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Updated on: 29th Feb 2020

International Human Resource Management Essay for Singaporean Students

The topic of International Human Resource management essay is important for the students of management studying in the Universities of Singapore like suss, NTU, NUS, Murdoch, and Kaplan, etc.. Students have to write an essay assignment on this. Due to a lack of time and energy somehow they find it hard to finish the essay without any help. If you also feel so, you can contact us. We help students to write their essay assignments for them. If you already started the essay and stuck in the middle, we may also help you in editing and formatting the essay.

Here is the sample of essay on “international human resource management” written by our experts. Read the sample below and for your own copy, you can always buy that from us.

Essay Title – “International Human resource management “

Definition of Human Resource Management (HRM)

First to understand international human resource management one has to know what human resource management is. In management, it takes care of providing and deploying human resources to various departments. For doing this there is some planning needed and it takes care of the job analysis recruitment, selection, training their career development, pay increase and promotions or appraisals, etc.

What is International Human Resource Management?

In an era of globalization when business is being operated internationally and MNCs Multi-National Corporations are operating everywhere in the world, the human resource management which works internationally in providing and deploying of human resources, which is referred to as International Human Resource Management. It targets the expansion of organizations globally. In providing the human resource it follows the strategy of polycentric, ethnocentric and global.

Strategies followed by International Human Resource Management (IHRM)

The strategy of human resource management in a global way means that it uses the same sort of selection process globally which is executing in domestic business. Some human resource management does recruitment from home and deploy people to other countries from home. In that case, people can learn and work in a global environment. It helps when a company from home has to open the subsidiary in another country so the personnel can help better in that case.

In another strategy which is polycentric, it involves the recruitment from the host country itself. In that case, management can keep the cost of hiring low and the problem of mingling with people or culture is not there.

Another strategy is people from specific regions are appointed in a company because of taking care of lots of aspects like culture, specific work related to that region. There can be one disadvantage of one thing that is mingling up the regional workers with the workers of the host country and the other subsidiary country

How International Human Resource Management helps the company in global expansion?

To main objectives of IHRM are becoming internationalized and providing support to MNCs it actually broadens up the area of management to the global level. There is a lot of research work and statistics involved in International human resource management. It has a huge database of personnel according to suitable jobs and skills.

So at the time of economic externalities, this data accounts best for the deployment of the workforce. It also provides various solutions to the local human resource management that related to solve the diverse problems so it increase the horizons of the local human resource management and give them the platform for expansion.

International human resource management can develop into the MNCs itself if it becomes competitive in the global market. The main objective is to function for the long term, generating revenue and become globally effective. It also helps companies or industries to expand globally. At present international trade is boosting and countries are interdependent for their needs.

In this scenario, a global workforce is needed and that is managed by International Human Resource Management. There are many organizations of the world level which recruit people globally, for example, the United Nations, World Bank, International Labour Organization, etc.

What sort of challenges are there for International Human Resource Management?

The biggest problem and challenge in front of the International Human Resource Management is cross-cultural management. Recruitment problems mean that people from different cultures will be recruited in different countries. Somehow it is tough to assess the tolerance power and mingling nature till some problem arises.  So to take care of this problem they have to follow some specific steps and those are;

  • Do prior research based on the cultural geographical characteristics of their region before any recruitment.
  • Understanding the culture of the host country and assessing the management strategies according to that.
  • As it takes a lot of effort in recruiting personnel to a global level, it is necessary for the management to be preventive rather than problem resolving.
  • The values of different people based on their culture to be assessed before recruitment.
  • Distribution of workload and the capacity of the person are to be assessed before the recruitment.
  • Language can be asked as an essential qualification. But it is to be taken care of that different cultures have different communication skills other than language.
  • Political views should also be assessed for curbing the differences which can arise in the work environment.
  • It is very important to note down the different roles of the trade union in the respective countries.
  • Respecting the different cultures should be the essence of international Human Resource Management.
  • In case any problem arises there should be a negotiation strategy already thought properly before implementing.
  • The approach of any problem solving should be transparent and every employer should be treated equally.


To make International Human Resource Management more effective it has to take care of all the challenges and has to work according to the technology change. The cultural conflicts should be addressed in a crucial manner as its implications can be global.

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