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OST162 Facilitative Leadership Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore Facilitative leadership is a style of leading that encourages and enables people to do their best. It's about creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable, heard, and respected - all while working towards common goals. Some of the key components of facilitative leadership
OST164SG Leadership Through Outdoor Adventure In Singapore Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore In this course, you'll be exploring the idea that outdoor adventure can have lifelong effects on leadership skills. You will investigate how different types of expeditions affect those who take part in them, what they do for their mental and physical health
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WSQ Diploma In Design And Development Of Learning For Performance (DDDLP) Assignment Sample Singapore The WSQ Diploma in Design and Development of Learning for Performance (DDDLP) is a professional certificate course that provides students with the grounding they need to design education programs. Students will develop an understanding of how perfo
TSL561R Pedagogical Grammar Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore TSL 561 Pedagogical Grammar provides students with an overview of past approaches to teaching grammar in second language classrooms, and the relative strengths and weaknesses. More recent conceptualizations argue that we must include both form-focused instruction as well as opportunities
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ECC399 Project Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The course aims to equip students with the scope and techniques of research methodology so that they can experience all aspects involved in education study. By the end of this training session for educators-in-training, everyone will have been able to learn about how he or she should go about doing hi
ADL696 Master Project Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The ADL696 Master Project involves conducting original and substantial research in the field of adult learning. The maximum length for this project is 10,000 words (including references/appendices if needed), but it must be approved by both your supervisor as well as University approval before
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TSL567 English For Specific Purposes Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The TSL 567 English for Specific Purposes course will provide students with theoretical insights into the use of English as it’s used in various situations. These lessons cover topics like how to teach ESP courses, what makes one type better than another and why teaching styles
TSL565 Language Testing And Evaluation Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore TSL 565 provides students with an insight into the fundamental concepts in and principles of language assessment. This course then provides guidelines for evaluating listening, reading, viewing, speaking writing assignments that focus on grammar vocabulary using traditional pri
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TSL557 Pragmatics And TESOL Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore Pragmatics is the study of how meaning changes with context. It's an important concept for teaching pragmatic competence, which refers to a set or ability in speaking and understanding new languages without direct instruction from native speakers--teaching methods must be adapted dependin
TSL551 Global English And Language Teaching Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The course provides students with a deep insight into the spread of English as an international language (EIL). The first part defines what makes up one such language and why it's considered important for people around the world who communicate in any form or via technolog