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Updated on: 22nd Oct 2021

Peacebuilding and Security (PSS315) SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

PSS315 Peacebuilding and Security is an interdisciplinary course about how to solve human conflicts without violence (non-violent resolution of human conflict). It highlights the complex interrelationship between economic, political, and social factors and their relevance for human security. This course will teach you how to identify the sources of conflict, understand the dynamics of conflicts by looking at real-world examples, and teach you about different ways people manage conflicts. In this course, we will focus on Southeast Asia.

Peacebuilding and Security (PSS315) SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

This course provides students with a set of tools that are used to communicate their views in an effective manner, while also enhancing understanding and sensitivity towards other people’s perspectives. The aim is for them to understand how these principles can be applied beyond the world of peacebuilding by applying them across different domains such as psychology or international relations.

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Topics Covered In Peacebuilding and Security (PSS315) Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

This section of the assignment sample highlights some areas that might be relevant to you. The following topics are discussed in this course:

  • Introduction to peace and conflict studies: the contemporary nature of conflict
  • Social theories of peace and conflict
  • Strategies and methods in conflict analysis
  • The root causes of conflict
  • Agency, power, and resistance
  • Major international peacebuilding interventions and practices
  • Good governance and rule of law
  • Human security and basic human needs
  • From international to local peacebuilding
  • Reconciliation, mediation, community development
  • Partnership and cooperation
  • Thematic foci in peacebuilding: gender, religion, youth, economics, environment

Learning Outcomes of Peacebuilding and Security SUSS Assignment Sample Singapore

On successful completion of this course, students will have a sound knowledge and understanding of Peacebuilding & Security. They’re able to demonstrate their skills through the following learning outcomes:

Assess the interrelationship factors in peacebuilding

Peacebuilding is not just about establishing an environment where there is no warfare or armed conflict, but it also encompasses the need for sustainable development, removing the roots of conflicts by dealing with discrimination, inequalities, and injustice. Peace is among one if not the most important pursuits in building nations so they can prosper.

Peacebuilding represents some of the political, social, economic, and legal efforts to move from an intense or intermediate phase of violent conflict to a less intense phase or even absent violence altogether by promoting reconciliation among groups in conflict with one another so as to improve their mutual understanding and cooperation. Peacebuilding also includes participatory approaches aimed at addressing the root causes of conflict so as to reduce tensions, the level of violence, and the number of people adversely affected by conflict. Peacebuilding can be used to foster political, economic, and social stability within nations that are emerging from conflict or that have recently experienced conflict.

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Examine the threats to human security

Human security is an approach to understanding and addressing threats that disregard national borders. Human security entails the protection of individuals against critical, pervasive, or large-scale violent conflict. Such conflicts can be fought between states (interstate conflict) or within societies (intrastate conflict). Within a given society, such conflicts may escalate into violent civil wars in which all factions involved are likely to commit serious human rights violations against their perceived opponents. Some factors that undermine human security include extractive industries, poverty, and economic inequality, discrimination based on ethnicity and sex, corruption in the state sector along with crime syndicates, religious persecution and racism, genocide, and crimes against humanity carried out by non-state actors.

Differentiate peacebuilding initiatives and policies

When defining peacebuilding initiatives and policies, it is easy to confuse the two. Peacebuilding is the process of addressing the root causes of a conflict that lead to violence and ensuring sustained peace by building up relations between people that walk a shared path. The effects of this include improved living conditions, lower crime rates, prosperous economies, greater social cohesion, and informal justice systems for all members.

Peace policy refers to comprehensive strategies for preventing conflicts from happening in the future or stopping existing crises from escalating into large-scale catastrophes. These may include treaties, agreements, or guidelines aimed at creating structures that will bring about peaceful relationships. Security policy involves security from physical harm through the use of law enforcement agencies such as police forces and military troops together with methods of deterrence and containment.

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Determine causes of conflict and the interrelationship between various factors

There are six main factors that may lead to conflict, which can be approached in a variety of ways.

1) Structural conflicts exist when differences in institutional arrangements or group dynamics create grievances and opportunities for violence

2) Exclusionary conflicts arise when one group is discriminated against with the result that it lacks access to resources

3) Economic inequalities pose a challenge when specific groups have difficulty meeting their needs due to limited resources- this leads them to take actions in order to compensate

4) Ethnic tensions may develop during periods where there is rapid societal change leading an ethnic majority population interacting with an ethnic minority population

5) Nationalistic sentiments among members of different religious, linguistic, or other distinctive identities arise from the unequal distribution of resources, or from a history of conflict between groups within society

6) Religious tensions may develop when there is a lack of overlapping spheres for different religious communities and their respective influence on individual behavior.

The relationship between peacebuilding and security is the central focus – the two cannot exist apart from each other – however, peacebuilding must go beyond material solutions to address root causes of violence by promoting justice and equality. Security focuses on the prevention of harm against people and property; peacebuilding functions as a more collaborative approach that aids in stability through political dialogue about long-term stability for sustainable development.

Analyze the impact of peacebuilding initiatives

Peacebuilding initiatives that aim to address factors that contribute to nationalist conflicts- such as increased access to resources, diminished discrimination, and hostility, and inclusion of all parties in the political process- can help countries affected by war regain stability following the conflict. This will not only benefit the majority of people within these states but also help these nations avoid future violence or retreat from positive political reform that may precipitate a return to conflict.

Peacebuilding is a long-term solution, and there is no single approach for this process. Initiatives must be able to address the unique issues of each nation in order to have a lasting effect upon its citizens’ lives positively.

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Formulate strategies for effective partnership

Different strategies are available when considering the needs of a particular country, nation, or culture in order to prevent future conflicts. One option is to address the root causes of violence through community-level initiatives that focus on inclusion and equal access to resources within communities. Another approach is promoting government institutions throughout society by developing policies that promote community building – this could include education for conflict resolution, conflict management practices, etc.

It’s important to consider how different approaches may affect other areas that were not originally included in their planning process – this includes social systems as well as large-scale political reform or changes in ideology. Peacebuilding should be implemented strategically because any action taken now could have long-lasting implications throughout the affected society’s history.

Appraise information from various sources and integrate them in a coherent manner

A variety of sources are available that provide methods for initiating peacebuilding strategies within these communities. Forums, conferences, and other events dedicated to addressing the root causes of violence in society present information on issues including (but not limited to) transitional justice systems, reparations for victims, reintegration practices, nonviolent initiatives within activism movements, etc.

These various sources offer different approaches towards community-level initiatives focusing on reducing inequalities through equal access to resources and economic opportunities; promoting inclusion and participation by members of all ethnic groups or religions; and integrating nonviolence into political and social structures with an emphasis on nonviolent communication techniques and negotiations processes.

Applying this information to current examples allows analysts to consider how they can be effectively integrated in order to form a comprehensive peace-building initiative.

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