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MKT554 Consumer Insights With Google Analytics Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore With MKT554, you will learn how to use the Google Analytics platform for a better understanding of your customers. This class gives students practical skills in digital analytics using this software that offers many tools and insights into what people are doing online.
MKT553 Search Engine Optimization Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The goal of this course is to equip students with up-to-date knowledge and skills on search engine optimization. Search Engine Optimization or SEO can be defined as the process that optimized your website so it will rank high in the ranking for targeted keywords which are searches p
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MKT542 Digital Marketing Analytics Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore In today’s digital age, understanding customer decision journeys (CDJ) and improving their experiences at various touch points is essential in marketing. The CDJ has different features with the use of technology as well, this course looks into how analytics can be used for a more
MKT362 Pricing Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The ability to make strategic pricing decisions will help you drive sustainable growth. In this course, we'll learn proven concepts and techniques that can empower your company's bottom line by positively impacting customer value perception as well as motivations for purchase (and less spending on dis
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MKT355 Multivariate Analysis Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore With this course, you will gain a firm understanding of the statistical and managerial principles underlying multivariate analysis. Topics include: how to prepare your data; use univariate tests such as t-Test or One Way ANOVA for small sample sizes (less than 20 observations); analyze c
MGT559F Leading In A Circular Economy Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore In the world of business, there is new hope for sustainability. The transition towards what we call "the circular economy" will create less waste and pollution while ensuring human dignity by providing jobs that can't be automated - all thanks to an interdisciplinary approach in
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MGT557 Leading The Company Of The Future Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore Companies today are not just experimenting with how they approach the competitive marketplace of products, services and experiences; but also considering what type of social glue will make their employees want to stay. They're rethinking structures that were once thought of a
HFS351 Safety Management And Audit Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The course will help you understand the importance of safety policy and culture at work, as well as best practices for implementing them. You'll learn how to create a successful audit system that is both effective in identifying hazards while not creating unnecessary risk or contro
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HCM553 Performance Management And Total Rewards Strategy Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore Performance management is a hot topic in today's corporate world. With increased demands on employees, managers must be able to recognize and reward their success while also monitoring performance so they caniller improve it when necessary. This course will te
HCM549 Managing And Measuring Human Capital Projects Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore The first part of HCM549, Managing and Measuring Human Capital Projects, integrates three critical areas in human capital management: project management; metrics-driven decision making (including analytics); an introduction to predictive modeling techniques. The i