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Updated on: 27th Apr 2022

RSH601 Doctoral Research Study I Assignment Sample SUSS Singapore

In this RSH601 Doctoral Research Study, I will allow students to conduct a review on selected topics under the guidance of their supervisor. The topics are determined by each student and should be related in some way to his/her current dissertation research, while still allowing for creativity outside these parameters.

This course lasts over one semester where there must occur at least three meetings between both parties involved: me (the student) as well as my assigned mentor; we’ll decide how often those sessions might take place via email correspondence before lockdown dates are set us off into different timelines entirely! By submitting 5k words worth – maybe more depending upon what kind-of report you want out of this class – you’ll have plenty to go off of for your future dissertation.

This RSH601 Doctoral Research Study I course will help students learn how to effectively communicate their research findings concisely and logically. In addition, this class will provide students with an opportunity to work on their writing skills and learn how to properly format a research paper.

Furthermore, this class will also allow students to learn how to use different research methods and techniques to gather data for their papers. Finally, this class will also allow students to learn about the different aspects of the research process, such as literature reviews, data collection, and data analysis.

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Assignment Activity 1: Critique the literature on the selected topics(s)

To critique the literature on the selected topics, it is important to first understand the different types of research studies that are out there.

There are three main types of research studies: observational studies, case-control studies, and randomized controlled trials. Observational studies are non-experimental and look at relationships between factors (e.g., smoking and lung cancer) by observing groups of people over time. Case-control studies are also non-experimental, but they compare two groups of people who have been diagnosed with a disease (cases) with two groups of people who do not have the disease (controls). Randomized controlled trials are experiments in which people are randomly assigned to one of two or more groups. One group (the experimental group) receives the intervention being studied (e.g., a new medication), while the other group(s) (the control group) does not.

When critiquing the literature on a given topic, it is important to consider all three types of research studies. However, randomized controlled trials are generally considered to be the gold standard, as they provide the strongest evidence for cause-and-effect relationships.

Assignment Activity 2: Appraise the state-of-the-art on the selected topics(s)

The state-of-the-art on the selected topics is constantly evolving and improving+1g. As new research is conducted and new technologies are developed, our understanding of the topic increases. This means that the state-of-the-art is never static, but always moving forward. This can be seen as a positive because it means that our knowledge base is constantly increasing. However, it can also be seen as a negative, because it means that there is always more to learn and keep up with. 

In general, the state-of-the-art on most topics is good. We have come a long way in our understanding of many things, and continue to make progress every day. However, there are always areas where we could improve. For example, on the topic of climate change, we have made great strides in our understanding of the issue and what needs to be done to mitigate it. However, there is still much work to be done in terms of actually reducing emissions and slowing the rate of climate change. This is just one example of where the state-of-the-art could be improved.

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Assignment Activity 3: Assess the value of researching the selected topics(s)

The value of researching the selected topics is that it can help us to better understand the world around us. By understanding the complexities of these topics, we can develop a more nuanced view of the world and work to find solutions to some of the most challenging problems facing society today.

Furthermore, research can also help to improve our understanding of different cultures and how best to interact with them. As different cultures come into contact with each other more frequently in the modern world, it is increasingly important that we have a clear understanding of their values and perspectives. Research on these topics can help us to do just that.

In short, the value of researching the selected topics is that it can help us to develop a deeper understanding of the world around us and find ways to improve our society.

Assignment Activity 4: Formulate research ideas and direction

One of the best ways to generate research ideas and direction is to keep up with the latest in your field. Read articles, attend conferences, and talk to others in your field to get a sense of what areas are being studied and what new questions are being asked. Once you have a good understanding of the current state of research in your field, you can start thinking about possible directions for future research.

Another great way to come up with ideas for research is to look at unsolved problems in your field. These are areas where there are still many unanswered questions or unanswered puzzles. Try to think about ways that you could address these unsolved problems and contribute new knowledge to the field.

Both of these approaches – staying current with the latest research and looking at unsolved problems – can help you to formulate ideas for future research projects. Once you have some ideas, you can start narrowing them down by feasibility and potential impact. Try to choose projects that you are passionate about and that you think would be interesting and important to work on. Then, start developing a plan for how you will conduct the research and what you hope to achieve.

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Assignment Activity 5: Design the research approach

The research approach should be designed in a way that will allow the scientist to answer the question as comprehensively as possible. A literature review should be conducted to gain an understanding of what has already been studied on the topic and what gaps in knowledge still exist.

After that, a hypothesis should be formulated and tested. The research methodologies that will be used should be selected based on the type of data that is needed to support or disprove the hypothesis. Finally, the data collection and analysis process should be planned so that all of the findings can be summarized in a report at the end of the study.

The first step in designing the research approach is to understand the question that needs to be answered. In this case, the question is “What are the factors that influence people’s willingness to adopt new technology?” Once the question has been clearly defined, a literature review can be conducted to see what previous studies have already been done on the topic.

Assignment Activity 6: Compose a treatise on the selected topics(s)

If you’re planning on pursuing a doctoral degree, then you’ll need to complete a research study as part of your program. The purpose of this study is to gain an in-depth understanding of a particular topic or issue. You’ll be expected to contribute new knowledge to the field through your research.

There are many different types of research studies that you can undertake, but one type that is particularly well suited for doctoral students is the Doctoral Research Study (DRS). This type of study allows you to work independently on a topic of your choice, and it provides you with the opportunity to develop close working relationships with faculty members who can serve as mentors during your research process.

The DRS is an important part of your doctoral program, and you must select a topic that is both challenging and interesting to you. You’ll need to be prepared to devote a significant amount of time and energy to your research project, so it’s important to choose a topic that you’re passionate about.

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