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Updated on: 15th Jun 2022

PSS305 Criminological Theories And Intervention Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

The course will study various criminological theories and interventions. It is designed to equip students with the knowledge they need to apply these insights into their workplace or community, where possible through active learning methods that encourage participant involvement at all levels of severity (frontline service delivery).

This course meets the needs of those who work with offenders and victims in a variety of settings as well as policy-makers and others involved in the development or evaluation of interventions. It also provides a valuable resource for students wanting to deepen their understanding of criminological theory and how this informs intervention practice.

The main aim of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of criminological theories and interventions. The course starts by examining various definitions of crime and then goes on to explore the history of criminological thought. It then looks at different schools of thought within criminology, such as biological, psychological, sociological and economic approaches. The course also looks at how these theories can be applied to different types of crime, such as violence, property crime and white-collar crime. Finally, the course looks at the different interventions that have been developed to prevent or reduce crime, such as community policing and restorative justice.

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Criminological theory is an umbrella term that covers all of the various theories related to the study of crime. These theories attempt to explain why crime occurs, how it can be prevented, and what its consequences are. Some of the most popular criminological theories include social learning theory, strain theory, and control theory.

Assignment Task 1: Examine the major concepts and theoretical perspectives on deviance

There are many different concepts and theoretical perspectives related to deviance. In criminology, the concept of deviance refers to behaviour that violates social norms or expectations. Intervention refers to the process of trying to change someone’s behaviour to reduce or eliminate their deviant behaviour.

One of the major theoretical perspectives on deviance is strain theory, which suggests that people engage in deviant behaviour because they feel frustrated or strained by their circumstances. Another perspective is control theory, which suggests that people conform to social norms because they are afraid of being punished if they don’t. And finally, labelling theory suggests that people become labelled as deviants when they are treated as such by others.

Intervention strategies for dealing with deviance can vary depending on the perspective from which it is viewed. For example, from a strain theory perspective, interventions might focus on alleviating the conditions that lead to frustration and strain, such as poverty or inequality. From a control theory perspective, interventions might focus on increasing the likelihood of punishment for deviant behaviour, to deter people from engaging in it. And from a labelling theory perspective, interventions might focus on changing the way that people who have been labelled as deviants are treated, to reduce the negative effects of the label.

Assignment Task 2: Analyse the intellectual trajectory in the development of criminology theory

The intellectual trajectory in the development of criminology theory has been one of increasing sophistication and complexity. Early theorists like Cesare Lombroso believed that criminals were born and that their criminal behaviour was innate and immutable. Later theorists like Edwin Sutherland argued that crime was not caused by individual characteristics, but was instead a product of social forces.

More recent theorists have sought to integrate insights from multiple disciplines to develop a more comprehensive understanding of criminality. For example, feminist criminologists have drawn upon insights from sociology, psychology, and anthropology to better understand the role of gender in crime. And ecological criminologists have borrowed from geography and environmental science to study the impact of the physical environment on crime.

As criminology theory has become more sophisticated, it has also become more nuanced. Theorists are now able to better explain the causes of crime and make predictions about who is most likely to engage in criminal behaviour. This intellectual trajectory is likely to continue, as theorists strive to develop an even deeper understanding of the causes and dynamics of crime.

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Assignment Task 3: Appraise the application of theory in crime reduction

There is no denying that theory plays an important role in crime reduction. However, we must also consider the limitations of theory when applied to real-world situations.

The first step in any scientific endeavour is to form a hypothesis, or testable prediction, about what you expect to observe. When it comes to criminology, theorists attempt to explain why crime exists and propose ways to prevent it. While this is essential work, there are often problems with how theory is translated into practice.

One challenge is that criminological theories based on Broad-based findings may not be useful when applied to specific cases because the factors that influence an individual’s behaviour may not have been considered by the theorist. For example, a theory that focuses on the role of poverty in crime might not help understand why a particular person committed a crime.

In addition, criminological theories are often based on Western models of criminal justice, which may not be appropriate or effective in other cultures. For instance, the use of the “rational choice” theory to explain criminal behaviour has been critiqued for its lack of consideration of the socio-cultural context in which crime occurs.

Assignment Task 4: Identify the unit of analysis in theorising criminal and deviant behaviour

The unit of analysis in criminal and deviant behaviour is the individual. This means that behaviour is seen as determined by individual characteristics, such as personality or mental illness. It is also assumed that criminal and deviant behaviour arises from a failure to conform to societal norms and values. In other words, individuals engage in criminal and deviant behaviour because they are different from the majority of people in society who follow the law and obey social norms. Some of the most famous theories in criminology, such as psychopathy theory, self-control theory, and strain theory, all focus on how individual differences can lead to crime and deviance. 

However, it is important to realise that social factors also play a role in criminality and deviance. For example, people who come from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely to engage in criminal and deviant behaviour than those from privileged backgrounds. This is because they may have less opportunity to succeed in life and may turn to crime as a way of making money or getting attention. Additionally, people who live in areas with high rates of crime are more likely to be involved in criminal and deviant behaviour, either as victims or offenders. This is because they are exposed to more opportunities to commit crimes and are more likely to encounter people who engage in criminal and deviant behaviour.

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Assignment Task 5: Analyse criminal motivations

There can be a variety of motivations behind criminal behaviour, but some of the most common include greed, power, revenge, and thrill-seeking.

Greed is often a motivating factor for criminals who commit financial crimes such as fraud or embezzlement. They may see committing these crimes as an easy way to make money without having to work hard for it.

Power-hungry individuals may commit crimes such as robbery or extortion to gain control over others or feel powerful.

Revenge is a strong motivator for many criminals, who may commit violent crimes such as murder or assault in an attempt to get back at someone they feel has wronged them.

Thrill-seekers may be motivated by the adrenaline rush they get from committing a crime. They may also enjoy the excitement of outwitting law enforcement and getting away with their crimes.

Assignment Task 6: Illustrate the application of theories in crime control

There are a few different criminological theories that can be applied to crime control. The most common is the deterrence theory, which suggests that punishing criminals will deter future crime. Another theory is the rehabilitation theory, which suggests that rehabilitating criminals will help to reduce crime. Finally, there is the social control theory, which suggests that social bonds (such as family and community ties) prevent people from committing crimes.

Each of these theories has its strengths and weaknesses, and none is perfect. However, by combining different theories, it’s possible to create a more effective crime control strategy. For example, deterrence theory can be used to punish convicted criminals, while rehabilitation theory can be used to provide them with support and resources to help them turn their lives around. Social control theory can be used to engage communities in crime prevention efforts.

There is no one perfect solution to crime, but by using a variety of different approaches, it’s possible to create an effective crime control strategy.

Assignment Task 7: Formulate intervention strategies in crime prevention and crime control

Many different intervention strategies can be used in crime prevention and crime control. Some of the most common strategies include:

  1. Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), focuses on making physical environments less conducive to crime.
  2. CCTV surveillance uses video cameras to monitor areas prone to criminal activity.
  3. Community policing involves building partnerships between the police and the community to identify and address crime issues.
  4. Restorative justice seeks to repair the harm caused by criminal offences through mediation and reconciliation between offenders and their victims.
  5. Gun control, aims to reduce gun violence by regulating access to firearms.

Each of these strategies has its advantages and disadvantages, and no single strategy is guaranteed to be effective in preventing or controlling crime. It is often necessary to use a combination of different approaches to achieve the best results.

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