Search Assignment Sample for Singapore Students
Updated on: 21st Sep 2020


SUSS (The Singapore University of Social Sciences ) is offering a course on MKT351 consumer buying behaviour to students in Singapore.

In this course, students will get insights about the fundamentals of consumer behaviour, consumer process of decision making, evaluation of marketing process.

The university will ask students to submit assessments, dissertations, reports and case studies which are really a time devoting process therefore student feels like hiring an academic writer who can write assessments for them.

According to the university guidelines, this course is designed as such that the final mark sheet will indicate these assessments that will carry a weightage of 40% in addition to written exams.

Students will have to submit these assessments and reports in every semester as this course is designed as semester-based which becomes really tough for students.

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About Consumer Buying Behavior MKT351 course

Course offered by Singapore University on consumer buying behaviour helps students to learn about various criteria’s of consumer behaviour as discussed in the layout.

The layout of the Mkt 351 Course:

  • fundamentals of consumer behaviour: brief about consumer and their behaviour, factors leading to modify consumer behaviour, preparation of marketing strategies in accordance with decision process by consumers and their purchase decision ideas
  • internal v/s external factors affecting consumer behaviour: personality, lifestyle, society, cultures, family, age, gender etc
  • market segmentations: various segmentation strategies, its limitations and benefits
  • stages of consumer buying decision process: problem recognition, information searching and evaluating alternatives, about purchase and evaluation
  • types of behaviour of consumer: routine buying, impulsive decision, limited or extensive decision
  • the decision process of consumers: research by the buyer about a product, evaluating post-purchase decision and outcomes
  • categories affecting buying decisions: personal, social, cultural and psychological factors of consumers
  • data analysis of market research: a survey of market trends, to assess and evaluation of survey

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This consumer buying behaviour is an everlasting course; therefore students should opt for this course in high number. Consumer plays an important part in every sector of industries operating as it can lead to ups and downs of market trends because we all know “consumer is the king”.

This topic is deeply studied by marketers to analyze why the product is bought by the consumer, when they can buy, how they will buy and from where to buy.

If you want to make a career in marketing field then this course is specifically designed for you as it will provide you in detail understanding of consumer behaviour, the importance of marketing research, insights of surveys to be conducted on consumers, market trendsetter, segmentation theories and brand positioning ideas.

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 Learning Outcome of Mkt351 Consumer Buying Behavior Course

Your marketing quest starts from here. The students are taught regarding effective marketing strategies of consumer behaviour which help them to excel in their profession.

Outline of what students will learn in this course is as follows:

  1. About consumer behaviour and the importance of studying it
  2. Formulation of steps of the consumer buying process
  3. Forces that direct changes in consumer behaviour
  4. Case studies of consumer behaviour trends in Singapore
  5. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected on consumer behaviour
  6. theories of consumer buying behaviour and concepts
  7. To analyze social, cultural, personal, and physiological factors influencing consumer decisions
  8. Learning of effective market research tools to frame strategies
  9. gaining an idea of market segmentation techniques
  10. demonstration of how knowledge of consumer behaviour be applied to marketing fundamentals
  11. how corporate plan is affected by consumer marketing

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We Can Provide 100% Assistance with Your Submissions of MKT 351 Course

In this hectic schedule of gaining insights into market trends and consumer behaviour, students find it difficult to timely submit their reports, assessment project and various assignments assigned to them. To provide students assistance in their submission of reports, assessment answers they will search for online assignment help services so that students can secure good marks in tutor-marked assessment (TMA) of Mkt 351 Consumer Buying Behavior Course offered by SUSS.

To assist students with their tasks we provide online services of providing 100% plagiarism free content, confidential and trustworthy high-quality content by our professional writers, 24*7 support to students, affordable price with full satisfaction, the privacy of identity and reliable process.

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 Q1.  What Type Of Assignments Are Given To Students During MKT351 Consumer Buying Behavior Course?

Ans. This course is semester-based which includes (FYP) final year project and (TMA) tutor marked assessment in which students require to submit dissertations, reports, case studies and assessments answers that will carry a weightage of 40% in addition to written exams.

Q2. How to submit assignments on time of this course?

Ans. Don’t panic regarding timely submission of assignments as we can assist you by providing entire content that is error-free, plagiarism-free, affordable pricing, reliable and secure as the content is created by our professional team of writers. We ensure confidentiality of identity.

Q3. How to secure good grades during this course?

Ans. Students are assigned grades for timely submission of dissertations, reports, case studies and assessments answers called TMA (Tutor Marked Assignment).

In case you are not able to finish the assigned task within the deadline you can take our services. We will provide you with complete work within a deadline and in a proper format.

Q4. Is it difficult to pass this Consumer Buying Behavior (Mkt 351) Course?

Ans. Not really, you have to be regular in studies and timely submission of dedicated work assigned to you as it contains good weightage in final marks.

In case of delay in submissions, it will affect your TMA (Tutor Marked Assignment) as it contains 40% marks.

Q5. The course offered by the university is full time or can be done part-time?

Ans.  SUSS has designed this course as both full time and part-time is available to students according to their wish.

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