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Updated on: 13th Dec 2021

HRM259 Managing Industrial Relations Processes SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore 

HRM259 Managing Industrial Relations Processes is a course that provides students with the skills and knowledge to support industrial relations activities. This includes an understanding of each tripartite partner’s role, as well as key activities relating to effective labor-management communication in Singapore. HRM 259 also enables you to understand how these different processes come together at times when there are disagreements between management or labor unions about wages & working hours which can lead them down dangerous paths towards strikes!

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Focusing specifically on collective bargaining – this part covers what happens before any negotiations take place (the prenuptial) And then finally gives tips for staying out of court during strikes and lockouts.

The subject matter ranges across topics such as collective bargaining processes where we examine each actor’s role while also looking into what makes successful negotiations between employers’ groups (represented by companies)and employee’s unions ( represented by employees who are members of the NTUC) .We also examine what makes a negotiation successful and how to avoid common pitfalls.

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Assignment Task 1: Discuss the role of tripartism in promoting industrial harmony.

Tripartism, also known as industrial pluralism, refers to different types of labor unions. These unions frequently keep these conditions from occurring by negotiating things such as wages and hours on behalf of employees. If a company does not have a union for a certain type of worker, the only other form of minimum wage enforcement is government intervention.

Unionization is crucial in maintaining industrial harmony- without it, employers would have the ability to dictate the terms of work rather than being forced into negotiations with their employees. Pacifists believe that only managers should be able to negotiate with workers which could lead down an unfortunate path where corporations can abuse their power at will and inflict more grievances on laborers. Tripartite systems ensure that both sides have representation and a voice in the process- it is not one-sided.

It is important to have tripartism because it helps to prevent grievances between workers and management from happening. If there are no unions, then workers can be taken advantage of by their employers. Unions help to ensure that workers are treated fairly and that they have a voice in the workplace. They also help to negotiate wages and hours, which is important for workers. Tripartism is important because it helps to prevent disputes between workers and management, and it also helps to negotiate wages and hours.

It is also important to note that tripartism does not always work perfectly. There are times when unions can be too powerful and can bully management, or when management can be too powerful and can ignore the unions. However, tripartism is still a better system than not having unions at all.

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Assignment Task 2: Examine industrial relations initiatives and collective bargaining processes.

With the right to unionize, workers are able to use power in numbers when dealing with employers to negotiate fair policies and wages, improve working conditions, and maintain job safety. The result is better pay for workers which can create more opportunities for food security and that translate into a healthier community for all.

Unionization provides an example of democracy at work because negotiation between both parties is possible under the condition that each party recognizes their need for one another’s cooperation and willingness to compromise on some points. Unionized labor also brings about change through increased productivity as unions reduce attrition rates by providing promising employees with incentives such as pay increases or more desirable working conditions, such as providing quality equipment or more time off.

Unionization has been a contentious issue throughout American history, but it is important to recognize the benefits that unions provide for both workers and employers. Unionized labor has been shown to increase worker productivity, reduce turnover rates, and create a more democratic workplace. These benefits are essential for creating a healthier community and economy.

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Assignment Task 3: Assess the effectiveness of industrial relations/HRM policies and practices.

Industrial relations/HRM policies and practices can be effective, but it takes a lot of work within the organization to make them so. Organizations should always prioritize building partnerships with employees through regular communication that is proactive, respectful, fair and transparent. HR programs like 360 degree reviews that include regular feedback from all stakeholders are key to achieving this. And while employees may eventually speak out against unfair labor practices, you do anything you can to ensure they’re treated fairly — including providing them with appropriate options for taking constructive action if necessary.

Ensuring that all employees feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for the success of the organization is another critical factor in maintaining positive industrial relations. When employees feel like their voices are heard and that they have a say in how things are done, they’re more likely to buy into company culture and be willing to go the extra mile. Leaders must create an environment where employees feel comfortable raising concerns and suggestions without fear of retribution.

Of course, no organization is perfect, and there will always be times when disagreements or disputes arise. In these cases, it’s important to have a clear and impartial process for resolving conflicts in a way that is fair to all parties involved. By following these basic guidelines, organizations can ensure that their industrial relations policies and practices remain effective and maintain a positive company culture.

Assignment Task 4: Explain the legal framework and structures governing industrial relations in Singapore.

A variety of legislation governs industrial relations in Singapore. The two key pieces of legislation are the Employment Act and the Trade Unions Act. As an overview, these legislations entail that employers cannot deduct wages or force workers to attend activities without their agreement; while trade unions are protected against undue loss or damage, illegal exclusion from work for trade union activities, interference with trade union buildings etc.

The Singapore government has made efforts to promote industrial harmony by implementing a Code of Practice on the Settlement of Labour Disputes to advise management and unions on issues pertaining to collective bargaining, dispute resolution procedures through conciliation, arbitration, mediation and more.

