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Updated on: 6th Dec 2021

HRM261 Work Motivation SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

This course provides an analysis and application of motivational theories to individuals in the workplace. Contemporary models like those that explore job enrichment, participative management, or supervision will be introduced along with earlier versions such as the traditional carrots-and-sticks approach for motivation through compensation systems which is also shown not always work effectively on its own anymore because people do not want money if their need isn’t met by other things than material goods but rather status symbols due to too high social mobility nowadays across countries where poverty rates remain relatively low even though there has been some increase globally over recent decades so leaders might have difficulty getting employee buy-in to new policies.

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Theorists have proposed many ways to motivate people in the workplace, but which ones actually work? And do they still work in our current society? This course will explore a variety of motivational theories and their application in the workplace. We will start with the traditional carrot-and-stick approach, which uses compensation to encourage desired behaviors, and move to more recent theories like job enrichment. We will also look at models for motivating people through their social needs, which can be met in the workplace through activities such as team-building exercises or sharing company values during onboarding.

Topics covered In HRM261 Work Motivation SUSS Assignment

  • Why do we work?
  • Measuring motivation
  • Needs, drives, and incentives
  • Individual differences in motivation
  • Intrinsic motivation and flow
  • Goals theories of work motivation
  • Expectancy and self-efficacy
  • Self-esteem and well-being
  • Person-environment fit
  • Motivation and reward
  • Low motivation: causes and consequences
  • Enhancing motivation

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At the end of this course, Singaporean students will have taken their first steps towards achieving career success in HRM261 Work Motivation Assessment. They’ll be able to do this by solving the following questions: 

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Assignment Task 1: Distinguish the inter-relationships of job satisfaction, performance, and motivation

The relationship between performance and motivation can show the choice of whether an individual will work hard or make excuses. If one’s motive to perform is extrinsic (from external sources) and not intrinsic (or internally based), we often see a decrease in performance. Intrinsic motives to perform can come from within; for example, one might enjoy working with their hands–and as such, they would be intrinsically motivated to do tasks that involve manual labor.

When someone has intrinsic motivation for a task, they feel each time that they have been successful or accomplished something because it was done for its own sake instead of being incentivized. They want to do it just because it challenges them–they may not need any other type of reinforcement. Intrinsic motivation is self-driven, while extrinsic motivation often comes from external factors such as rewards or punishments.

Assignment Task 2: Relate the impact of motivating factors to organisational effectiveness

Motivating factors are at their core any external or internal stimuli that can elicit favorable behavior in an individual. Motivations seem to have a two-way relationship with organizational effectiveness, as seen from either a top-down perspective which examines how management can motivate employees to achieve organizational objectives or a bottom-up perspective where motivation is first and foremost about what motivates individuals first before it interacts with other motivational levels such as the organization providing the motivational incentives.

Organizations find success by motivating those whose behaviors affect performance. There’s been much written about this topic, but below are three common ways managers attempt to motivate staff:

1) Rewards and Incentives – these come in many different varieties including financial incentives (bonuses, commissions, paying more than the market rate), non-financial rewards (recognition/appreciation), promotions, and career advancement.

2) Coaching – this is another form of positive reinforcement that occurs during one-on-one meetings where managers will provide feedback to employees with the aim of coaching them for improvement.

3) Challenging Work – employees are motivated when their work is challenging and provides an opportunity for growth. This could involve job rotation, stretch assignments, or giving employees more responsibilities.

While each of these methods can be successful in motivating employees, they also come with its own set of challenges. Rewards and incentives can be expensive and can often lead to employees becoming complacent; coaching can be time-consuming and difficult to do effectively, and challenging work can often lead to employees feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

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Assignment Task 3: Develop an understanding of the needs that motivate people in the work environment.

Trying to help people understand your needs and their needs is the key to understanding each other. Strong relationships are built on mutual respect, self-awareness, and clear communication for both parties. Until that happens it will be difficult for anyone to fully meet the others’ needs and work together effectively, which could affect professionalism and performance.

The top five motivations of workers:

1) Recognition- coming from clear feedback

2) Autonomy– having control over what one does at work

3) Variety– change in work duties

4) Impact- making a difference through their job

5) Security- being reliable in employment or status 

Understanding these motivators can help us identify how these drivers are met by an organization in order to create a workforce that is more satisfied and, therefore, productive for the organization.

Assignment Task 4: Analyse motivational issues and determine how these may be resolved

Motivation is a central brain function that fluctuates over time, person to person, hour to hour. Motivation enables us to take needed action, which can be defined as periodically exerting effort in pursuit of valued outcomes. Theories about the underlying causes of motivation are diverse and represent diverse worldviews or philosophical perspectives on human nature.

One perspective is that disparities in well-being across individuals give rise to motivations for accomplishment and achievement among people with an innate drive for higher status relative to others (self-efficacy). Another perspective is that the need for power motivates people’s actions because power makes them feel protected from others’ criticism or rejection (need for power). From this perspective achieving success leads people to experience self-enhancement, which is the conviction that they are better than others in some important ways. A third perspective, the biological drive perspective, claims that people have innate needs or instincts that originate from their biologies, such as the need for food, water, and sex.

Assignment Task 5: Demonstrate delivering motivational feedback

It’s important to remember that great people are made by the way they handle criticism. If this feedback is delivered in a constructive manner, you can help someone develop greater resilience.

It would be of immense service if you could provide more of your thoughts on how to give more constructive feedback or even an example of what specific feedback would sound like.

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In order to provide more constructive feedback, you first need to understand what constructive feedback is. Constructive feedback is designed to help someone improve their skills or behavior. It’s not about attacking someone or making them feel bad about themselves.

An effective feedback session should balance both the “dose” of feedback with emotional support. The basic balance equation breaks it down to one part positive, five parts supportive for every piece of negative feedback given. So if you’re delivering 10 pieces of first-level feedback, then you’re first doing five minutes of positive feedback followed by four complimentary paragraphs and then the one-minute delivery of the message that they should do more x or stop y or try z. All that can be wrapped up and ends with two compliments. That’s a high-level conceptual overview but turning negative things into positives is often subtly transformative to someone who might have been feeling attacked before or singled out unfairly.

Assignment Task 6: Adopt an appropriate approach for each specific individual and situation in managing motivation work issues

While motivation work issues are not one-size-fits-all, there are three general approaches that break down into two main categories. One is where the person subconsciously wants to succeed but feels stuck due to psychological obstacles. The other is it has become too hard and they often stop before they reach the goal so use techniques called “deep uppers” to rescue them out of the pit. 

One type of deep upper could be an alarm clock or a daily calendar because many people struggle with deadlines due to procrastination or addiction. If time management doesn’t do the trick, refer to more trauma-sensitive methods like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). With this approach, you can employ cognitive interventions that help the person “rewire” their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to be more productive.

Another category is called exposure therapy which gradually exposes the person to their fear or anxiety until it no longer bothers them. A behavioral activation is a form of this that focuses on getting the person to engage in activities they enjoy as a way of combating feelings of depression or boredom.

The most important thing is to find out what works for the individual and to be patient. Many times, it takes a few attempts before the person finds something that sticks. But as long as they’re trying, there’s always hope.

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