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Updated on: 27th Apr 2021
Introduction to the Complexity of Diversity Sample Essay

Introduction to the Complexity of Diversity Sample Essay

“Introduction to the Complexity of Diversity” will be our topic of discussion in this sample essay. We can all agree that diversity has its advantages and disadvantages. But what are they? and what are different forms of diversity? We shall be discussing the same here. We shall be looking at each different aspect in detail.

Moreover, this is quite an important topic for students. Thus, we shall be dividing the sample into different sections. It will help readers understand the topic clear and better. Thus, without further adieu:

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What is the complexity of diversity?

Diversity is not a common concept to anyone. In fact, most of us have been a part of it in our daily life. It is most commonly seen in educational institutes as well as workplaces. However, our discussion only concerns diversity in workplaces.

Again, we know that diversity refers to the coexistence of entities differing through various aspects like gender, age, sexual orientation, and so on. Similarly, the diversity itself is quite complex plus it also considers almost all the different aspects of a person’s life.

Speaking of which, one can not completely define diversity without including the internal and external factors of the same. Thus, we shall discuss both of these here.

External diversity often refers to the physical factors that can be seen in a person’s appearance. Therefore, it refers to but not limited to age, gender, ethnicity, or even religion in some cases.  However, one must understand that external factors are not always so easily noticeable.

Moving on, internal diversity is harder to define in contrast to the previous one.  Nevertheless, it consists of an individual’s personal experiences as well their background. It generally refers to the raising of a person, their schooling, their last work experience, and so on.

Moving on, there are several types of diversity under these two factors. Even if one might not have assumed it, a workplace is equally diverse as any other aspect of society. We shall be looking at different types of diversity in the next section of the sample essay.

Types of diversity in the workplace

Here, we shall be looking at the different types of diversity seen in an organizational setting or workplace. These are, as mentioned below:

  • Generational diversity
  • Gender diversity
  • Racial diversity
  • Religious diversity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability

So these are the different types of diversity as seen in a workplace or any other part of an organization for the matter. Moving on, we shall be looking at each of these in detail below:

Generational diversity

We know that each generation is different from one another. Similarly, different generations in the workplace, be it Gen X or Gen Y there are different from one another. In addition to this, all of these generations combine to form workplace diversity,

Moreover, each generation has its own strengths and weakness. While every generation offers their qualities with their respective organization there are places where they lack. For instance, younger generations like Gen Y or Gen Z are more well-versed with technology and modern methods.  In contrast, older generations are more loyal to the causes and better team players.

Furthermore, if you want to read more about generation in the workplace. You may read our sample essay “Workforce Generations in Organisation Behavior Essay Sample“. It discusses the same concept in much more detail. Thus, you may find it helpful.

Gender diversity

Now, one might wonder how are two gender different? Well for starters there are different biologically. But we all know that and biology does not concern our discussion. Thus, a male and female also differ on basis of their social aspects. For gender can highly affect one’s experiences as well as expectations.  In addition, we live in a gender-divided society. As a result, this factor is even more significant.

Therefore, gender diversity can significantly affect a workplace. Focusing on the advantages, stats say that: gender-diverse organizations have higher revenue. Plus, such organizations also show a higher profit as compared to their counterparts.

Furthermore, each gender has its own strengths and weaknesses. For instance, women are considered to naturally more tolerant and resilient. Thus, we saw them commonly in jobs that require interaction with customers. Similarly, men are physically strong. Thus, they are recommended for physical labor. Nevertheless, no gender is or should be limited to a particular role for both are equally versatile and holds similar potential in the grand scheme of things.

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Racial diversity

Similar to any other diversity, racial diversity is also an important part of a workplace. Moreover, we all know what a “race” is, so there is no need to define it further. However, as important as it is, we still some problems at workplaces based on race. As such, there are several laws and rules made to discourage racial discrimination in the workplace.

Consequently, racial diversity in the workplace is improving day by day. Even though the ratio for the same is low, it is getting there. Regardless, there are several advantages associated with racial diversity in the workplace. In fact, more than 60% of applicants consider racial diversity an important factor. Meaning that younger generations prefer a more diverse work environment.

Religious diversity

Religion is a topic where a conversation can quickly turn into arguments. Thus, we can say that it is quite an emotional and sensitive topic. Adding to the fact, a person spends almost a 3rd of their life in the workplace if not more. Therefore, it is important for people to learn to keep their conversations and interactions within the city limit. Otherwise, there can be unrest in the workplace.

In fact, there is a considerable number of people who have experienced a form of religious discrimination in their workplace. Despite the negative side, there are several advantages related to the same. There are certain qualities that can be added to a workplace through racial diversity. Nevertheless, before that happens a workplace must first learn to remain religiously neutral and respective their views.

Sexual orientation

Until recently the non-conventional sexual orientation was considered taboo and was even opposed by extreme violence. However, in the last few decades, our so common public has started recognizing the none-binaries as well as different sexual orientations.

Nevertheless, there are laws and regulations that ban sexual orientation-based discrimination. Thus, the situation is seeing a positive change

Disability’s impact on the workplace

All the previous aspects we discussed were part of cultural diversity. However, here we shall be discussing how the disabilities of a person affect the workplace. Commonly while talking about the people with disability one thinks about that what they can not do. Identifying people with their disabilities and treating them as lesser beings is known as ableism.

Ableism is a common cause of discrimination and social prejudice. Thus, the aim is to correct people’s perspectives towards disable people in workplaces. Reason being that despite disabilities there are several positive points. Such people can provide advantages in their own way and function as a normal person.

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