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Updated on: 30th Oct 2020

Identify WSH hazards and implement control measures assignment

Workplace safety and health (WSH) can be understood as health and occupational safety for the employees who are working in any type of industry. He has a right to work in a safe environment.

Essay writing and assignments are part of continuous assessment provided to the students in the Singaporean institutions.

The Scholar’s knowledge is also tested through a timed online exam taken by the end of each semester.

Here providing sample assignment on WSH hazards and its control measures.

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About WSH (Workplace Safety and Health)

The managers in the organizations maintain and create healthy and safe workplaces for their subordinates and employees. Here safety risk includes health issues, injury, and harm to a worker, electrocution, and illness.

There has been the formulation of various legislations and laws in case of injuries, accidents, or casualties of the employee working in the organization.

The three steps of health and safety management at the work area are:

  1. Hazard identification the hazard is identified and spotted at the workplace.
  2. Risk assessment– to assess the risk before any accident or casualties that might happen in the workplace
  3. Risk control– to make certain changes in the work area and control the risk.

Why manage safety and health risk?

The 3 reasons to manage safety and health risks are:

  • Economic – accidents and ill-health might lead to indirect and direct costs
  • Moral- as human’s we must ensure each other’s safety
  • Legal- the strict legal obligations are imposed on employees and employers.

WSH hazardous substances

The WSH hazardous substances include

  • carcinogens and toxic substances
  • Self-heating and surface-active substances
  • Corrosive and flammable substances
  • Irritants and mutagens
  • Organic peroxides and oxidizing substances
  • Sensitizers and pyrophoric substances
  • Explosives

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About Risk Control Measures

The organization must ensure safety at the premises before initiating any kind of work.

The in-depth risk control measures are defined herein as certain steps that an employer must follow.

The five steps of assessing risk includes

Step 1:  Identification of hazards

This is the duty of employers to maintain the safety and health environment in the work area. They must check all possibilities of hazards arising at the workplace and faced by the workers.

Hazard is anything that causes harm.

The classification of hazards include

  • Physical – it includes noise, machinery, dust, computer equipment
  • biological- it includes infectious disease faced by home care staff, Healthcare workers, and professionals
  • chemical- it includes chemical Fluids, cleaning Fluids, aerosols
  • Mental- includes excess workload, working long hours. It affects the mental health of the worker

Step 2: to decide how and who is formed

Employers should access hazards that are faced by part-time employees, contract agencies, staff, clients, visitors, or other public members visiting their premises.

The managers must assess the work routine in all different situations and locations where employees are working. For example, the employee’s at a supermarket, in the call centres, and homecare supervisors.

Employers should also carry out this special duty towards the safety and health of The Young workers, shift workers, night workers, disabled employees, and women.

Step 3:  taking action by assessing the risk

The employees of the organization must analyze the type of risk. Weather risk is of the low, medium, or high level. Accordingly, he should take certain steps to reduce the risk level.

Step 4:  recording the findings

Employees much record the hazard findings. The record must include certain details of the risk assessment, the type of hazard, and action taken in eliminating the risk.

This will provide proof about the assessment that was carried out. This record can be used as a basis in future working practices. The risk assessment working document should be clear, concise, and readable.

Step 5: Reviewing risk assessment

The risk assessment must be reviewed in order because

  • To ensure that safe working practices are applied at the workplaces and the safety instructions provided by the management are followed by the line managers and supervisors
  • Taking into account work targets, new machinery, and new working practices.

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Final Words

Eliminating or minimizing hazards at the workplace should not be expensive or time-consuming. If the organization is aware of the possibility of the hazard then they can save lives, reduce days off, prevent illness, and increase productivity.

This is the prime duty of the enterprise to implement all safety and health control measures in the work area. They should take the necessary steps to mitigate risks arising out of hazardous materials.

This assignment sample will act as exam help for students as it is defining WSH hazard here and various control measures implemented to mitigate the risk of hazards.

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