HRM203 Human Behaviour in Organizations Assignment SUSS Sample Singapore
This course will provide you with the knowledge to understand why people behave as they do in an organisation, and what managers can do about it. You’ll look at three levels: The individual behavior within organisations (including group processes), social interactions between groups on different levels of hierarchy or power dynamics; inter-group relationships which affect both how individuals see their own team members along with overall attitudes toward coworkers upstairs/downstairs etc.; And finally organizational process – from hiring practices all way through retirement packages.
This course also provides you with a solid understanding of what makes employees behave the way they do at work. You’ll learn about different types and levels in human capital development, as well how managers can influence their behaviour patterns through positive reinforcement or negative consequences for misbehaving.
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Assignment Activity 1: Describe organisational culture and its effect on organisational performance.
Organisational culture is internalised by the organisation’s members. Culture reflects the beliefs, values, norms and practices of an organisation. It is how people work together within their groups to achieve objectives – individually and collectively. A significant number of employees have poor skills in supervising their careers which encourages them to “fit into” whatever type of company they are currently at instead of moving on to more satisfying, higher-paying jobs because they perceive themselves as having no choice if they want to survive. Organisations need to recognise that low skilled employees are costly in terms of time wasted training new staff or facing performance problems with routines often set up for better-skilled workers so it benefits them tremendously both responsibly and financially wise if high performing organisations invest in their employees.
The impacts of skill deficiencies can be costly for employers and their workers. Low-skilled workers are not only more likely to experience unemployment, but they also earn lower wages when they are employed. The lack of skills can also lead to job insecurity, as employers may be less likely to keep employees who do not have the skills to do their jobs. In fact, it can be argued that the skills gap contributes significantly to the low-wage crisis in America.
The differences between high and low skilled workers are systemic and cultural while they may seem small on a day-to-day basis, their effects add up over time. To fight these differences, employers need to invest in training their high-skilled workers. This will not only help them to perform well, but it will also encourage the development of a strong organizational culture that may help retain them for longer periods of time.
Assignment Activity 2: Explain how individual characteristics such as personality, values and attitudes impact work behaviours.
Individual characteristics such as personality, values and attitudes may have an impact on work behaviours. Personality has been associated with performance evaluations including job satisfaction, organizational commitment and task completion. In terms of values, one study showed that values play a role in organization learning processes. Furthermore, if morals are violated during the course of work it may result in employees feeling frustrated or cynical about their jobs which will influence how they perform at them notably by impelling them to avoid or withdraw from participating in organisational activities attributable to moral distress too much time working off the clock for other projects while neglecting their duties leading to a sneaking suspicion that staff is sloppy inept lazy absenteeism from meetings or unscheduled breaks from work. This may be related to the hypothetical construct of job engagement which is a positive, energized and committed state of mind that is characterised by vigorous interest, dedication and absorption in work.
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In terms of attitude, research has shown that employees with a constructive attitude are more likely to be engaged in their work and have better performance outcomes than those with a destructive attitude. A constructive attitude is defined as a belief that one can influence events through one’s actions and thus the attitude is characterised by persistence, effort, concentration and confidence. In contrast, a destructive attitude occurs when an individual views their environment in a negative light which has been associated with low performance outcomes.
Assignment Activity 3: Discuss group, social and organisational processes.
Human behaviour is complex and can be difficult to manage, especially in the workplace. Human beings are unpredictable and dynamic; they behave differently not only day-to-day, but also situationally. This means that human behaviour in an organizational setting will vary depending on variables such as time of day, what task is being performed, who is performing it with whom, or whether reception staff are acting collaboratively or competitively.
It’s therefore important for workplaces to have policies that reflect this variability by supporting employees in achieving their targets using a variety of social processes―particularly if organisational goals depend heavily on cooperation between staff members. To help ensure successful outcomes for all involved parties within your organisation–and ultimately achieve higher profitability–you need to provide all employees (and potential employees) with equal opportunity to achieve their aims by reducing the interpersonal risks associated with employee behaviour.
The best way to reduce these risks is through psychological contract negotiations between employees and employers; it’s important for both parties to determine what they expect of one another in terms of behaviour, before employment begins or resumes (for new employees, you should ask them to describe what they think your organisation expects of them before they submit their application).
Establishing what both parties agree upon in the psychological contract is the key to reducing interpersonal risk factors within an organisation. This can be achieved through regular dialogue between managers and employees that discusses progress with tasks, targets, milestones etc.
Assignment Activity 4: Illustrate key issues based on organisational behaviour, management and work psychology concepts in real and simulated situations.
