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HFSY215 Behavioural Based Safety Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore HFSY215 Behavioural Based Safety course is designed to provide learners with an understanding of behavioural-based safety (BBS) principles and their application in the workplace. The course will focus on the development and reinforcement of safe work behaviours through the identifica
Ageing And Informatics (GER401) Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The GER 401 Ageing and Informatics course will study the state of health informatics about aging, with a special focus on seniors. The technology used for caregiving is rapidly evolving thanks to new developments like artificial intelligence that offer potential solutions across numer
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SWK354 Families And Their Issues Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The course builds on the insights and skills gained in SWK351, bringing children into focus. It examines demographic changes that have led to contemporary challenges facing families through a careful study of different types of family structures; enabling students with this knowledge
SWK352 Children And Their Issues Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore Social work with children occupies an important place in the field because they have potential vulnerabilities that give rise to support and protection needs, as well as childhood being a time when growth should occur. This module provides you skills for working on these three dimens
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SWK109 Micro-skills For Interviews And Home-visits Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore SWK109 Micro-skills for Interviews and Home Visits is a course that helps students learn micro-skills integral to establishing an effective therapeutic relationship with clients. The learning process encourages self-awareness of how one's own identity can influence
GER302 Advance Care Planning And End-Of-Life Issues Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore GER302 - Advance Care Planning and End-of-Life Issues examines the psychosocial, and legal ethical issues that may arise in the dying process as well as spiritual aspects. It also focuses on how care professionals support people who are going through a difficult ti
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GER301 Ageing And Society: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The course aims to give you an understanding of the new paradigm for ageing. You will learn about topics such as integrated care support and services, re-definition of roles between older adults, policy issues that arise due to this population's needs; econ
CCS352 Independent Study assignment sample SUSS Singapore Independent Study is a revolutionary course that allows students to conduct in-depth inquiries into China-related issues. Before the semester begins, they will prepare proposals for their chosen research topics and get approval from SHBS on these proposed studies; together with the CCS Head
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SWK375 Social Advocacy Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The definition of social work as it is practised around the world and in Singapore has been adopted by an international organization to reflect its core values. This includes both promoting changes for those who need help but also ensuring justice when needed most so that no one gets left behi
SWK373 Social Innovation And Design Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore This course will highlight recent developments in social enterprise, social enterprise and corporate responsibility. We'll explore how you can engage with a range of players to develop robust initiatives that address your community’s needs while being sustainable in the process.