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Updated on: 3rd Dec 2020

Security plan of building in Singapore  Essay

Security at workplaces is the primary responsibility of the top management.

This is one of the topics included in security studies assignments given to the student by their instructors.

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Students of Singapore studying in any university are provided with such topics to write assignments and essays to test their knowledge and comprehension skills.

You can go through the sample below.

Introduction to security plan of building

The security plan includes the resources, responsibilities, and approaches applied to manage and mitigate security risks.

With an increase in nationwide crime against businesses and workplaces, the stakes in the security of the workplace are high.

The terrorism threat in Singapore has led to special attention by the building owners towards the security of the premises.

The possible threats to the building are by

  •  VBIED (vehicle Borne improvised explosive devices)
  •  Armed assailants attack
  •  Biological and chemical agents
  •  Improvised explosive device IED
  •  Unauthorized entry

Guidelines for enhancing building security in Singapore (GEBSS)

The objective of the GEBSS is to consider the physical security of the building as the main component. However, the owners of the building are encouraged to consider information security and personal security as a Holistic suite.

  •  The security design should also consider other constraints such as aesthetics, cost, and accessibility.
  •  To be used for all sorts of the premises irrespective of sizes.
  •  The building security plan must include security Technology, physical protection concepts, and pragmatic security procedures.
  •  The targeted audience includes security Consultants, construction project managers, construction developers, structural engineers, architects, and security system designers.

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General architectural considerations

It includes the creation of standoff distance, building orientation, facade systems, traffic flows, proper building diagnostics, area of the mass congregation, any special attention area such as Underground car parks, entry, and exit of the building.

The operation and maintenance of building services will include design, planning, and building consideration.

  •  Understanding the terrain and environment while selecting the site
  •  Orientation and positioning of the buildings
  •  Landscaping required to create a security buffer
  •  A structural scheme such as car parking location or location of critical assets
  •  Incorporating physical security
  •  Ensuring that the building information is not available on the Internet or any other public domain.

Risk management process

The proper approach of risk management should be adopted by the building owners to check the security measures that might address identified threats.

Four key steps are included in the risk management process.

  • Gathering data and identifying assets-To gather data about building layout, building operations, perimeter, and Outer vicinity, and identifying assets such as people, utility areas, electronic data, and standard operating procedures.
  • Identifying threats and reviewing security measures– to review security measures like armed security officers, patrolling schedule, alarm systems, motion sensors, CCTV, panic buttons, screening procedures, and visitor access.
  • Design mitigation measures– it includes developing threat scenarios, risk assessment, scoring the risk, and revaluation.
  • Updating security plans– identifying suspicious persons and activities, incident reporting procedures, familiarization with the evacuation plan and crisis response plan.

Building security measures

The required protection levels are based on the site constraints or considerations of financial feasibility and security requirements.

The Singapore civil defense force and internal security department have provided various security measures.

  • Landscaping-clear zones can be achieved by designing the landscape properly. A clear zone is formed by the combination of architectural and civil elements with exterior landscaping. It requires restricted visibility to ensure no objects or intrusion gets unnoticed.
  • Security post– enhancing the security guard’s ability to perform the duties being well equipped and well-positioned. it includes security screening, installation of CCTV, proper communication with security control room, and blind spots to be monitored by the cameras
  • Perimeter design-anti-intrusion barrier such as welded mesh fencing, vehicle security barriers, forced entry standards, and interlocking vehicle entrance.
  • Security systems– includes data gathering sensors such as cameras, detectors, alarm systems, wireless channels, and cabling. As the technology becomes obsolete in some time therefore, the building infrastructure must be designed so that all security systems can be upgraded easily.

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  • Regulatory requirements-all relevant to Singapore building standards, regulatory controls, and codes must be followed. The Singapore civil defense force must be consulted before planning the building project.
  • Communication systems and intercom– it includes telephone-based systems, wireless system, video phone, and metrics systems are to be regularly maintained
  • The positioning of critical utilities– utility systems can suffer maximum damage when it is subjected to the explosion or attack. It includes smoke ventilation systems and fire extinguishers to be installed and function properly. To also make decisions regarding building material, envelope walls, Windows, and doors.


Workplace crisis will directly affect production therefore, everyone must be involved in maintaining the security of a building.

Approval from all government authorities should be sought including the Singapore land Transport authority, urban redevelopment authority, and the Singapore land authority before installing the security barriers.

By abiding by the guidelines provided by the authority and safety measures, Singaporean communities should be prepared for any unwanted mishaps or attacks that can take place in the future.

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