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Updated on: 2nd Mar 2021

HURIER Model of listening

In this sample essay, we will be looking at the HURIER model of listening. As it is one of the widely used models of effective listening we have to clearly understand the concept. Moreover, we will be looking at different aspects of this topic.

As such we will be including the following topics in this sample essay. Topics areas namely: definition of HUREIR model of listening, the test of HURIER model of listening and last we should discuss the six stages of the HURIER model of effective listening.

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What is HURIER Model of listening?

HURIER model of listening was developed by Judi Brownell in 1966, an organizational communication professor. Nevertheless, the HURIER model of listening is a six-stage model of effective listening. Moreover, the acronym for HURIER goes as:

H – Hearing

U – Understanding

R – Remembering

I – Interpreting

E – Evaluating

R – Responding

Furthermore, as we discussed above the HUREIR model is a type of effective listening model. Meaning that it is used to maximize the income of hearing information and use it for the best outcome possible. Regardless, we shall look at the role of the HURIER model in the next paragraph.

HURIER model Test

In the section of the sample essay, we shall be discussing The HURIER model test process. The HURIER model is used to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the subject’s listening skills. To understand how it works we shall look at the way HURIER test is performed.

Firstly we should know that thirty-six items combine to form six subscales. Moving on, the subject is asked to select a listening situation. Then to analyze how frequently one perceives oneself in each type of listening behavior, a five-point scale system is used. Moreover, in this scaling system, 1 indicates the lowest point while 5 is the highest.

Furthermore, subjects go through the scoring process and they are also showing their listening behaviors by a set of a subsequent question. Later on, the questionnaire’s results are used as a reference for improvement in listening skills.

Now we shall look at the interpretations of scores which are as given below:

  • 10 – 15 = Poor listening skills
  • 15 – 20 = Adequate listening skills
  • 20 – 25 = Good listening skills
  • 25 – 30 = excellent listening skills

Moreover, it should be noted that this text is self-monitored or self-reporting. As a result, scores are given to one by themselves. Meaning the test shows what one thinks of their own listening skills.

Nevertheless, we shall look at the six stages of HURIER model in the next section of the essay.

Six stages of HURIER Model of listening

As we saw above there are six stages of HURIER model.  In fact, the name HURIER itself is comprised of the first letter from the six stages. Regardless, the six stages listening process is as mentioned below:


Moving on we shall look at each one of them in brief below. So without further adieu.


The first step is hearing. According to guidelines by the HUREIR model, one must not be involved in any other task while hearing and keep their focus on what the speaker is saying. Moreover, it says that distractions should be eliminated and one should position themselves where they can hear everything clearly.


The second stage involves understanding, what you heard from the speaker. Moreover, if you cannot understand specific words or expressions, you should ask for an explanation. Adding to that, you should restate what you understand for cross-checking. Also, questions may be asked to clearly understand the situation.   Plus listener must not interrupt the speaker.

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After hearing and understanding next stage is remembering the information. In order to do that listener must relate the information to reasons making them easier to remember. Moreover, one should stay calm and focused as stress weakens the memory. Listeners can also use short-term and long-term memory techniques for improving their memory.


The fourth stage of HUREIR model is interpreting the information. Therefore, the listener should analyze and recognize the speaker’s nonverbal expressions. Moreover, the listener should understand the words, as well as the emotions behind them for both, are equally important. The listener should also encourage the speaker and account for their individual difference.


The stage that comes after interpreting is evaluating. According to this stage, to evaluate the information one must do the following. First of all, one must listen to the whole message before responding. Secondly, sound reasoning must be used before making a judgment. Then listener must separate the emotions from logical appeals. All this is important while evaluating the information before responding,


While responding one should keep the following things in mind. Firstly, one beware of the unintentional none-vocal expressions. Moreover, the responder should take note of how the other person is responding to their decision. Along with this, one must distinguish between different types of response and increase their behavioral flexibility.

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