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Updated on: 10th Aug 2021
Pandemic Baby Bonus Scheme For Singaporean Argumentative Essay

Pandemic Baby Bonus Scheme For Singaporean Argumentative Essay

In this Pandemic Baby Bonus Scheme in Singapore essay sample we will discuss how you might go about writing such an essay, including what is the baby support grant in Singapore, is it right or wrong for Singaporeans, eligibility for Singaporeans, need, Singapore Demographic Pattern, How much amount is the Baby Bonus in Singapore?, What do you need to do to get the Baby Bonus payout in Singapore? Is there any Baby Bonus 2020 for Singapore citizens?, Baby Bonus 2021 COVID for Singaporeans, What has Singapore done to increase the birth rate? etc.

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To help you understand the pandemic baby bonus scheme in Singapore, this essay example is very helpful. If students want to download it they can approach our experts who will provide custom-made essays according to their school or college needs.

Introduction-Pandemic Baby Bonus Scheme in Singapore Argumentative Essay

“The Singapore government should implement a baby bonus scheme to help families with newborns.” Pandemic Baby Bonus is the argumentative essay topic chosen by Singapore students. The writer will make an argument for or against this statement, and then provide evidence to support their position.

Main body-Pandemic Baby Bonus Scheme in Singapore Argumentative Essay

Baby Support Grant in Singapore

The Baby Support Grant (BSG) in Singapore is a cash incentive, administered by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, given to eligible citizen mothers who have their 4th or subsequent child. It started as a component of the ComCare Package in 1993 and evolved into an independent scheme in 1995. The BSG was introduced for all citizen mothers with 3 or more children in July 2007.

Is the baby bonus scheme is right or wrong in Singapore?

The Pandemic Baby Bonus baby bonus scheme is a right because it is an incentive to encourage childbearing for the next generation.

It’s meant to help couples with the high costs of children (e.g. education, childcare) and provide more financial stability for Singaporeans by easing family life in times of great strain like those which come with childbirth.

On top of that, parents are taking on increasing responsibility chasing private-school fees for their kids why not provide relief?

While some may be against this. In reality, all nations have family planning policies intended to attract people to higher fertility rates to ensure population growth and so countries don’t face economic viability problems down the track.

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Which scheme is better for baby bonuses and old care in Singapore?

A Pandemic Baby Bonus is a cash gift given to parents of newborn babies by the government in Singapore. Old care is an old age pension given to retired or senior citizens by the government in Singapore.

Each scheme has its own merits and drawbacks but one thing’s for sure: neither baby bounty nor old care would be possible without the presence of capitalism, which creates wealth excluding that where both schemes in Singapore originated. It is this type of system that first created trade between people, led them to stabilize their currencies into something commensurable, and then grew into our modern-day economic principles that govern our society today – with plenty more work yet to go forward!

Singapore Demographic Pattern

The Pandemic baby bonus scheme was introduced in Singapore in 1989, during that period onward the trend of Singapore’s Demographic Pattern for the population had shifted from an aging society to a younger society. The popularity of this scheme has sparked debate between academics and policymakers alike, with some lauding it while others have questioned its effectiveness.

The Baby Bonus Scheme which began on September 1st, 1989 actually gave “cash vouchers” or “gift coupons”, as they were known then rather than cash directly to parents when they had their first child. But this was soon found to be too expensive (around S$4 million a year) so instead, the Singapore government chose a more cost-effective measure; everyone earning less than S $6000 per month will get SGD 300 (roughly US$220) for their first and second children, while those earning more than that will get SGD600.

Baby Bonus COVID Grant for Singaporeans

The Baby Bonus COVID Grant is an incentive-based child benefits program helping low-income or no-income families. It assists with pregnancy and childbirth costs, which helps provide every loving family with access to the best possible start in life. The Disability Tax Credit is available for qualifying families and can provide a refundable tax credit of up to $1,154 per year (the equivalent of EI benefits).

Who is eligible for a baby bonus in Singapore?

