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Updated on: 12th Jun 2021
HCM 551 Human Capital Management in the New Normal TMA Assignment Sample SUSS

HCM 551 Human Capital Management in the New Normal TMA Assignment Sample SUSS

The course examines segment changes and labor force variety, recruiting methodologies, choice procedures, work configuration difficulties, learning. Plus, it also concerns advancement, execution criticism, representative influence, inspiration, and award, just as moral issues in human capital management.

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In perspective on the significant changes in the labor market and work relations during the Covid-19 period, these new patterns, strategies, and practices require a forward-thinking examination.

Assessment solution of HCM 551 Human Capital Management in the New Normal

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1. What are the methods of talent attraction and selection?

We know that talent attraction, as well as selection, are important elements of this method. In addition to this, this can be done through several methods. As such, it is quite a useful learning outcome of this course. Therefore, students are taught to appraise methods for talent attraction and selection.

2. Explain the critical issues in talent identification, development, and retention.

As we know, talent identification, development, as well as retention are quite an important part of this field. In addition to that, there are several critical issues with this process. Therefore students need to learn the same. Thus students discuss critical issues in talent identification, development, and retention.

3. Can you discuss the staffing plans concerns deliver high-quality talent?

This is another important learning outcome of this course. For it concerns the issue of staffing and planning of the same. Understanding the same can help students improve the same. For that reason, this course teaches them the same. They learn how to design staffing plans that deliver high-quality talent.

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4. Create strategies for employee motivation and reward.

Students learning many great skills throughout this course. This helps them improve themselves. This is one of those skills. Here, students are taught to create strategies for employee motivation and reward. This will help them understand the concept better.

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