Organisational behaviour in the operational level is directed and directed by management at all levels of the organisation. The work psychology concepts that benefit most from this design are motivation, stress, and productivity.
Having a clear chain of command means people know what they’re responsible for and how to get help when needed. Motivation is highest if an employee feels like their role makes a genuine contribution to the organisation’s mission – so employers need to show appreciation and provide feedback on an ongoing basis about employees’ contributions in order to stay motivated.
Stress affects nearly everyone at some points during their career and it is important for managers and supervisors who lead by example meaning managers should model healthy coping skills they can use, promote participation in health promotion programs, and provide a healthy work environment.
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Productivity suffers when employees feel overworked or are stressed – so it’s important for organisations to ensure that their employees have a healthy work-life balance. This can be done by giving people the opportunity to work from home, flexible hours, and time off during major holidays.
Organizational behavior in the operational level is directed and directed by management at all levels of the organization. The work psychology concepts that benefit most from this design are motivation, stress, and productivity.
Having a clear chain of command means people know what they’re responsible for and how to get help when needed. Motivation is highest if an employee feels like their role makes a genuine contribution to the organisation’s mission – so employers need to show appreciation and provide feedback on an ongoing basis about employees’ contributions in order to stay motivated.
Stress affects nearly everyone at some points during their career and it is important for managers and supervisors who lead by example meaning managers should model healthy coping skills they can use, promote participation in health promotion programs, and provide a healthy work environment.
Assignment Activity 5: Propose feasible solutions to managerial or human resource issues based on organisational behaviour, management and work psychology principles and practices.
The solutions to managerial problems are always derived from organisational behaviour, management and work psychology principles and practice. There are many ways that organisations can tackle these issues, they can examine what prevents their employees from working effectively or optimising the most amount of work for themselves within the organisation by analysing them in relation to their individual personalities. Alternatively there is always better training, team building exercises which would be beneficial for all employees in an organisation including managers with task specific instruction outside of their context they work – this will allow them to understand how different levels of instructions should be issued. The last way include accountability measures when managers cannot follow through on the day-to-day coaching initiatives which includes introducing self-development plans that have been proven successful in improving leadership capabilities over a period of six months to a year.
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When trying to determine what kind of manager an individual is, it is necessary to consider their personality and environmental influences – this includes culture – as well as the skills they have – which can be developed or learned – and how these aspects influence their communication styles. This analysis should be done on the individual level, not only because it is important to understand how managers interact with their employees but also because each employee should have different demands made of them.
At the core of managerial personalities are two traits that play a big role in what kind of manager an individual can be extroversion or introversion. The first category is characterised by being social and energetic, the second is more reserved and quieter. In order for organisations to be effective, they need a mix of both types of managers in order to cover all the bases. An extroverted manager is great when an organisation wants to expand and needs someone who can motivate employees and get things done, while an introverted manager is helpful in a smaller organisation where employees need to feel supported and looked after. This allows individuals within an organisation to adopt the type of management style that suits them best.
In addition to these two categories, another personality trait which managers should have in order to be effective is assertiveness or people skills. In order for someone to be an effective leader, they need to be able to get their employees on board and working towards the same goal. This is where assertiveness comes in – it helps managers to be direct and clear with their employees, which makes it easier for everyone to understand what is expected of them.
Last but not least, another personality trait that managers should have is ambition and creativity. This does not necessarily mean that managers should be innovators or come up with new ideas, instead it refers to them having enough ambition to push their employees without overwhelming them and also the creativity to make all of this possible within an organisation’s rules and regulations.
Assignment Activity 6: Develop human resource policies and practices with respect to organisational behaviour, management and work psychology concepts.
Human resource policies first came into existence over a century ago, around the time that the first unions were organized. Prior to this jobs focused on one simply goal, which was profit-making for their company owners. Employing people meant finding somebody who had skills to make the business profitable.
Management studies are helping contribute to human resource sciences by providing an understanding of how people behave or react at work and what motivates them
Work psychology is important in HR because it provides an understanding of not only how employees’ minds work but also why they do things improperly or inefficiently, where they experience conflict at work, and what prevents them from being happy at their work place. It looks into habits, behaviours and motivations that can positively or negatively affect an employee’s output.
With this knowledge, employers and human resource professionals can apply techniques to manage people more effectively in the workplace. Work psychology also helps identify when people may be experiencing distress in their personal lives which may be manifesting in their work behaviour. For example, if someone is going through a tough time at home, they might start showing signs of increased stress at work. This requires the human resource professional to identify what is causing the distress, and to work with the individual on strategies to help them cope with their personal issues outside of work hours.
Employee Assistance Programs are one way of assisting individuals in coping with personal problems which may be preventing them from being effective at work.
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