Definition And Meaning Of Organisational Behaviour Business Essay
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Essay sample on “Definition and Meaning of Organisational Behaviour Business”
Meaning of Organisational Behavior Business
In any organization to predict and control the behavior in the work environment is necessary for the smooth functioning of the organization. As every individual who is working in an organization has a particular behavior that may affect the environment in a positive way or in an adverse way. Let’s know about the formal definition of it.
Definition of Organizational Behaviour
According to ‘Newstrom’, the know-how of the behavior of the persons working in an organization and the interventions which may change their behavior in a positive way to make their behavior beneficial for the organization is called Organizational behavior.
It is consisting of and depending on two elements:
- The individual’s behavior
- The organization’s behavior
The both behaviors are interrelated as if individual behavior is good there is a need for the organizational behavior to be good or vice versa. Individual behavior is assessed in terms of attitude and working ability in team while organizational behavior means physical behavior in terms of resources and environment. The harmony between both leads to the efficiency of the organization.
While individual behavior is limited to an individual that how he is behaving and interacting with co-workers their organizational behavior is a broad concept and includes a lot of things. It decides how the human resources of that organization can be developed. Organizational behavior deeply analyze that whose efficiency can be developed and what trainings are needed, overall how can human resource be utilized in a better way. There are some approaches are followed by organizational behavior for human resource development.
1. Behavioural Approach
It represents the behavior of the management towards human resource development. Management analyses the behavior of individuals and decide their training according to that.
2. Cause and effect Approach
In a metaphorical way, human behavior is interdependent and gets affected by each other behavior. So somehow from generalizations, it draws the behavioral changes which are desired.
Organizational behavior is mostly studied by business people, social sciences people, and others. It actually analyzes the behavior in three steps. First, the individual’s behavior is assessed, then their behavior is assessed in terms of cause and effect means the interdependent behavioral reactions, in the last organization’s behavior, are assessed. It follows both paths of arts and science. As some time detailed way is more desirable than the generalized way.
The objective of studying organizational behavior is to achieve the efficiency and satisfaction of the employees. There should not be biasedness towards someone rather than the whole study should be based on rational thoughts. Organizational behavior should understand the uniqueness of each individual in that organization’s setting. There should not be an isolation created for an individual. Proper policies should be there to make the working environment more conducive.
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There should be proper insight and a clear perspective of the employees so it doesn’t become the one-way approach. Whoever joins the office should be feeling comfortable and respected for its individuality. In this manner, organizational behavior does not only impact the self-esteem of a person in a good way but also makes him working in an efficient and effective manner.
In other words, sometimes it’s the environment also which is impacting the individual’s performance and that is the work of organizational behavior not to let anybody feel low in effectivity. The social systems also have an impact on the individuals’ behavior so when one studies the organizational behavior it should throw lights on each and every aspect of the individual. So, in other words, it’s actually an individual who makes the decision for an organization.
The behavior of both an individual and an organization cannot be separated in different lines, The mutual interests matter a lot in this relationship so the nature of organizational behavior is about creating the balance in both an individual and an organization. It is the key that actually affects the group effectiveness as each and every individual is respected and treated as part of the organization. So the nature of organizational behavior is soft, analytic and a balancer overall.
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