The Singaporean government is offering $6,000 for parents who have their babies before 2020. The baby bonus is paid by the government and comes with a $2000 coupon from DBS Bank to spend on anything your heart desires.

In order to be eligible for this gift from the Singaporean government, you must meet certain criteria which include: being a citizen/permanent resident of Singapore, and living in your own home, or renting an HDB flat under the new Ownership Transfer Scheme. For those who rent either public sector housing or private flats not built after 1986, you will be required to pay an additional stamp duty of 3% (GST-exempt) when transferring ownership of these properties to third parties.

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How much amount is the Baby Bonus in Singapore?

The Pandemic Baby Bonus isn’t a fixed amount, but rather the current system offers selective benefits depending on your nationality and income. As such, you can get up to S$4,000 for a Singapore citizen by taking advantage of the government’s Medisave Grant since 60% of Singaporeans have local Central Provident Fund savings accounts.

For non-Singaporean citizens, the Baby Bonus may be less than S$2,000 and come with limitations ineligibility. Some international college students might even get as much as S$8,000 if they are under 30 years old!

What do you need to do to get the Baby Bonus payout in Singapore?

To qualify for a Pandemic Baby Bonus payout, the first two requirements are that both parents are Singapore citizens and either lives in married quarters or live with their babies.

Assuming the first two requirements have been met, an expectant parent needs to register as soon as possible to get their baby’s ID number and birth notification card. These form part of the baby bonus initiative in Singapore.

Registration should be done at any post office or HDB branch. This is usually done by four months before childbirth if there are no complications. The registration fee for registering at consulates is HK$59 while it is free at other branches of HDBs or post offices that do not levy fees. Registration forms may also be available on request from some hospitals.

Is there any Baby Bonus 2020 for Singapore citizens?

There is no Baby Bonus 2020 for Singapore citizens.

The US doesn’t currently offer a baby bonus of any kind, but utilizing some different parental leave programs may help fill the gap in time spent caring for your child. Here are some options to consider:

Federal law requires companies with more than 50 employees to provide 12 weeks of unpaid family and medical leave each year, plus allow for job protection and restoration.

Some employers offer paid gender-neutral parental leave benefits or grants to help offset costs of childcare or early education completely on their own.

Baby Bonus 2021 COVID for Singaporeans

Baby Bonus 2021 COVID, more commonly referred to as the “Beady-Eyed Observer’s Cash-for-eyed Prospective Parents,” is sure to make every couple dream about how much cool stuff they would get with the rebate from saving and planning for a new human baby.

If your partner can’t think past their sandwich tomorrow, and you’re looking ahead to a family or even retirement someday, then this whole BABY bonus thing is definitely worth your consideration. The most practical and sound way of approaching any potential children is by starting now – when it comes to COVID rebates, there are some really smart things parents have done so far.

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What has Singapore done to increase the birth rate?

The Singapore government has been discouraging couples from having children until their youngest child is 4 years old which has helped to combat population growth.

Some countries that have low birth rates have explored various ways of encouraging reproduction in the masses. The Singapore government recognized this problem and created a policy where couples are discouraged from having children before their youngest one turns four years old, a policy that was uncommon for the country up until the ruling took effect in 2014.

To encourage fertility, some countries are relying on campaigns such as offering financial incentives for bearing more than two children or creating more work opportunities for female professionals who choose to be mothers. There is no set rule that will apply to each nation simply because every country has its own challenges when it comes to population growth.

The Singapore government has been discouraging couples from having children until their youngest child is four years old which has helped combat the country’s population growth, as well as some other countries with a low birth rate that have explored various ways of encouraging reproduction in the masses.


The government’s new bonus scheme for working mothers is a step in the right direction. It will increase women’s participation in the workforce, which will have positive effects on families and society as a whole. With Singapore being one of the most expensive places to live in Asia, it would be difficult for many people to raise children without this benefit. This initiative should also help with our low birth rate problem that has been plaguing us over the last decade or so. If you are looking at ways to improve your family life while still maintaining career success, consider applying for this program today!

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