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Updated on: 15th Dec 2021

HRM359 Global Human Resource Assignment SUSS Sample Singapore

The course explores the continuing evolution of international HR management in an increasingly global business environment. It focuses on a number of specific areas faced by multinational organisations and SMEs, including business structures; expatriate issues for employees & their families, cultural diversity, staff planning talent training – developing strategies that can be applied across different cultures while retaining top performance locally or overseas where needed.

The course explores the changing business environment including the impact of the economic downturn, increasing opportunities for international trade and investment, developing efficiencies through global networks and more strategic planning. It also includes analysis of many key issues related to the management of an increasingly mobile workforce; expatriate employees

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The course will be of particular value to those working in, or aspiring to work in, international human resources management and global business, as well as those with an interest in cross-cultural training and management.

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The following questions are not learning outcomes, but rather just Sample questions that might be asked in the HRM359 Global Human Resource Assignment. If you ever receive such a set of assignments then do contact us for help with your studies in Singapore

Assignment Activity 1: Distinguish approaches and concepts of international HRM

There are four common approaches to international HRM: upward, downward, inward and outward.

Upward international management is the practice of multinational companies (MNCs) exerting influence on their foreign subsidiaries. It has been suggested that MNCs like Proctor & Gamble exert significant influence over the corporate strategy of their subsidiaries in host countries through encouragement of government reform and the promotion of free trade policies.

Downward international management is the opposite, where subsidiaries have a great deal of influence over their parents. A good example of downward international management is the relationship between Toyota and its numerous affiliates around the world. Toyota has been very successful in transferring technology and best practices from its home country to its subsidiaries, while still allowing those subsidiaries a good deal of autonomy.

Inward international management is the practice of subsidiaries exerting influence over their parents. This has been found to be particularly true in developing countries, where parent MNCs are often forced to retreat from day-to-day decision making and operations due to poor infrastructure and ineffective government policies.

Finally, outward international management is the practice of major foreign subsidiaries exerting influence over their parent MNC. This has been found to be a better alternative than inward international management for developing countries since it can help to solve problems associated with national pride and nationalism.

The degree of governance is usually based on three factors: the strength of the market, the power relationship between the firm and the government, and the firm’s strategy.

Assignment Activity 2: Demonstrate knowledge of global HR practices and issues

It’s important to recognize that there are many different regional differences in HR practices. But typically, the hiring process has five basic steps: reviewing job descriptions and qualifications for the position; receiving applications which require screening; conducting interviews in-person or by phone; checking references; and making a final decision.

International HR practices are guided by both legal and ethical principles. It is important that managers know how these considerations entwine, the risks posed by the clash between them, and how they can be managed to yield affirmative outcomes for both employers and employees. From a management perspective, it is advisable to tackle ethical concerns proactively rather than waiting for them to come up unexpectedly or unknowingly.

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The conflict arises through differing perspectives on the relative importance of two core questions in human resources decision-making: what interests are at stake? And who should decide? These lead to three potential approaches to HR decision-making: 1) employer first; 2) employee first; 3) interest aggregation. The “employer first” approach sees fairness in terms of what is best for the organization, while the “employee first” approach sees fairness in terms of what is best for the individual employee. The “interest aggregation” approach takes a middle ground, seeking to balance the interests of employers and employees.

Assignment Activity 3: Evaluate the roles of global HRM executive in the global business environment

As the business world becomes more globalized, it’s more important than ever before to have a comprehensive approach to human resources. It takes an HRM executive with broad experience and expertise to meet the demands of this increasingly international workforce.

While there are many essential qualities that make for an effective global HRM executive, some of the most crucial are communication skills, collaborative spirit, patience, pragmatism and perspective – all necessary tools in navigating the increasingly complex responsibilities that come with operating internationally. A good managing director must demonstrate all these skills within their own team of employees too – not just externally.

A good HRM executive understands the complexities of global business and can effectively navigate cultural differences. They must also be able to cultivate a collaborative environment in which employees feel comfortable sharing ideas and working together towards common goals. This can be especially challenging in a culturally diverse workplace, but it’s essential for success. A global MD must also have patience as they work through the inevitable challenges and setbacks that come with running an international company.

