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Updated on: 20th Dec 2021

SCO104 TMA Globalisation and Technology Assignment SUSS Sample Singapore

The course invites students to think critically about the interaction between technological change and globalization. This dynamic has played a key role in deepening global markets, as well as accelerating technologies’ diffusion around the world – but it also unleashed forces that have blunted or even reversed this momentum for further economic integration on political cooperation.

Globalization is neither irreversible nor inevitable. This course will impart this central insight by placing de-globalization in the digital age within its historical context and helping you become conscious of how technologically deterministic attitudes often shape our expectations for global integration or technological change during previous cycles.

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Buy Assessment Answer For SCO104 Globalisation and Technology SUSS Module

This is the perfect opportunity for you to get an answer on your question about SCO104. The Globalisation and Technology SUSS Module will teach students how they can apply these skills in their everyday life, which means that when it comes time for an examination – not only do we have all necessary information at hand but also some helpful advice. is your go-to platform for all your SCO 104 Globalisation and Technology assessment needs. We understand that tackling assessments such as SCO104 DB01, SCO104 TMA, SCO104 PCOQ, and SCO104 Quiz can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding how to apply the concepts of globalisation and technology in real-life scenarios. That’s where our expertise comes in.

SCO104 SUSS Assignment Brief 1: Explain the meaning of globalisation and de-globalisation.

Globalisation refers to the increasing interconnectedness of economies and societies around the world. It has been spurred on by advances in technology and transportation, which have made it easier than ever for people to connect and do business with one another.

De-globalisation, on the other hand, refers to a trend towards withdrawing from global trade agreements and international organisations. This can be driven by a variety of factors, including protectionist policies, nationalism, and concerns about the impact of globalization on domestic jobs and economies.

Globalisation has led to unprecedented levels of prosperity and connectivity. On the other hand, it has also resulted in increased inequality, job insecurity, and environmental degradation. Ultimately, it is up to each individual country to decide whether the benefits of globalization outweigh the costs.

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SCO104 SUSS Assignment Brief 2: Describe the impact of technological change on the globalisation cycle.

Increasing technology around the world encourages globalisation. There are three primary causes of technological change in developing nations – foreign aid, exchange programs for professionals, and uncontrolled technology imports.

Each one of these causes has opened up new markets and encouraged trade in an existing market. For example, with the proliferation of cell phones high-tech goods increased dramatically when barriers to importing them were removed, especially in countries like China which often requires factories be licensed specifically to produce goods for export only. These special requirements helped eliminate import competition by locals who lacked international connections or funding opportunities outside of their home country’s borders.

A second factor that has driven globalisation and technology uptake is the growth of foreign aid. In the early days of development assistance, much of it focused on building infrastructure – such as ports, dams, and power plants. Increasingly, however, donors have come to see that one of the most important ways to help a country develop is to help it build the institutions and human capital necessary to take advantage of new technologies.

Assignment Brief 3: Identify the factors that affect technological change and the adoption and diffusion of technology.

There are many factors that affect technological change and the adoption and diffusion of technology. Some of these factors include:

  • Economic conditions (e.g. affluence/poverty, recession, etc.)
  • Social conditions (e.g. social norms, education levels, family support structures, etc.)
  • Political conditions (e.g. government regulation, tariffs/taxes, etc.)
  • Technological factors (e.g. the cost and availability of new technology, the level of innovation in a particular industry or sector, etc.)
  • Environmental factors (e.g climate change, energy prices, natural resources availability/costs, etc.)
  • Cultural factors (e.g. culture, religion, etc.)

Each of these factors can affect the rate at which new technology is adopted and diffused. For example, in times of recession or economic hardship, people may be less likely to adopt new technology because they have less money to spend. Alternatively, in times of affluence or growth, people may be more likely to adopt new technology because they have more money to spend and are looking for ways to improve their lives. Similarly, social norms can play a role in technology adoption.

Assignment Brief 4: Discuss the impact of the digital age on globalisation.

The digital age has had a significant impact on globalisation. For one, it has facilitated the easy exchange of information and ideas between people from all corners of the globe. This has helped to break down cultural and linguistic barriers, and has made it easier for people to connect with each other and learn about different cultures.

The digital age has also made it easier for people to travel and do business in different parts of the world. And thanks to online payment systems, it is now easier than ever to conduct transactions remotely. This has helped to promote global economic cooperation and integration, and has led to a more interconnected world economy.

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The digital age has also led to the rise of virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin. These currencies can be used in online transactions, and are often seen as safer than traditional currencies since they are decentralised and there is no central authority that issues them.

Assignment Brief 5: Examine the impact of technology firms (eg. Big Tech) on international economic and political affairs.

Technology firms have a considerable impact on international economic and political affairs. The largest companies, such as Google and Facebook, have over 2 billion combined users worldwide, which puts them in a position to shape any given country’s policies. This is controversial because many people question the extent to which these companies should be allowed to exert so much control over information flow between countries around the world.

Some experts question the extent to which this control ultimately benefits poorer countries or populations that may lack access or an appreciation for technology. For example, some international economists believe that various forms of advanced technology (such as smartphones) create dependency problems among uncompetitive developing economies like Bangladesh and Malaysia by creating unrealistic expectations about income levels and lifestyles – thereby discouraging investment in more sustainable industries.

On the other hand, Facebook has been credited with helping to topple oppressive regimes in North Africa and the Middle East during the Arab Spring uprisings. The company has also been at the forefront of developing innovative new methods for circumventing censorship and promoting freedom of expression around the world.

Assignment Brief 6: Develop critical perspectives on technological determinism in the digital age.

Technological determinism is the idea that new technologies are developed with specific purposes in mind, which leads to the belief that humans are inevitably drawn toward specific cultural goals. This idea can be broken down into two parts–planning and progress. Planning is essentially determining the goals of a new technology before it has been developed, while progress refers to how once an item is produced society actually changes to accommodate it (or resist change).

Both parts of technological determinism say that any new technology will always accomplish what was initially planned for it by its creators. The goal then becomes finding out whether or not societies might change or resist these changes; especially when it comes to altering traditional cultural values.

This idea of technological determinism is often regarded as negative, because it imposes the belief that humans are not in control of their own destiny. However, some technologists argue that this is simply how technology progresses and it cannot be stopped regardless of human resistance.

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