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FIN3102C/3702C Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management Assignment Example, Singapore

In this course, you will learn about the basics of investments. You’ll be introduced to fundamental security analysis and modern portfolio management techniques that are essential for those who wish to invest wisely in their future earning potentials.

Investing is a necessary evil in life. It’s often difficult to know what investments are appropriate for you, your money and goals – or even how much risk versus return there should be with different types of assets like stocks vs bonds! The good news it that this course will give anyone who struggles financial basics so they can make better decisions when investing wisely at home or abroad (or anywhere!).

A comprehensive overview provides coverage on topics such as fundamental security analysis; modern portfolio management including options trading strategies–all while keeping an eye out not just current markets but also future predictions about economic conditions around the world which could affect asset prices .

The completion of this course will equip candidates with the knowledge and skills to pursue a career in investment management as well as other financial related fields. Candidates should be conversant not only investment banking but also corporate finance, such that they are equipped for Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level I examination which tests on quantitative analysis; equity securities analysis (elements like stocks); portfolio management logic & techniques used by Wall Street professionals when putting together an asset allocation or diversifying it away from certain investments due to risk concerns.

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Learning Outcomes In FIN3102C/3702C Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management Assignment

You will be required to answer these questions in the FIN3102C/3702C Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management Assignment. If you ever receive such an assignment, do not hesitate to contact us for help with your studies here in Singapore.

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Assignment Task 1: Research the investment environment, different types of financial investment instruments and financial institutions

A certificate of deposit is investment in a bank account that can guarantee a certain interest rate and return. A credit union is an institution that focuses on members instead of shareholders when providing various banking services such as checking, savings, and loans. Investments in stocks often come from individuals or companies who purchase shares for one dollar each (common practice in the United States) with the anticipation of significant rises (or decreases) in the value, with no guarantee on profitability or losses incurred within that time frame. Mutual funds are managed by financial companies and typically invested in stocks and bonds to gain higher yields than an individual would receive if he/she purchased them individually.

Different types of financial investment instruments include; exchange-traded funds, closed end funds, mutual funds, real estate investment trusts (REITs), bonds and certificates of deposit. Most financial investments exist as combinations of these instruments.

Financial institutions for this type of business include asset management companies, banks and brokerage firms/entities with relevant licenses. 

The typical investor is an individual who has a given level of financial security to invest in given nominal products – typically their income or jobs may require little risk to stay viable. The conservative nature of most investment strategies match the needs of many individuals who are not planning on retiring any time soon but still want to grow their wealth over time with less risk than high-growth investments. Credit unions are often more effective, as they focus on members rather than on shareholders. Interest for this type of investment is often equivalent to the interest rates set by central banks in developed countries due to their high-credit ratings.

Assignment Task 2: Analyse and evaluate the investment purposes, the efficiency of key stages of the investment process

The purpose of investments is to provide an income or additional capital in the future. When you make an investment, you do so with the understanding that there is some risk that it will not be worth what you originally paid. The higher the potential for gains on your investments, typically means a higher risk of losing money too.

Investing for specific purposes can come with benefits and drawbacks. For example, retirement investing provides different benefits than investing for college or making home improvements.

Investing according to your financial goals can help increase your sense of control over achieving them! If you don’t know where to start, consider consulting a professional for their guidance on steps to take based on your needs and timeline

When it comes to saving money, there are many different paths you can take. One popular option is investing your money in order to earn a return on your investment. This guide will provide an overview of what investing is and how it can help you reach your financial goals.

Assignment Task 3: Calculate the risk and expected return of various financial instruments and investment portfolios

The more money you have, the greater your expected return.

The risk is lower for small investments because they are less volatile and riskier investments are usually for people with a lot of capital to invest. An investor with little capital cannot afford to lose what they already have too often without it affecting their livelihoods. But somebody who has managed an investment portfolio very carefully can be risking their entire life savings nearly every day–every single stock or bond that goes under water means that retirement funds are getting smaller, reducing flexibility in handling emergencies or managing golden years expenses. At some point, of course, investors hit a ceiling on how much further they can scale up the amount of investment needed to generate incremental improvements in returns using the highest-risk, highest-return investments available. For example, lowering the minimum investment for a $10,000 college fund from $400/mo to $10/mo will produce less than half as much money over time than if you had invested more initially.

