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Updated on: 28th Jul 2021
OHSE 3720 EOHS Law assignment sample UON Singapore

OHSE 3720 EOHS Law assignment sample UON Singapore

The introduction of this course makes it clear why the law is so crucial in improving environmental and occupational health, as well as providing a sound knowledge. The author outlines his goals for teaching students about how EOHS operates by giving an overview of legislation that has been enacted to protect these areas along with other techniques important to understanding decision-making.

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The law that governs environmental and occupational health is often complicated but understanding the legal framework can help any student understand how the environment, safety, and regulations work together.

The course provides a sound knowledge of specific disciplines for those interested in improving our world with EOHS as well as outlining major pieces of legislation governing these topics which will make it easier to comprehend decisions made by others on this topic.

This course aim at the objectives of this course are to provide a foundation in law as applied to environmental and occupational health and safety.

TOA,TMA,GBA Assignment sample of EOHS Law module UON Singapore

At the end of this course, Singaporean students will be able to learn EOHS law module with the help of the following learning outcomes:

1.Discuss the nature of law making and operation in Singapore;

The law making process in Singapore is a complex one. There are nine levels of lawmaking, beginning with the individual and up to legislation. This broad-based legal system is known as the “Singapore Stack”, which promotes a holistic response to legal needs. Individual freedom underpins it all, but social justice also features prominently at every level of the stack.

Since Singapore’s laws applied to citizens as well as companies from foreign countries, these international safeguards were created by parliament while preserving and enhancing individual rights and freedoms.

Laws cover virtually every aspect of civic life for this diverse community from business regulations, family law all the way down to what you can do on social media within specified bounds; not surprisingly given how far digital communication has penetrated every aspect of our lives.

2.Describe the legal system and how it relates to the operation of environmental and occupational health and safety;

The legal system has a significant impact on environmental law. Legal proceedings often depend on the specifics of the particular case, but they are generally governed by federal and state legislation where environmental protections are concerned.

Environmental legislation such as the Clean Air Act require that lawsuits be filed in federal court whereas others, like Endangered Species Act, may have different procedures for filing complaints or obtaining remedies.

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Environmental law is also heavily dependent on controlling industrial emissions from major sources such as coal-fired power plants which produce large quantities of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide as a result of burning fossil fuels to generate electricity.

The current procedure for achieving that goal involves permitting processes whereby sites applying for authorization must comply with strict permit standards before approval is granted while meeting their energy production.

3.Develop a critical understanding of occupational health and safety legislation;

One of the most fundamental and best known duties of an employer is to make sure its employees are safe at work. This includes providing a safe workplace, as well as ensuring that appropriate safety regulations are followed.

There are several pieces of legislation that guide occupational health and safety in Canada, both provincially and federally. The cornerstone legislation governing occupational health and safety in Canada is the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1973 (OHSA).

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It establishes employers’ legal responsibility for workplace hazards such as machinery or unsafe working conditions. There are many other provincial pieces of legislation, which often refer to OHSA but also provide additional statutory requirements such as minimum standards for certain occupations like construction.

4.Develop a critical understanding of environmental and public health, and environmental planning legislation;

Public and environmental health is quickly becoming a new frontier to combat our growing global population. It is the goal of many of the public and environmental health programs that are offered at community colleges, hospitals, medical schools, and universities across the Unites States for graduates to demonstrate these four key competencies:

1) Awareness and understanding of environmental issues in their communities.

2) Understanding gender, race/ethnicity, culture, class influences on health equity related to environment

3) Critical analysis skills needed to examine complex social determinants (environmental justice).

4) Knowledgeable in research methods pertinent to working in health equity field which includes mixed-methods related to quantitative data collection methods such as interviews, focus groups. .

4.Discuss the concepts of negligence and liability in relation to environmental and occupational health and safety laws;

Negligence is a legal word that typically refers to a carelessness; it can broadly be defined as failing to do something which an average person would have done or neglecting to do something which a reasonable person would have done.

This can include not taking precautions, such as wearing heavy boots when walking through creeks or not carrying a flashlight at night. In environmental law-related lawsuits, negligence often refers to the failure on the part of one entity to maintain sufficiently low levels of pollution in order for surrounding people and ecosystems not experience harm from unwanted chemicals.

A liability only attaches if there’s causation and damages. For example, if I go into your yard without permission and throw trash everywhere, there’s no liability for you because there’s no damage from my tossing trash around. If I pour oil in your fresh water source, however, then you would have a case for negligence against me and damage to the water supply you rely on.

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5.Discuss remedies available for breaches of legal standards;

The remedies available for breaches of legal standards are dependent on the nature of the breach. If a company, for example breaks laws in its country or state related to how it operates (such as tax laws), there might be consequences as simple as fines and sanctions related to compensation, future operations, etc. There may also be criminal penalties in some cases, such as jail time.

6.Appreciate the ethical issues inherent in operating as a safety or environmental control professional.

It is very important to think about ethical issues when operating in safety or environmental management. They can significantly affect the success of your safety or environmental programs, and as a result, are worth considering deeply before implementation.

For example, let’s say you’re managing an environment- sensitive company like Bayer Agro Science and this responsibility includes attempts to minimize the negative effects that may occur due to inputs coming from the company on wherever they operate. The following questions should be asked by anyone wishing to avail themselves of these services:

“What personal information am I obliged to reveal? But also depending on what type of activity I want to undertake with Bayer AGRO Science – do I have their permission? What guarantees work for me?” For both types of questions it is recommended to contact a sales representative first, who may have answers to many of these important issues.

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