The Industrial Relations Act provides for matters related to Board-recognised institutions that supervise or assist employers or employees in recognizing organizations representing their interests. It is also responsible for the functions of the registrar, who keeps registers of trade union memberships whether they are registered under names of employers only or members only. The act gives all certified institutions certain rights which includes freedom from legal liability except when negligence has been proven against it or serious misconduct has been found not unlikely.

In Singapore, industrial relations are governed by several statutes, including the Employment Act. There was a crucial change made in 2008 about termination pay (“redundancy”) – changed from a set number of days to a set number of months. It was also possible to terminate an employee after his or her probationary period on just 14 days’ notice.

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The law doesn’t provide employees with any personal leave entitlements on top of specified public holidays and depending on their work pattern, they may not have any statutory entitlement to public holidays off at all. Annual leave can be capped at 28 days per year for an employee who has been employed for five years or less and falls under the “ordinary working hours” category(i.e., 8am to 6pm). Employees on “flexible working hours” where they work more than eight hours a day but not more than ten hours a day, and cover at least one shift each day – these employees would be entitled to 14 days of annual leave.

Assignment Task 5: Contrast Singapore’s industrial relations approaches and practices with other countries.

Singapore has a world-leading system in the provision of good, stable jobs for Singaporeans. The high level of skills among workers is also one reason why multinational companies have invested in Singapore to set up their regional operations.

Singapore has focused on improving working conditions and enhancing job security by enacting comprehensive labor legislations that regulate various aspects between an employer and employees. These laws cover various areas including minimum wages, basic employment conditions, employment benefits, protection against dismissal at large firms, protections against unfair treatment based on gender, age or religion for instance. This ensures workers are well-protected by the law when signing with any employers in Singapore while enabling them to plan their career progression more effectively through skill development opportunities leading to better job prospects.

The tripartite partners in Singapore, comprising the government, businesses and unions, also work together to ensure that workers are able to move up the career ladder through their companies. For instance, employers will be encouraged to groom talent internally so that workers can be promoted through the ranks and eventually take on managerial or higher positions.

This is done through the various initiatives such as job redesign, reskilling and up-skilling workers to improve their professional knowledge and abilities to perform better at work. This enables companies to be more effective and productive in utilizing employee skills and talents.

Assignment Task 6: Apply the knowledge and concepts taught in class to the student’s work setting.

Most of the time, the concepts taught in class are abstract and difficult to apply directly to the student’s work setting. However, if the student takes the time to think about how the concepts can be applied, they will be able to use them effectively. One way to apply what is learned in class is to reflect on how it has been used in the past and how it could be used in the future. This will help the student see the connection between what is being learned in class and what is happening in the work setting. Additionally, it is helpful to discuss the concepts with co-workers and supervisors to get their perspectives on how they could be used.

Another way to apply the concepts is to practice using them in a safe environment. This can be done by trying out different scenarios in which the concepts could be used. For example, if the student is working on improving their communication skills, they could practice communicating with a co-worker who is not familiar with the project they are working on. Or, if they are having difficulty becoming involved in conversations at work, they could practice socializing with their colleagues prior to an important meeting.

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Finally, the student should prepare for interactions by anticipating what questions may be asked and how they will respond. For example, a student who is going on a job interview could imagine being asked common interview questions to better prepare for the occasion.

The student will be able to apply what is learned in class if they reflect on how it can be used, practice using it in a safe environment, and prepare for interactions.

Assignment Task 7: Debate the rationale for different industrial relations policies/practices at both national and workplace levels

National Level: The rationale for different industrial relations policies and practices is often split into two camps – labour liberal economists vs. neoliberals. Neoliberal economics argues that free markets can better allocate resources than direct government intervention; following this logic, monopoly unionism harms the economy by raising costs of production to an unreasonable level, reducing investment/capital accumulation, leading labour to lower living standards because companies are less able to hire or build new facilities if they are burdened with high wages. Labour liberal economists argue that firms have coercive power over workers who lack freedom of choice, which leads them to accept low nominal wages even though their real wages may be high enough so as not to require additional income from social benefits programs. When firms coerce workers, labor unions and government regulation can free workers from coercion.

Workplace levels: In companies, unions work to protect their members by negotiating with management. In a monopoly union, this means that both sides belong to the same group and only negotiate with each other so as not to be redundant. Monopoly unions can limit wage increases through bargaining for higher wages for some workers while leaving others behind; if members of another union are unhappy with these concessions, they are free to try to negotiate for higher wages on their own. In industries, unions work to promote their interests vis-à-vis management and other unions. This means that there is no monopoly union in any industry because the workers in different plants or firms do not belong to the same union; if labour and management cannot agree on a contract, the workers can go on strike. Unions also work to promote their interests vis-à-vis the government. This means that there is no monopoly union in the sense that all unions are equal; however, some unions may have more political power than others. 

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