You also have to take into account the fees that come with different types of investments. Many times, an investment with a higher expected return will have a higher fee. So, even if you have the money to invest, you need to make sure that the investment is worth it.

When looking at investments, it’s important to consider more than just the expected return. The risk and fees associated with an investment are also important factors to consider.

Assignment Task 4: Implement in practice the quantitative methods of investment decision making

Implement in practice the quantitative methods of investment decision making.

The key to successful investment is managing risk. In order to achieve this, investors need an understanding of things such as risk vs reward and how it manifests itself in the market. Investors also need a sturdy portfolio within which they can invest with different levels of funds so that when markets have weaker lows there is still some money leftover for when markets have stronger highs. This way if a period in time turns out to be profitable for their investments, they will have more money available than they otherwise would have had. The purpose of hedging is very simple: reduce one’s downside risks while maintaining or even improving on potential upside outcomes. It then becomes possible for investors to take on higher levels of risk which consequently allows them to profit more, so this is a totally viable strategy.

However doing all of these things can be quite difficult for most people who have not had the training or the opportunities necessary to truly begin investing in any meaningful way, but thankfully there are institutions that will train them up on these concepts and give them the opportunity to start investing with real money, such as universities and online investment webpages.

Assignment Task 5: Apply the principles of portfolio theory in the process of investment portfolio management

The different types of stocks in an investor’s portfolio will return differing amounts, with some stocks returning more than others. This leads to the effect where investments that are less risky can provide a higher return.

The Sharpe ratio (a statistical measure of the risk-adjusted performance, or “reward”, of an investment) can be used as a comparison between investments because it does not require that risks be diversified away. As such, this means that portfolios which hold equal asset classes should have similar ratios and these assets will receive the same rates of returns (before fees and other costs). Conversely, individuals who allocate their assets to achieve non-equilibrium returns for example through hefty sector bets must take on additional risk and therefore should expect to receive higher returns.

This particular aspect of investment is particularly important for individual investors because an individual cannot always eliminate the risk of loss entirely, but he or she can actually reduce it by investing in more than one type of asset class or diversifying.

Through the use of a financial calculator, an investor may determine that if her portfolio consists of 50% stocks and 50% bonds, her expected return is 8.5%. However, if she increases the percentage of stocks in her portfolio to 70%, then the expected return rises to 10%. Similarly, if the investor decreases the percentage of stocks to 30%, then the expected return falls to 6.5%.

Assignment Task 6: Analyse and evaluate the fair value of stocks and bonds, explain the main factors affecting the values

The value of stocks and bonds go hand in hand. If you want to know the value of one, you will need to know the other. The two variables on which the fair values depend are interest rates and stock prices. They affect each other because if interest rates (i) increase, then investing in bonds becomes more desirable, while people might feel inclined to invest less in stocks during this period of time; conversely, when i decreases, then both investing in bonds becomes less desirable and people might be inclined to invest more into stocks. On the other end, if stock prices (S) decrease by 5% compared with previous day’s close price (PS), it indicates negative trends for companies generating high yield dividends like utilities; conversely, if stock prices increase by 5% then the market is sending positive messages to investors.

As can be seen through these two examples, even small changes in one variable will have a consequential impact on the other variable. However, knowing which of these variables has a greater effect on the other is not trivial as both are intertwined with each other.

In order to better understand the impact of interest rates on stock prices, we can look at a simple example from University of Texas Business School. In their case study, they finance a company through equity and debt. They find that as long as the projects are risky or moderate risk, then there is no effect of interest rates on the total value of the company. In fact, the value of the company is only affected when the projects are low risk.

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Assignment Task 7: Use financial derivatives in the investment management process

The key to understanding derivatives is that they are just structures that shift risk around. There are many other structures that shift risk around, including other financial products like options, futures, and swaps. The only thing really unique about derivatives is how easily they can manage interest rate exposure – which may be very important for insurance companies or pension funds with long-term liabilities if rates go up dramatically.

It’s also important to note that without derivatives many investments would not exist in the first place since someone, somewhere would have to take on the risks associated with these investments otherwise it wouldn’t get done due to too much volatility. While there are plenty of people who disagree with this notion because of the potential problems related to excessive speculation always looming on Wall Street, derivatives do have a place in the global economy and play a very important role in risk management.

