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Updated on: 28th Jul 2021
OHSE 3740 Risk Assessment and Management assignment sample UON Singapore

OHSE 3740 Risk Assessment and Management assignment sample UON Singapore

The program develops knowledge and skills in risk assessment and management, as required for effective occupational health, safety & environment practice.

The course includes the application of adult learning principles to development of EOHS training; accident theories analysis accidents cause; investigation techniques: inspections/audits practical approaches to Risk Assessment more than just disaster planning.

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This course was designed to support the EOHS officer in dealing with OH&S risks effectively and to improve their individual performance and capacity of handling people.

The course aim at the first level is to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by EH&S officers in managing occupational health & safety risks.

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TOA,TMA,GBA Assignment sample of Risk Assessment and Management module UON Singapore

 At the end of this course, Singaporean students will be able to learn Risk Assessment and Management module with the help of the following learning outcomes:

1.Examine features of risk/safety management systems;

Risk management is not a one-time or one-step process. The risk/safety levels will vary from site to site, dependent on the type of hazardous condition, the degree of need for safety in place at the time and how often that need changes.

There are several components to take into account when implementing a successful safety program. Consultants can be helpful in assembling materials and designing systems to give you a framework for designing your system. Follow these steps as closely as possible:

1) Do an assessment first

2) Collect data

3) Set up procedures based on what you’ve found out and make sure they’re all documented

4) Develop a systematic follow-up procedure so nothing is missed.

The EH&S policies and procedures should be written down, but they’re not the only documents you need to have in place…

Accident Investigation report sample of Risk Management module UON Singapore In a perfect world, we’d be able to stop accidents from ever happening.

But we don’t live in a perfect world far from it! So all we can do is figure out what went wrong when they do occur and try to prevent similar accidents from happening again. The most important thing here is learning how to analyze incidents so that you can better understand why things happen.

2.Conduct job safety analysis and carry out risk assessment;

Estimate the potential negative effects of chosen course of action.

Address possible risks before moving forward by following appropriate precautions, such as protecting workers during lifting operations with machine guarding from lifting hazards or installing a control valve at high temperature to avoid exposure to scalding heat environments where no control valve is available.

Plan for worst-case scenarios so accidents can be prevented before they happen by implementing emergency procedures and design safer plants through developing escape routes that are always accessible and maintaining safe access to emergency equipment wherever necessary.

Your responsibility doesn’t stop after ensuring that an area is safe, but must also protect employees from any hazardous conditions an outside force may bring in the future.

This includes protection from environmental threats such as extreme temperatures and exposure to conditions that might be healthy when taken in short doses but have negative health effects if exposed for long periods.

3.Recommend and implement risk controls;

Recommend and implement risk controls by consulting with your company’s compliance or legal departments, then conducting a risk assessment to determine the control that best fits your needs.

Incorporate the following into your strategy developing a business continuity plan-

(1) Identify risks associated with recovery efforts;

(2) Develop strategies for recovery; and

(3) Prepare documents for others in event of release of hazardous materials.

For example, you may want to map out alternate routes so vehicles containing hazardous materials can be evacuated safely if need be. Be aware that not all disasters are physical like flooding or an explosion; some hazards lie hidden from view in computer rooms full of electronics. Make sure these areas are also well-protected, as they could provide the pathway for an environmental disaster.

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4.Utilise accident theory as an investigative tool in accident causation;

The accident theory as an investigative tool in the causality of accidents is a predominantly law enforcement body’s investigative technique used to assess and determine the cause of accidents.

This type of methodology for analyzing accidents fits alongside other more popular investigative techniques such as system failure or human error when trying to understand the root cause, but it does not need to be used on its own.

Accident theorists believe that, by considering how all components of an accident were at some point working well, one can assess what changes were made before the incident occurred and ultimately confirm which component failed first.

In other words, we can trace back from outcome date-time in structure time-order sequence until we locate and identify a “machine” that was functioning properly at the time of incident, and then look back in time sequentially to find out what caused the accident.

5.Examine various approaches to safety auditing, to be able to make appropriate choices;

There are a number of approaches to conducting safety assessments. In most cases, there is no one clear-cut definition of what constitutes risk or how it should be quantified. Two widely divergent methods are reduce-the-risk and exceedance approach (RA and EA).

The RA approach draws on the engineering principle of safety by design; in this case, it would call for making risks as low as reasonably practical (ALARP) before they can occur.

The EA approach treats any existing higher levels of risk as an unacceptable threshold for continued operation that requires management intervention to lower those risks immediately below the current level; in this case, it seeks prevention at all cost – even if such costs may contradict other design principles like economic operation or safety.

The risk managers – the bosses within the organization whose job it is to carry out this process of RA and EA – must choose which approach best suits their company and industry.

6.Use a case study approach to accident investigation and reporting; and

A case study approach is a very helpful tool in the accident investigation and reporting process. Accident scenarios require a full year review of safety data being collected. This can be time-consuming and laborious for the person or team appointed to do so, making insufficient prevention of future accidents more likely.

A qualified staff member could spend hours looking over data before identifying potential hazards and determining alternative courses of action for consideration by management.

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Consequently, one can better prepare themselves for dealing with cases that involve potential litigation by taking a few moments to read up on some general principles outlining how case studies are designed and written; what standards are generally accepted when conducting these investigations; what type of evidence is presented in legal proceedings involving an automobile wreck.

7.Design and implement a disaster management plan.

We can create design and implement a disaster management plan through:

1) Create a damage assessment team to make preliminary inspections of damages and work out a list of priorities. Include members with various specialties, such as structural engineers, meteorologists, architects, biologists, doctors and anyone else needed in response.

2) Establish procedures for getting in touch with group members so they can communicate efficiently during crises.

3) Inform the public about emergency plans at the point of need evacuation signage or otherwise and provide information on how to volunteer at disaster sites where you live. Responding to disasters is a good way to show community spirit before it’s necessary; when help is requested people are more likely to get involved if they’ve volunteered before.

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