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Updated on: 9th Jul 2021

LAW301 Legal Methods and the Singapore Legal System Assignment Sample

In this assignment sample, we will be discussing the LAW301 Legal Methods and the Singapore Legal System. Law students are introduced to the various parts of Singapore’s legal system. They learn about what is happening in their country and how all components work together within the common-law system practiced here, which will teach them key skills: understanding case law, interpreting statutes, using precedents for arguments.

LAW301 Legal Methods and the Singapore Legal System Assignment Sample

The course introduces students to key areas within it, like understanding case law and interpreting statutes; all while learning how these pieces function together as a common-law system in Singapore. Students then learn important legal skills such as analyzing cases for precedent use or using precedents in an argumentative setting by comprehending their content thoroughly before making decisions based on them.

This course aims at making students aware of the existence and uses of precedents in the common law system. Students will also gain a thorough understanding of case law, statutes, as well as their relationships with one another. In addition to this, they will be able to understand different judicial perspectives by critically analyzing cases. Furthermore, once the course is completed, the students are expected to be able to argue persuasively using familiar arguments and principles from previous judicial decisions.

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This course was designed to help students understand the basic principles and theories of contract law. Students will be exposed to topics such as offer and acceptance, consideration, duress, fraud, undue influence, mistake, breach of contract, and remedies. Additionally, they will also find out that contracts can be oral or written, or even implied from the actions of parties under certain circumstances.

TOA, TMA, GBA Assignment Solutions of LAW301 Legal Methods and the Singapore Legal System module

This course concludes with the skills to draw and work as a when analyst, signifying their ability to understand what they’re seeing.

Indicate the various sources of the relevant law, how it is made and developed; the institutions within which that law is administered, and the personnel who practice law

There are many different sources of law, and it’s important for people who want to understand a given society’s system of justice to be familiar with all the different sources.

There are both primary and secondary sources of law. The primary law is found in legislation, like our Constitution or state statutes. Secondary law includes court decisions from appellate courts and lower courts; these decisions interpret the primary law by stating how they believe it should be applied in particular cases. Other examples include legal rules that have been established based on prior cases (called common-law) as well as those that have been created through regulations of administrative agencies (known as administrative-agency norms).

One can indicate the various sources of the relevant law.

The legal field is complicated and sometimes difficult to follow, there are many sources one could consult to find out about this particular issue. For example, one could find general information on immigration law by looking at the Immigration & Nationality Act (INA), 8 U.S.C., CHS 18-29; more specific information on asylum case practices in California, for instance with an article from the Duke Law Journal Volume 59 Issue 2 160-178 or a publication from UC Irvine Law Review Volume 47 Issue 1 174–199; or even turning attention to Department of Homeland Security memoranda like this one that deals specifically with unaccompanied children and asylum cases.

Demonstrate understanding of legal concepts, values, principles, and procedures of Singapore law and explain the relationship between them in a number of subject areas, as well as apply them

We can demonstrate understanding of legal concepts, values, principles, and procedures of Singapore law by referring to any of the following:

1 – Article 133(b) Misappropriation of property, including trust property. This is a specific example where it is not a direct violation of section 499 but it is punished under section 133(b). In February 2014, two senior employees were found guilty and sentenced to imprisonment for misappropriating almost $40 million in estate assets. The perpetrator had been appointed as an administrator by the Public Trustee whose duty was to safeguard and preserve public monies which include estates that have been passed on after death.

2 –Articles 23A (Amendment to Constitution) & 23B (National reserves)(Reserves)(Reserves).

We can explain the relationship between them in a number of subject areas, as well as apply them through a range of activities. including:

One of the most popular topics for students in this area is the national reserves, which are funds that cannot be withdrawn from and used for other purposes. This means that they earn interest over time and therefore act as a sort of bank.

It is common to hear people talking about how much money we have in our National Reserve, but not many people know why it exists or what it’s actually used for. With Article 23A (Amendment to Constitution) & 23B (National reserves)(Reserves), you will be able to find out more about this subject, as well as learning about some other cool stuff involving these two articles.

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Analyze fact patterns to identify relevant issues of law, fact, and procedure.