Financial derivatives are mathematical instruments, or financial products, that derive their value from underlying investments. For this reason, they are commonly used in the investment management process to manage various levels of risk associated with investing.

A hedging technique involves using one investment to reduce the risk of another. Derivatives allow investors to speculate on expectations about future movements in commodity prices or interest rates without actually owning these things. This can make investing more predictable and keep businesses working while minimizing financial risks for both borrowers and lenders. 

The idea is simple enough — but what makes it complicated is that there are dozens of different types of derivatives available for traders to use (besides stocks), many with unique “bid-ask” spreads depending on which market you’re trading them in. This is what makes managing risk so complicated, since proper management of any one derivative trade will depend on how well it fits into a trader’s overall strategy and portfolio.

Assignment Task 8: Distinguish between active and passive investment strategies; apply those strategies in practice

Active investments are often risky investments because an investor is taking the risk of the asset not turning out well. Some active investment strategies are niche niche asset investing, broker calls, and futures trading. Passive investments are less risky because it gives you the opportunity to invest in liquid assets without having to worry about security or liquidity issues. You can invest in mutual funds or ETFs for this strategy. 

Active investors tend to trade more often whereas passive investors trade less frequently, so their profits tend to be lower but they also have a lower chance of losing all their money. Active investors may want to try value investing with stocks that have had dramatic drops in value over time, which typically means they’ll bounce back at some point.

Active and passive investing strategies are often mistaken for one another, but it is important to understand the distinctions between them as they can be very different. For active investing, the stock market as a whole is analyzed and professionals experiment with risks as if we were all savers on Wall Street. This can be dangerous because of unforeseen events which cause panic and these kind of investments only work well if we know the future beforehand. Passively on the other hand means our portfolio is left alone. It moves with the population and matches returns which come from currency exchange rates and investment fees; passive investors may not choose stocks based on how they behave in certain economic cycles or by analyzing markets, mergers or acquisitions of companies that tie into their predictions about future returns.

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you want to trade more or less, what matters is your strategy and whether it fits within your risk tolerance. People who are skilled at active trading can make high commissions but so can traders who are cautious with their risky investments.

Assignment Task 9: Assess the efficiency of portfolio management

Portfolio management is a systematic process to maximize investments by diversifying the portfolio and reducing/avoiding risks. A good portfolio management system can help you seek a more stable pair of risk-return tradeoffs.

The benefits of investment management are that it provides an orderly way for individuals to invest their savings in one or more asset classes, with the goal of maximizing returns and minimizing risk. The manager can provide equities, bonds, options, etc., depending on the preferences and goals of the investor they manage money for. This service ultimately becomes costly because these fund managers receive fees they charge to cover their expenses and compensate them for providing this service.

The benefits of an orderly, diversified portfolio are many:

  • Greater stability: A well-diversified portfolio reduces the risk of experiencing a large loss in any one period of time. This is because no single asset class will be responsible for the majority of your losses if the market downturns.
  • Potential for higher returns: A diversified portfolio can earn a greater return because it captures the effects of different market conditions and asset class performance.
  • Reduced volatility: A well-diversified portfolio will have less volatility (the amount the price of an investment changes from one period to the next) than an individual asset class. This is because different types of assets perform differently at different times, which helps to smooth out the overall returns of a portfolio.

Assignment Task 10: Use Excel’s software skills during investment analysis and portfolio management calculations and researches

One of the most important skills to develop for investment analysis is using Excel, which is an invaluable time-saving software that you can use to manage portfolios, perform calculations and research.

If you are managing multiple investments with various account types, it may be difficult to track how things are progressing. This is where the capabilities of Excel are really handy as it provides a central location for storing all your data so that you can see everything in one spot. You do not have to dig through many different spreadsheets or folders – everything is right there on your screen at an instant! 

Some investors find decision making harder with increasing amounts of information since they have no reasonable way of deciding what factors are more significant than others without lots of time. Excel can help with this by allowing you to easily filter data and highlight the most important information. For example, you can quickly see how a particular stock is performing against a benchmark or sector average.

Excel is an incredibly powerful tool that can help investors save time and make better investment decisions. If you are not already using it, I highly recommend that you start! With Excel, you can easily filter data and highlight the most important information. For example, you can quickly see how a particular stock is performing against a benchmark or sector average. This can help you make more informed investment decisions.

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