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Updated on: 17th Jul 2021
NPM 505 Fundraising and Philanthropy Assignment sample of SUSS Singapore

NPM505 Fundraising and Philanthropy Assignment sample of SUSS Singapore

In this assignment sample, we will be going to discuss the NPM505 Fundraising and Philanthropy Assignment sample of SUSS, Singapore. NPM505 will introduce students to the various ways in which non-profit organizations can raise funds from individuals and other sources of philanthropy.

Prospect research, grant writing, donor cultivation, and solicitation are all practiced different aspects that makeup fundraising techniques where we’ll look at the role these things play within contemporary philanthropic trends as well as philosophies. This course is designed for those who want not only a practical experience with fundraising but also an academic understanding of how it works so they have both sides covered when starting out on their career path!

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The course aim at developing the knowledge and tools for an understanding of how best to approach the process of fundraising.

The goal is to learn what causes people to donate, as well as motivate them effectively. This will be done through a number of readings and videos, but mainly through real-life experiences with local fundraising events set up by students in class. These events will include bake sales, book sales (to college and the general public), car washes, online campaigns, etc.

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This course was designed to help students realize what drives people to donate, as well as learn how to approach these individuals in a productive manner.

Students will have the opportunity to practice their newly learned skills and knowledge on various fundraising events that we will be setting up around campus.

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By the end of this course, students will be able to learn about the NPM 505 Fundraising and Philanthropy with the help of the following learning outcomes:

1.Discuss how fundraising and philanthropy are crucial for organizational development and sustainability

Organizational development is a plan to meet the goals of an organization. This plan, typically three-dimensional in its assessment and prioritization of an organization’s internal strengths and initiatives, is informed by external data that measure progress over time. The purpose of the organizational development plan is therefore not only to be insightful about what direction an organization should take which it has been pursuing for eighteen years but also where it needs to shift in order to achieve success.

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The process by which fundraising occurs becomes critical before entering philanthropy as a step-by-step guide for potential donor funding. Engagement starts with awareness work – building up knowledge about the community and its members so that people can make sense of social issues.

2.Compare different fundraising tools and methodologies

The best fundraising tool is a personal connection. The next best donors are those who have been given to feel close to the fundraiser through a personal message. Text messages, emails, and phone calls are also good and should be used in conjunction with social media.

Donors can be appealed by donations that are tax-deductible or keep providing homes for animals they care about. For nonprofits, it’s crucial to share their mission and the impact of their work through stories shared from former participants or volunteers at different stages in life but still benefitting from what they have learned during their involvement with your organization’s program or service.

3.Improve fundraising strategies to align with motivations, needs, and strategies of the organization

We can improve fundraising strategies to align with motivations and needs by conducting research.

An excellent way to strengthen an organization’s relationship with donors is by conducting a donor care call. These calls allow nonprofits the opportunity to hear from their donor in advance of a donation and learn what makes them feel cared for, valued, and important along the journey of helping them fundraise. Furthermore, these conversations provide organizations extra time to answer any questions that might come up before they are empowered with the confidence needed during giving.

Thus, this type of call is not only for rewarding donors after a cumulative effort has been made; rather it is done when a state or district goal has been reached too.

There are a variety of fundraising strategies that the organization can work towards implementing to generate more funding for their cause. One suggested way is to get people excited about donating by changing campaigns and using word-of-mouth techniques related to membership benefits.

Another example of a fundraising strategy could be getting members in at the ground floor, doing things like helping them create, sustain and participate in giving circles. Giving circles have been proven successful on multiple occasions as they raise awareness on local and global matters while underscoring social consciousness through philanthropic contributions.

It also offers chance meetings with like-minded individuals as well as improved connection within communities when giving is about collective action rather than individual contributions or donations.

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4.Construct strategies for effective fundraising outcomes

Strategies for effective fundraising outcomes can be constructed by thinking about our audience and what we are trying to approach them with.

When constructing a strategy for an outcome, focusing on what is immediate and near-term will help reduce anxiety. It’s important to think in terms of small steps towards the bigger picture goal. One way to increase your fundraising outcome is by redistributing your donation org charts so that administrative functions are closer together or front line staff is more centralized to ensure prompt responses from staff when approached about donations throughout the year.

5.Assess what is required to build and sustain strategic philanthropy

In order to build and sustain strategic philanthropy, organizations need to first be able to articulate what their vision is for the future. This means being realistic about what can be accomplished and thinking about how their work will impact the next generation of people doing that work. Next, an organization must create a plan that builds in both short-term goals and a long-term vision for growth. Finally, they should have metrics in place to measure success so that they can adjust their plans accordingly as time goes on.

6.Analyze opportunities for fundraising and philanthropy

Analyzing opportunities for fundraising and philanthropy would require us to consider at least six different elements that can be found in the following list.

  • The mission of the organization.
  • Organization’s current financial viability.
  • The mission of the organization’s donors.
  • Ability to maximize revenue through channels other than donations.
  • Fiscal responsibility is upheld by organization leadership and management, especially with regard to accountability for public funds allocated as grants or loans.
  • Commitment by a donor to participate on an advisory board or another volunteer capacity.

7. Demonstrate practical skills in fundraising and philanthropy

Practical skills in fundraising and philanthropy are important to the survival of any nonprofit, regardless of what they may dedicate themselves to. Fundraisers who excel at their job can effectively motivate others, as well as find creative solutions to difficult problems. From small-scale events like birthday parties or corporate dinners to large-scale charity galas and gala auctions, these individuals have a wide range of techniques they can be expected will have to use with little notice.

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However it is not an easy task; whether it be long hours phone calling or creating professional presentations for donors, fundraising jobs require a diverse skill set that must be able to perform on-demand.

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8.Design new ways of undertaking fundraising in response to philanthropic trends

In response to the evolving philanthropic trends, fundraising professionals and current donors can enhance their efforts by learning new skills and how these skills could be put to use.

For example, a fundraising professional with limited graphic design or coding knowledge might have the opportunity to learn new skill sets on Up work or other similar platforms that will make their finding funders easier and more exciting.

Similarly, current donors interested in adding greater heft to their giving might need only minor help from an expert in something like compliance outside of maybe unfamiliar with before starting to really understand what they’re capable of doing on their own.

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