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Updated on: 22nd Oct 2020

Essay on Psychology and Wellness

The Institutions of Singapore evaluates student performance on the basis of written examination and continuous assessment. These assessments carry a reasonable mark which forces students to go online and search for a psychology assignment sample and psychology diploma assignments.

Psychology and Wellness both is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on social-emotional and biological wellbeing by combining natural Sciences and psychological methodology. Proper nutrition and regular exercise can promote Wellness.

Here we are providing a sample essay on psychology and Wellness so that student can get an idea about our work and written content.

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About improving psychological well being

Psychological well being is often used to define a person’s overall functioning and emotional health.

Here comes the importance of cognitive psychology which is the scientific study of an individual mental process like the language used, perception, memory, attention, thinking and problem-solving.

Psychological well-being is rated high in an individual only when he is doing well, fully satisfied with life, well supported and feels happy.

Here listing key factors of varied ways to improve the psychological well being

  • Creating purpose: if an individual is looking forward to improving his psychological wellbeing then he must live a life with the purpose and the meaning. Here a purpose is defined as maybe to become environment friendly, be kind to others or adopting pets
  • Recalling positive life events: psychological well being can be improved by thinking positively. Few strategies of creating a positive cycle are writing about your better future and recalling of best memories that happened in your life. It can be any family vacation or any award you ever won. Making small and measurable goals that can be easily achieved by you comes in this bracket.
  • Performing act of kindness: an individual can feel happy and positive by doing kind and nice stuff to other people. It can develop thinking in him that he can make a difference. Few examples are helping A friend in need, doing charity or getting involved in volunteering activities
  • Practising mindfulness: to stay in the moment is defined as mindfulness. It requires paying attention to your body, thoughts and actions. If an individual has learned this skill to be present at the moment then he can manage stress, depression, reduce anxiety and can cope with illness. People with a mindfulness scale can have improved self-esteem, relax life and become more responsible for their life.
  • Expressing gratitude: through social media, sending letters or thankful notes to friends and relatives
  • Identifying your strength: feeling confident and capable to accomplish any task will provide you strength. Work on the key areas to improve yourself. Reflect on your qualities and past achievements that you succeeded at
  • Practising forgiveness: by letting go of anger and past hurt. Regain positive energy by releasing yourself from the activities that are holding you back.
  • Fostering relationships: being lonely can affect your physical and emotional health therefore one should maintain good connections and strong social support with others.

Here the quality matters and not the quantity of the relationship.

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Why Is psychological well-being matters?

According to various studies if the psychological well being is higher or positive then it denotes that

  • An individual May enjoy higher earnings, good life quality, more prosocial behaviour, a healthy and longer life with few social problems.
  • To be less engaged in criminal activities, alcohol and drugs.

Every individual is different from one another. Their way of activities, thoughts, and actions differs a lot. To understand this concept the student can go through PSY 391 individual differences assignment uploaded on our website.

Ways to achieve positive psychological well-being

  1. To achieve this people should have enough food, a safe area of Living, an adequate shelter that is all the basic needs of the person are successfully met.
  2. Build and live a life that has goals and meaning to it.

Final words

To conclude here the Wellness concept is important for living a blissful, a healthy and content life.

Wellness is considered as a positive approach in the existing state of good health.

Wellness is a dynamic and an active process of growth and change to enhance overall well-being by reaching to the maximum capability.

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 Wellness contains 8 various factors like

  • intellectual
  • emotional
  • financial
  • environmental
  • social
  • physical
  • occupational
  • spiritual Wellness

Researchers say that psychological well-being is not necessarily high in a person if stress is absent in him.

Here we can finally say that a person cannot choose their state of Mental Health but they have the ability to make the conscious choice to live a satisfactory life of Wellness.

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