We can take the following steps to analyze fact patterns to identify relevant legal issues

– determine the plaintiffs’ Liability

-check for infringement of any laws. If necessary, make sure you know which country is applicable and take into consideration customs of that original country, then see if they infringed on any customs.

-look at the possibility of Trade Secret Theft. If this is a valid concern, check each local guideline For support on what to do in this case because it varies from place To Place

-Check restrictions put by foreign entities for requirements such as tariffs, duties or import licenses and origin certificates needed. There are “Notes” that list these restrictions at the bottom.

Interpret the relevant rule of substantive law, procedure, or evidence relevant to the issues identified

The “relevant rule of substantive law” is the statute or rule which has created a legal interest in the person who files a case. Alternatively, it could be any law that may stand to affect someone involved with property relating to the case. The “procedure” being discussed here is not that of court procedure as such, but rather relates to what type of legal principles are used in interpreting and reasoning from that substantive law (i.e., what type of case law).

We can find this evidence in the three areas of substantive law that we are talking about being inheritance, contract law, and torts.

You will find information on how these apply under those headings because each area of substantive law is governed by the foundational principles that are called “rules.” which there must be evidence for to make sure it is followed throughout the application of a particular area of law.

As per legal definitions found in Black’s Law Dictionary (2010), “substantive” refers to matters that form the substance or the basic content of any legal document, such as rights and duties-to distinguish it from “procedural,” which refers to matters relating solely to procedure and style.

In other words, something motivated by public policies rather than personal will is substantive; something determined by jurisprudence or precedents historically established through court judgments is procedural.

Apply the relevant laws and principles to come to a conclusion on the issues

Our objective is to apply the relevant laws and principles that either 1) support your conclusion or 2) call for a new conclusion.

1.We intend to apply the law of diminishing returns, which states that “the more times you perform an action with limited resources, the less each additional time will yield” in order to support our original statement because each time someone performs the required task they expend valuable resources like time and energy; which means performing it more than once does not produce significantly different results.

2.We also intend to disprove this by using Einstein’s theory of relativity as supporting information because according to Einstein’s theory we are actually living within a four-dimensional fabric called space-time; allowing us to access hundreds if not thousands.

Formulate an opinion, provide a solution and advise based on the conclusions

We can formulate an opinion, provide a solution and advise based on the conclusions by explaining the problems and disadvantages of performing a task more than once; we will also explain how by using the theory of relativity as an example it can be proven that in fact there is no limit to how many times a job can be performed.

We must conclude by providing information about what Einstein concluded from his research, through the use of his theoretical scientific works we’re able to see that even if you were able to perform one iteration for every nanosecond within a measurably infinite amount of time, you would still not have done all possible iterations that could exist.

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Discuss critically, competing arguments in literature or in a group situation and make a reasoned choice between alternatives

We can discuss critically, competing arguments in literature or in a group situation and make a reasoned choice between alternatives by writing down the ideas, identifying their main points, and exploring them by considering arguments for and against each of these. We can also explore whether any form of bias is present or if we’ve missed anything crucial to our understanding by either writing a rebuttal or a counterargument to consider before making a reasoned choice between alternatives.

Examine ideas, concepts, and arguments in the English language and legal terminology with care and accuracy

We can examine ideas, concepts, and arguments in the English language and legal terminology with care and accuracy by using language that is precise and accurate.

We can also do this by paying attention to the meaning of words, finding out about their history, following conventions that have been developed over time for clarity and brevity in communication, recognizing the effect that word order has on the meaning of sentences we read or write, identifying whether our audience expects us to use jargon in a particular context, considering how connotations affect the way we interpret words, considering whether there are implied meanings in what others say or write (for example sarcasm), taking care to avoid ambiguity or vagueness when writing so no one misunderstands our ideas because they aren’t sure what we mean.

Employ information technology in an office environment for the search for information, the preparation of documents and presentations

we can employ information technology in an office environment for the search for information, the preparation of documents and presentations by :

  • Identify, assess and evaluate information sources for content accuracy and currency.
  • Select appropriate information gathering techniques to compile information: from records, personal experience, or observation.
  • Make presentation of legal argument documents by relevant information.
  • Work in an effective manner with colleagues by accessing information using communications.

Get the answers of LAW301 Legal Methods and the Singapore Legal System assignment

The above assignment sample is based on Legal methods and the Singapore Legal System.

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