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Updated on: 20th Apr 2022

PSY353 Positive Psychology Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

Positive Psychology is the study of how people thrive despite external obstacles and their human frailties. This course explores concepts, issues, and processes that contribute to enhancing our quality of life and presents scientific research highlighting what leads us towards optimal human functioning; showing some humans can be even more resilient than others.

This course will introduce students to the theories and research that examine cognitive patterns in our minds, as well as practical applications for how these insights can help us make life fulfilling. We’ll also discuss social psychological perspectives on what constitutes a good quality of living–including self-reflection exercises designed so you can form your own opinions about what it takes.

The goal of this course is for students to understand and be able to explain basic theories in positive psychology, as well as criticize the cognition or behaviour that either enhances human growth. Course content will address questions like: “What are some good mindsets?” And also how do you live your life so it’s more flourishing? Students should leave understanding what makes up a happy person, how to increase their happiness & well-being as well as strategies for increasing resilience.

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You may be looking for a solution to your PSY353 assignment. We have the right course and materials. Our PSY353 Positive Psychology course is perfect for you. It includes a variety of materials and modules that can help you get the grade you need. We also have a team of experts who are available to help you every step of the way. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our PSY353 Positive Psychology course. You won’t regret it.

Assignment Task 1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the social psychological research and theories on well-being.

Social psychological research has shown that several key factors contribute to well-being. One of the most important is having a sense of control over one’s life and destiny. People who feel like they can direct their own lives and make choices that affect their lives are generally much happier and more satisfied than those who feel like they are on a track they cannot escape or do not have control over.

Another important factor is social support. People who have strong social networks – family, friends, community – to lean on in times of need are generally much happier and more resilient than those who do not have such support systems. Having people to rely on – and knowing that they will be there for you when you need them – is a key component of happiness and well-being.

Finally, having a sense of purpose in life is also important for well-being. People who have a clear sense of why they are here, what they are meant to do, and what their goals and objectives tend to be much happier and more satisfied than those who do not have such clarity. Knowing your purpose gives you a sense of control and direction in life, which are both key contributors to well-being.

Assignment Task 2: Examine the various social psychological research and theories on well-being.

Social psychological research and theories related to well-being suggest that one’s interactions with others, coping mechanisms, and outlook on life all play a role in how well individual functions. The following are some key ideas related to well-being:

Interpersonal relationships: Individuals who feel supported by positive social relationships often have better mental and physical health. One’s relationship with family, friends, co-workers and even strangers can affect their overall well-being.

Coping mechanisms: How an individual copes with stressors in their life can either protect or harm their well-being. Some helpful coping mechanisms include seeking social support, mindfulness, and problem-solving. On the other hand, harmful coping mechanisms include avoidance/denial, substance abuse, and aggression/violence.

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Assignment Task 3: Analyse the cognitions, behaviours, and factors which enhance or undermine optimal human growth.

Many factors can enhance or undermine optimal human growth. Cognitions, behaviours, and environmental factors all play a role in determining how well we grow and develop.

Cognitions play a role in how well we learn and remember information. If our cognitive skills are developed, we will have an easier time understanding new information and retaining it over time. Environmental factors such as nutrition, stress, and exercise can also influence cognition. If we are not getting enough nutrients, we may have trouble concentrating or remembering things. Too much stress can also lead to problems with cognition. Exercise is thought to be beneficial for cognition because it helps improve blood flow to the brain.

Behaviours also influence optimal human growth. Engaging in positive behaviours, such as physical activity, spending time with friends and family, and learning new things, can help us grow and develop. Conversely, engaging in negative behaviours, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs, can harm our development.

Assignment Task 4: Evaluate the theories regarding the factors that influence well-being.

Many factors influence wellbeing, including genetics, environment, lifestyle, and attitude. Here are some of the most important ones:

Genetics: Your genes play a role in how happy you are and how resilient you are to stress. Some people are simply born with a more positive outlook on life and are more likely to be happy regardless of their circumstances. Others may be more predisposed to anxiety or depression, making them more susceptible to negative emotions.

Environment: Your environment plays a big role in your happiness and well-being. If you live in a safe and supportive community with plenty of healthy activities and social support, you’re likely to be happier than someone who doesn’t. Conversely, if you live in a dangerous neighbourhood or don’t have many friends, you’re likely to be less happy.

Lifestyle: Your lifestyle also has a big impact on your happiness. If you have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep, you’re likely to be happier than someone who doesn’t. Conversely, if you smoke, drink heavily, and don’t get enough exercise, you’re likely to be less happy.

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Assignment Task 5: Apply positive psychology theories to your own lives.

One of the most popular positive psychology theories is that of “the three good things” or counting your blessings. The idea is that, every night before bed, you take a few minutes to write down three things that went well during the day, and why they went well. This exercise helps to focus your mind on the good things in your life, rather than the negative.

Another popular theory is that of “self-compassion”. The basic idea is that instead of being hard on yourself when you make a mistake, you should be kind and understanding – after all, nobody’s perfect! By practising self-compassion, you’ll be less likely to beat yourself up over your mistakes, and you’ll be more likely to learn from them.

Finally, don’t forget about the power of positive thinking! The basic idea behind this theory is that if you think positive thoughts, you’ll start to see positive results in your life. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore negative thoughts or pretend they don’t exist – rather, it means that you should focus on the positive aspects of any situation, and let the negative thoughts pass by.

Assignment Task 6: Propose recommendations for improving well-being using the theories and findings from positive psychology.

There are many recommendations for improving well-being that can be gleaned from the theories and findings of positive psychology. Some of these recommendations include developing a strong sense of self-awareness, pursuing meaningful goals and objectives, building strong relationships, practising gratitude and altruism, savouring life’s joys, and managing adversity effectively. While not an exhaustive list, these are some key areas that positive psychology research has shown can lead to greater happiness and fulfilment in life.

Developing a stronger understanding of oneself is a primary recommendation emerging from positive psychology theory. To do this, individuals must become aware of their strengths and weaknesses as well as their values and motivations. With this knowledge in hand, individuals can set about pursuing meaningful goals that make use of their strengths and fit with their values.

Furthermore, individuals need to have strong relationships to truly thrive. According to positive psychology research, social support is one of the key predictors of happiness and well-being. Individuals need to have close relationships with others who care about them and are there for them during good times and bad.

Assignment Task 7: Assess what constitutes well-being or a “good life” based on the empirical evidence in the literature.

There is a growing body of literature that points to the importance of certain factors in achieving well-being or a “good life.” Specifically, research suggests that individuals need to feel a sense of Autonomy and belonging, have a sense of purpose, and be part of supportive social networks to enhance their subjective well-being. 

Autonomy refers to feelings of self-determination and control over one’s life. A sense of purpose entails having goals to strive for and a belief that one’s life is meaningful. Social support means feeling connected to others and having positive relationships. 

Evidence suggests that these three factors are key components of a satisfying and fulfilling life. For example, research has shown that people who feel autonomous and purposeful are more likely to experience positive emotions such as happiness, satisfaction, and meaning in life. Furthermore, having a supportive network of friends and family is linked with better physical and mental health outcomes.

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