Finally, a good global HRM executive must have perspective. They must be able to see the big picture and understand how their decisions impact the company as a whole, not just individual departments or regions. This is especially important when making strategic decisions about where to expand and how to allocate resources.

Assignment Activity 4: Plan HR functions to support foreign business units

Making business units in foreign countries successful is not the primary responsibility of HR, but HR can generally help with three tasks. The three tasks are conducting research on labor laws and markets in the region, determining which positions would best fit each local market, and international candidates. 

HR professionals should make sure they know everything about customs regulations before they send any correspondence to a foreign country (including contracts) because what’s said does matter when it comes to negotiating agreements with other nations or organizations. Respectful language will not only be interpreted as a courtesy here but may also open doors for your organization. This first step should also include identifying any key players within this culture who might be able to vouch for your company at the same time.

“You can’t be a company of one culture and expect to walk into another culture and not get any pushback,” says Maren Donovan, vice president of talent at “Yes, you’re looking for the skill set that they have, but there’s also that cultural piece that has to be brought in.”

Once you have a good understanding of the cultural dynamics, it’s time to start looking at specific roles that might be open in the foreign country and what skillsets are needed. You’ll also want to identify what level of position to offer—will it be a senior executive, or something more entry-level? That will depend on the company’s goals, but also on what’s customary in that country. “There are a lot of considerations you have to make when looking at foreign postings,” says Heidi Golledge, CEO and founder of CareerCloud. “You don’t want to just transplant an American position into a foreign country.”

It can be difficult to find the right candidates if you don’t have any active candidate pipelines within that culture or market, so HR professionals will want to start planning now by building networks with universities and colleges to find potential hires. If your company is doing business in multiple countries, it might be worth having separate division managers who are responsible for each region. It’s important to remember that you’ll need to have different compensation plans, benefits, and even company cultures in order to be successful.

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Assignment Activity 5: Differentiate global HR principles and practices for MNCs and SMEs

A multinational corporation (MNC) is an international business which has subsidiaries in the many different countries all over the world. The culture, demographic, and other regional customs of each country are observed to ensure that the local cultures are recognized and respected.

Small-to-medium enterprises (SME) tend to employ between 10 and 250 people working under their leadership. Their complex nature makes it complex for them to transition into global markets or even consider moving outside their cultural sphere or geographic location. SMEs generally fail at globalization because they create entirely new entities instead of transitioning with existing resources available to them. 

MNCs tend to be able to train employees better than an SME can due to its size constraints; this training allows employees to work in teams towards a unified goal instead of at odds with each other. Their structure also allows for their employees to have more authority over the business, making them more committed to its success. As long as an SME can remember that it is still part of a larger community and take precautions when venturing into new areas or markets, it can be successful in spite of its size.

MNCs have the advantage of scale which gives them a better return on investment (ROI) and they are also able to spread risk across multiple geographies. Additionally, they have deeper pockets which allows them to make larger long-term bets with less immediate consequences if they were to fail.

Assignment Activity 6: Justify how HRM functions (e.g., recruitment and selection, training and development, performance, compensation and benefits) are applied in industry

All these functions are essential in making sure that the company has the right people in management roles, updating their knowledge of employment law so they are confident with understanding their responsibilities. Making sure employees are trained to use new software, implement any changes in policy, and have clear communication with staff. And finally ensuring that they have all the right information on workforce policies and procedures. All this is just one of many reasons HRM is vital for sustainable performance at a company.

A variety of HRM functions play a pivotal role in many organisations such as selection and recruiting, performance training and culture development. Enterprise-wide effectiveness is often achieved through the use of data analytics to analyse worker productivity and business outcomes, perform compensation and benefits planning, wellbeing, diversity management and so forth. For example: recruitment includes search for employees based on fit with the company’s values and goals; training includes onboarding new hires to integrate them into their work environment; Diversity Management involves removing barriers that might restrict the hire pool available to recruiters or selecting from among applicants with varied backgrounds.

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