Management SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

BUS603 Applied Research in Business and Management SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore BUS603 Applied Research in Business and Management Assignment offers a business education for those who want to manage and work with people of all levels of experience and skills. students will be able to develop their abilities in areas such as marketing, customer

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BUS558 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

BUS558 Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore Bus558 is committed to the application of business governance and corporate social responsibility in order to create a better community for its customers, employees, and shareholders. We strive to be an example for the world to see by implementing these

BUS373 Big Data for Socioeconomic Issues SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

BUS373 Big Data for Socioeconomic Issues SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore BUS373 Big Data for Socioeconomic Issues (SUSS) is a course offered at SUSS. The objective of this paper is to develop an understanding of big data and its impact on socio-economic issues in Singapore. In order to achieve the objectives, the paper will use various analytical

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