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Updated on: 20th Mar 2021

Analytics in Managerial Accounting Essay

Analytics play a huge role in the modern era where data is flowing like air. As such managerial accounting is no different. Today we will be looking at what part analytics play in managerial accounting and how. The topic of discussion in this sample essay is “analytics in managerial accounting”. Moreover, it is also an important concept for finance and accounting students to understand.

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Therefore, to present to you a clear picture of the concept we will be discussing all the different aspects of the topic you need to know. The sample essay will include the following. Definition of analytics on managerial accounting, types of data analytics in managerial accounting and finally we will be finishing our essay by looking at the benefits of analytics in managerial accounting.

What is Analytics in managerial accounting?

Analytics is used in managerial accounts as it helps in discovering valuable insights within the existing financials. With these insights, improvement processes can be more effective and risk management can be optimized.  As we know the main goal of managerial accounting is to provide their respective organization’s management and other important figures with financial and non-financial information.

Therefore, data analytics in managerial accounting helps make better business decisions. Regardless of which field it is, if it has data, it can be analyzed to provide obtain insight that will in turn help the organization to make better decisions and also help in the optimization.

Types of data analytics in managerial accounting

As we read before, there are different types of so-called methods used in data analytics. Obviously, each of them serves a different purpose and has its own advantages and disadvantages. Moving on, the different types of data analytics in the managerial account are as given below:

    • Descriptive analytics
    • Diagnostics analytics
    • Predictive analytics
    • Predictive analytics

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Benefits of Analytics in managerial accounting

In this section of the sample essay, we will be looking at the benefits provided by using analytics in managerial accounting. Without further adieu the benefits are as mentioned below:

  • Increased transparency
  • Identify irregular patterns
  • Better forecasting

These three are some of the many benefits provided by data analytics in managerial accounting. Nevertheless, we shall discuss the following points in brief below:

Increased transparency

By using data analytics in managerial accounting audits, an organization can improve its performance. In addition, they can also financial and data transparency by employing high-quality reporting and using reliable data. Furthermore, this will also be useful in making better investment and strategic decisions.

Identify irregular patterns

Accountants use different forms of data analytics and various technologies related to it, in order to detect irregular patterns. In fact, data here contain large transactional records. Moreover, by the use of data analytics tools, patterns that can be signs of potential fraud become clearer and less sophisticated.

Better forecasting

Using data analytics, one may get valuable and comprehensive information that could be important to stakeholders. Moreover, analyzing the previously recorded data and matching and comparing it with results can help determine the flaws in forecasting. Furthermore, this in turn can be used to correct those mistakes and create better forecasting.

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